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Entrepreneurship Centers

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1 Entrepreneurship Centers
Models for Entrepreneurship Centers Tina L. Seelig

2 Most university entrepreneurship centers share several important principles in common
Educate of the next generation of leaders Teach skills and inspire innovation Build networks within our own universities Create relationships with industry Develop sustainable programs within our schools

3 However, we also have many important differences, such as:
University-wide versus one department Location within the university Emphasis on teaching versus research Major, minor, or extracurricular Endowments versus expendable funds

4 What are the variables that we should consider when describing a university entrepreneurship center?

5 Some metrics to consider:
High Technology Single School Soft Money Teaching High Research Skill Development Elective Regular Faculty Student Leadership Urban Environment Low Technology University Wide Hard Money Resources/Support Low Research Technology Transfer Formal Major/Minor Adjunct Faculty Facult/Staff Leadership Rural Environment

6 Map each of our programs on the matrix we have created.

7 Some metrics to consider:
High Technology Single School Soft Money Teaching High Research Skill Development Elective Regular Faculty Student Leadership Urban Environment Low Technology University Wide Hard Money Resources/Support Low Research Technology Transfer Formal Major/Minor Adjunct Faculty Faculty/Staff Leadership Rural Environment

8 This comparison allows you to:
Observe the range of programs that exists Clearly communicate your model to your stakeholders Identify programs that are similar to yours Define where you are now and where you want to go Determine resources needed for success

9 Let’s drill down on the Financial Model
If you have hard money, does it pay for all activities? If you have soft money, what are your sources? What is your balance of hard and soft funds? What have you done to creatively bring in soft money? Is it better to have endowments or expendable funds?

10 Despite our different approaches, we have a
models, our core values are the same. Despite our different approaches, we have a lot to learn from one another.

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