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Early Society in Africa

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1 Early Society in Africa

2 Challenging Environments
Deserts – unsuitable for life – push into more welcoming temperatures (Sahara and Kalahari) SAHEL- Congo, Zambezi and Niger Rivers Humans migrated to savannas; 40% of Africa, dry/rainy seasons – agriculture Rainforests – also unsuitable – 150 ft trees – tsetse flies (sleeping sickness)


4 Early Farming Groups 7,000 BCE- Africans begin to farm
Cotton, yams, grains Pastoralism- raising herd animals comes before farming 3,000 BCE- the Sahara starts becoming drier- like the desert we know today Village Culture- clans and family based Extended family all lives together in one house or one compound Age-sets- form special ”brotherly” bonds with people your own age in your village. You look out for each other and share important events in life with them (growing up together) Religion unseen spirits of ancestors nearby- Celebrate ancestors with statues Animism- bodies of water, animals, trees, natural objects have spirits ORAL TRADITIONS ONLY- no writing

5 Bantu Migration Bantu “the people” – W. Africa – would migrate East and then Southward disrupted Khoisan (original Southern African group) starting in 0 CE Small villages – polygamy, hunters, hereditary chieftains Causes of Migration: rising population in the East from farming pushed them to look for new land to farm Hundreds of Bantu Languages developed and spread around Africa By 900 CE- women are farming, men are tending Animals Social status is based on how big your herd is


7 Push-Pull Factors Factors which ‘push’ or ‘pull’ people to/away from a certain region (resources, employment, land) Could cause clashes, tension with other groups

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