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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY PRESENTATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 BUREAUCRACY PRONOUNCE IT LIKE: byoo-rok-ruh-see NOUN DEFINITIONS: SYSTEM OF AGENCIES We will try to minimize the bureaucracy involved in these arrangements. A GOOD WAY TO REMEMBER: …uh…

3 MANTRA PRONOUCE IT LIKE: man-truh NOUN DEFINITION: A word or incantation sung as a prayer You know the mantra - no pain, no gain. A good way to remember: MANtra, men yell and chant dumb things all the time.

4 SCHISM PRONOUCE IT LIKE: siz-uhm, skiz- NOUN DEFINITION: DIVISION OR DISUNION There’s an obvious schism on the football team between the good players and the bad players. REMEMBER IT LIKE: SKIZ LIKE SKURT LIKE MOVE, AS IN DIVISION

5 IMPERIALISM PRONOUCE IT LIKE: im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm NOUN DEFINITION: Policy of extending power over another empire or nation. If you don’t understand imperialism by now you have failed as a student. REMEMBER IT LIKE: APUSH,VAGLIO,

6 ANTEDILUVIAN PRONOUCE IT LIKE: an-tee-di-loo-vee-uhn ADJECTIVE DEFINITION: Very old fashioned, ancient Her teaching was extremely antediluvian; she whipped children when they talked out of turn. REMEMBER IT LIKE: “ANT” LIKE “ANTIQUE”


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