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Communication and Social Behaviour Part 2

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1 Communication and Social Behaviour Part 2
Higher Human Biology Communication and Social Behaviour Part 2

2 What do I know? What is meant by the term ‘social behaviour’?
What is infant attachment? When does infant attachment become apparent? What is the effect of poor infant attachment on a child’s development? What is the ‘strange situation’? Why do humans have a long period of dependency? What are the three degrees of control and their effects on the child?

3 What are we learning today?
What is the importance of non-verbal communication in the formation of relationships between individuals? In what three ways is verbal communication used?

4 Why is non-verbal communication in parent-infant bonding important?
When asked which side they held their baby – most mothers responded by saying on their left side. It is thought that the sound of the mothers heart beat offers a familiar rhythm the baby recognises and therefore provides comfort Clinging, suckling and crying trigger the protection response in the mother. Bottle feeding also provides similar comfort as breast feeding.

5 Why is non-verbal communication important? cont’d
Non-verbal communication continues throughout infancy Smiling occurs before it is considered a social activity – proof – 4 week old babies smile even when no one is there to smile at. 2 month old babies smile in response to things they like – indicates well-being

6 Why is non-verbal communication important? cont’d
6 month old babies use smiling as a selective social act – reserved for mother and other close members of family network Smiling is an important non-verbal response because it makes the baby appealing and loveable – has survival value because it ensures the baby will receive the food, care and attention it needs while at its most helpless. Sounds formed between parent and baby are used as a form of communication - progress to become words

7 Why is non-verbal communication important in adults?
Facial expressions can show how a person is feeling therefore communicates emotions and attitudes (women generally more able to read facial expression than men) Looking is used as a signal - avoiding eye contact implies you have something to hide (whether you do or not) - strangers will avoid eye contact if a gaze lasts too long and makes them feel uncomfortable

8 Facial Expression Clips

9 Why is non-verbal communication important in adults?
looking someone in the eye when talking to them encourages the listener to trust and believe what you are saying Maintaining eye contact is also a communication tool people in a close relationship will make sustained eye contact more frequently than those who are not

10 Non-verbal communication in adults cont’d
Body language - certain gestures and the way you hold your body can display your attitude "Using the right body language was essential" Pierluigi Collina Getty Images

11 What does this picture say to you?
Body Language cont’d What does this picture say to you?

12 Body Language
video 1hr 30 min

13 Body language cont’d Personal space
- there is an acceptable distance that should exist between people while conducting a conversation - this distance is different for different cultures - if you increase the space between you and another it may indicate dislike - if you decrease the distance it can suggest sexual attraction OR aggression (take care with this one folks!!!)

14 Non-verbal communication in adults cont’d
Touch Acceptable and non-acceptable

15 Verbal communication Many different aspects of voice must be interpreted correctly in order to understand the meaning Auditory signals include: - tone - accent - emphasis - speed of delivery - timing of speech (think about these in turn and how each implies emotions of a person)

16 Language Language is a system that combines sounds into spoken words – usually represented by a series of written symbols Sounds can be arranged into categories and more complex hierarchies Sounds and symbols have meaning to members of society and enable them to express thoughts, feelings and information Our ability to communicate in this way sets us apart from other animals Language also enables the passing on of information over a long period of time and promotes: Acceleration of learning Cultural and scientific progress Social evolution

17 Activities Testing your Knowledge Qs p 288 No’s 1-4 Pre-reading
Chapter 20 p

18 What do I know? What is the importance of non-verbal communication in the formation of relationships between individuals? In what three ways is verbal communication used?

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