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International Environment

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1 International Environment
The international environment is of increasing concern to companies around the world because it is both a major opportunity and a major threat. Threat exists in the presence of international forces that increase uncertainty. Opportunity exists in the huge new markets and resource pools abroad.

2 Choosing a Strategy The three factors that influence the choice
of strategy for global expansion are: Pressures for global integration Pressures for local responsiveness Bureaucratic costs

3 Multidomestic Strategy
Responds to local pressures and customizes products to suit the needs of customers in each country Manufacturing, R&D, marketing abroad Achieve a differentiation advantage Bureaucratic costs are lowest

4 International Strategy
Offers customers in all countries a standardized product and allows foreign divisions to adapt products to local preferences only slightly Manufacturing abroad R&D and marketing at home Bureaucratic costs are low

5 Global Strategy Organization reduces production costs so that it can offer foreign consumers less expensive products than their domestic companies offer Manufacturing at a few low-cost locations, R&D and marketing at home Bureaucratic costs are high

6 Transnational Strategy
Simultaneously achieves the advantages of both a global strategy and a multidomestic strategy. Manufacturing, R&D, marketing abroad Emphasis on global learning / cost reduction Bureaucratic costs are highest

7 Understanding Regional Cultures
Discuss in small groups led by non-American students: How are Americans seen abroad? What values or beliefs affect behavior in your culture? Consider: Class/status Environment Ethnic ties Governmental issues Religion

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