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National Honor Society

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Presentation on theme: "National Honor Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Honor Society

2 Welcome

3 Today’s Agenda Service/Leadership Log Clarifications
Discuss T-Shirts and Society Dues Guest Speaker: Ms. Flores Hand Turkey Creation

4 Service and Leadership Log Clarification
Both logs are due at 11:59 P.M. the Monday before a meeting. Logs can ONLY be ed to For the December meeting, although we do not have a physical meeting, the logs will be due on the third Monday of the month. Although the word “monthly” was used at the last meeting, we meant to say that one log must be completed in between each meeting.

5 T-Shirts and Society Dues
T-shirts cost $8, payable in cash to Mrs. Vivian in her office. Fees are online, and are payable through your student portal. Click on “apps/services/sites” and go to the “OSP” option.

6 Hand Turkey Creation Cut out the shape of your hand on a sheet of colored paper. On the fingers and palms, write things you are thankful for. Once you have finished your hand turkey, turn it in, and we will hang them up outside of Mrs. Vivian’s office tomorrow.


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