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San Onofre.

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1 San Onofre

2 Cancer Study The risk of cancer in children and adults living near the San Onofre nuclear power plant will be the subject of a major study by federal regulators. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will examine cancer rates and other issues at the plant as part of a larger study that will include health risks at seven nuclear power facilities across the nation, including the Dresden Nuclear Power Station in Illinois, The Millstone Power Station in Connecticut and the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in New Jersey.

3 Do you expect to see higher cancer rates?
Yes No Not enough information to make a judgment

4 Edison Proposal to restart
Southern California Edison asked federal regulators Thursday for permission to restart one reactor at the shuttered San Onofre nuclear plant, but the plant will not return to full power in the near future. The proposal comes eight months after the plant was powered down over safety concerns when a small amount of radioactive steam was released from one of the plant's generator tubes.

5 Opposition to restarting
Environmentalists accused federal regulators of conducting a bogus review of a proposal to restart the damaged San Onofre nuclear power plant on the California coast, and nearby residents demanded the abandonment of the plan and the shutdown of the plant. Just days after Southern California Edison asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for permission to repair and start the Unit 2 reactor, then run it at reduced power, the agency is facing pressure from groups critical of the nuclear power industry to initiate a review that could take months or even years to complete.

6 The NRC is "denying the public any meaningful voice" in the review to restart the plant, which has been shuttered since January, Friends of the Earth, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Committee to Bridge the Gap said in a joint statement Tuesday. Their sentiments were echoed at a public meeting of the NRC that drew a crowd of more than 800 people later Tuesday. "We cannot be used as an experiment to see if there will be more radiation leaks or release," said Grace Van Thillo, a resident of nearby San Clemente and a panelist at the meeting, according to the Orange County Register.

7 Should San Onofre be restarted?
Yes, Southern California needs to have the source of 23% of its electricity restored No, even if a solution is found for the damaged generators, the plant is based on too old technology I want to wait until the Nuclear Regulatory Commission makes a judgment, and then make up my mind

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