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Bellwork: Tuesday.

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1 Bellwork: Tuesday

2 Rule # 6: Capitalize the days of the week, months of the year, and holidays. example: Labor Day is always celebrated on the first Monday of September.

3 On the fourth of july we listened to the song, “Ray Of Light”.
I love looking at the beautiful trees in the northeast when I drive to my grandma’s house for thanksgiving. I love looking at the beautiful trees in the Northeast when I drive to my grandma’s house for Thanksgiving.

4 3. Janelle and I are driving North to Minnesota on Tuesday to celebrate New year’s eve with Amanda.
4. My friends and I listened to the song, “my funny valentine” on valentine’s day. My friends and I listened to the song, “My Funny Valentine” on Valentine’s Day.

5 5. Is memorial day on monday, may 26th this year
5. Is memorial day on monday, may 26th this year? Is Memorial Day on Monday, May 26th this year?

6 Bellwork: Wednesday

7 Apparent Part of speech: adjective Share out sentences!
Remember this word by: syllables: a-ppar-ent repeated letters: p APPARENT MEANS OBVIOUS!

8 Appearance Part of speech: noun Share out sentences!
Remember this word by: syllables: a-ppear-ance repeated letters: p THE WORD “PEAR” IS IN APPEARANCE!

9 Bellwork: THURsday

10 Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
Alot Apparent Acummulate None of the above B is the correct answer!!

11 2. Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
Appearance Apearance Apperance None of the above A is the correct answer!!

12 3. What does apparent mean? Share out sentences!!

13 4. Which of the following sentences is correct according to the rules of capitalization?
Travis traveled a few miles South on Highway 1 to see the whales migrating along coast in January. On August 6th, 1988 Louis and Lily took I-35 north until they reached the Midwest. Each year on Veteran’s day, we remember our great grandpa who fought for our freedom. Sometimes on Fridays, our class sings the song, “it’s Friday’”. B is the correct answer!!

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