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Dr. Laina McDonald Division Director of 9-12 Schools and Student Services

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2 Dr. Laina McDonald Division Director of 9-12 Schools and Student Services

3 Why Entrepreneurship? Fall of 2015 Gallup Student Poll Results
IISD had a higher rate of students planning on opening their own business compared to the U.S. overall. IISD had a higher rate of students who are inventors compared to the U.S. overall Entrepreneurial aspirations have created the need for these programs

4 Four Entrepreneurship Programs
Fifth Grade IDEA Program – 18 Week Program Middle school elective course focusing on entrepreneurship MacArthur HS Signature Study School of Business and Entrepreneurship Adult Education and Literacy partnerships with STAHLS and DCCCD

5 One Better Irving ISD will be the ONLY district in Texas to offer an entrepreneurship experience to every 5th grade student

6 Partnership


8 Fifth Grade IDEA Program
Provide a meaningful student experience Introduce students to entrepreneurs’ iterative process Community involvement Creativity of product development

9 Product Focus Re-purpose Recycle Service



12 Middle and High School Programs
These programs offers students an authentic entrepreneurship experience Year long courses Middle school program is geared towards creating a product concept High school program is a two year program where students create the business model and concept in year one and in year two seek funding for their product launch

13 Skills Students in our IDEA programs will develop skills necessary for our world’s 21st century economy: Adaptability Collaboration Critical Thinking Creativity Problem Solving

14 Opportunities Need mentors for fifth grade students
Need high school business experts as mentors Share the opportunities offered through our Adult Education program

15 Questions

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