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به نام خدا Blood circulation dr. Radmanesh.

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1 به نام خدا Blood circulation dr. Radmanesh

2 Regulation of Peripheral Blood Flow
dr. Radmanesh

3 dr. Radmanesh

4 Regulation of Peripheral Blood Flow
Intrinsic (Locally in the tissues) Metabolic Factors Endothelial Factors Extrinsic nervous system Humorally dr. Radmanesh

5 Intrinsic Control of Local Blood Flow: (Acute Control of Local Blood Flow) Metabolic Factors
dr. Radmanesh

6 dr. Radmanesh Downloaded from: StudentConsult (on 14 June :20 PM) © 2005 Elsevier

7 Acute Control of Local Blood Flow
Hypoxia Tissue metabolites and ions Adenosine Potassium ions Carbon dioxide Hydrogen ion Lactic acid Inorganic phosphate dr. Radmanesh

8 Hypoxia dr. Radmanesh

9 Local Changes in Metabolism (O2) (Oxygen demand theory)
tissues extracellular fluid oxygen blood flow capillaries arteriole 4. O2 levels in the ECF decrease 5. ↓ [O2] causes vascular smooth muscle to relax: vasodilation dr. Radmanesh

10 Local Changes in Metabolism (O2) (Oxygen demand theory)
tissues extracellular fluid oxygen blood flow capillaries arteriole 6. Increased blood flow 7. Increased O2 delivery dr. Radmanesh

11 vasomotion dr. Radmanesh

12 and/or Local Changes in Blood Flow
Local Changes in Metabolism (Effects of CO2) and/or Local Changes in Blood Flow  [CO2]: Vasodilation Increased Blood Flow: ↓ pH; ↑ K+; ↑ lactic acid  vasodilation dr. Radmanesh

13 Examples of Metabolic Control of Local Bloodflow
Active Hyperemia Reactive Hyperemia dr. Radmanesh

14 Active Hyperemia dr. Radmanesh

15 dr. Radmanesh

16 Active Hyperemia dr. Radmanesh

17 dr. Radmanesh

18 Autoregulation of bloood flow
dr. Radmanesh Downloaded from: StudentConsult (on 14 June :20 PM) © 2005 Elsevier

19 Autoregulation of blood flow
Metabolic Theory Myogenic theory dr. Radmanesh

20 Intrinsic Control of Local Blood Flow: 2:Endothelial Factors
dr. Radmanesh

21 The endothelium plays an active role in regulating the microcirculation
Nitric Oxide (NO) Prostacyclin Endothelin dr. Radmanesh

22 Nitric Oxide (EDRF) endothelium derived relaxing factor Rapid flow of blood through the arteries and arterioles causes increase in the release of nitric oxide dr. Radmanesh

23 Synthesis of Nitric Acid
dr. Radmanesh

24 Contd… dr. Radmanesh

25 dr. Radmanesh

26 dr. Radmanesh

27 NO NO bind to Fe 2+ haem group Active Guanylate Cyclase
of Guanylyl Cyclase Increased cGMP Increased intracellular Ca 2+ Relaxes muscle Dilating the vessel & lowering B.P. dr. Radmanesh

28 Nitric Oxide Signaling
Relaxation of smooth muscle 1) Stimulated nerve releases Acetylcholine(ACh) at Nerve terminal 2) ACh binds to receptors on endothelial cells Smooth muscle cell blood vessel wall 4) NO diffuses across membranes GTP cGMP Arg NO NO 3) Activate NO synthase 5) NO binds to Guanylyl cyclase dr. Radmanesh

29 The Action of Nitric Oxide on Blood Vessels
dr. Radmanesh

30 Synthesis of Nitric Oxide
Kinase dr. Radmanesh

31  Endotoxin (a bacterial lipopolysaccyhaaride)
Bacterial Infection  Endotoxin (a bacterial lipopolysaccyhaaride)  Activates NOS in macrophages  Produces NO  vasodilation  ↓ BP  Death from Septic Shock (50-70% mortality) dr. Radmanesh

32 Endothelin Synthesized by endothelium Potent vasoconstrictor
Other actions: Increased aldosterone secretion Increased cardiac inotropy and chronotropy Releases atrial natriuretic peptide dr. Radmanesh

33 dr. Radmanesh

34 dr. Radmanesh

35 dr. Radmanesh

36 Synthesis of Endothelin
dr. Radmanesh

37 dr. Radmanesh

38 Signal Transduction Mechanisms regulating VSM
dr. Radmanesh

39 dr. Radmanesh

40 dr. Radmanesh

41 dr. Radmanesh

42 dr. Radmanesh

43 Long-Term Blood Flow Regulation
dr. Radmanesh

44 Mechanism of Long-Term Regulation
Change in “Tissue Vascularity Role of Oxygen in Long-Term Regulation Development of Collateral Circulation dr. Radmanesh

45 Angiogenesis: Sprouting of cells from mature endothelial cells of the vessel wall (secretion of proteases, resolution of Basal lamina, migration towards Chemotactic gradient, proliferation, Tube formation) VEGF is factor largely specific for endothelial cells, bFGF can also induce, not specific for EC) dr. Radmanesh

46 Role of Oxygen in Lon Term Regulation
increased vascularity in tissues of animals that live at high altitudes, where the atmospheric oxygen is low. A second example is that fetal chicks hatched in low oxygen have up to twice as much tissue blood vessel conductivity as is normally true. This same effect is also dramatically demonstrated in premature human babies put into oxygen tents for therapeutic purposes (retrolental fibroplasia). dr. Radmanesh

47 vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) fibroblast growth factor
Importance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Formation of New Blood Vessels vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) fibroblast growth factor angiogenin dr. Radmanesh

48 Hypoxia-inducible factors
dr. Radmanesh

49 Recruitment of capillaries by an implanted tumor
dr. Radmanesh Figure 13.32a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)

50 Development of Collateral Circulation
When an artery or a vein is blocked , a new vascular channel usually develops around the blockage. The first stage in this process is dilation of small vascular loops that already connect the vessel above the blockage to the vessel below. both acute and long-term local blood flow control, the acute control being rapid neurogenic and metabolic dilation The most important example of the development of collateral blood vessels occurs after thrombosis of one of the coronary arteries dr. Radmanesh

51 B. Humoral regulation of cardiovascular system
1. Renin - angiotension system. dr. Radmanesh

52 Renin-angiotensin system
dr. Radmanesh

53 Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
Angiotensin II Stimulates aldosterone production Stimulates ADH secretion from pituitary Highly potent vasoconstrictor Stimulates thirst Stimulates release of catecholamines by adrenal medulla dr. Radmanesh

54 Renin-angiotensin vasoconstrictor mechanism for arterial pressure
control. dr. Radmanesh

55 dr. Radmanesh

56 dr. Radmanesh

57 dr. Radmanesh

58 dr. Radmanesh

59 dr. Radmanesh

60 Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)
Synthesis in supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus. Store in (neurohypophysis). Release ADH to blood stream. dr. Radmanesh

61 dr. Radmanesh

62 Action : V1 receptor: constriction of blood
vessel increase in blood pressure. V2 receptor: reabsorption of H2O from collecting duct. Dehydration, hemorrhage:↑ADH dr. Radmanesh

63 The Effects of ADH on the distal collecting tubules and Collecting Ducts
dr. Radmanesh Figure 26.15a, b

64 Formation of Water Pores: Mechanism of Vasopressin Action
dr. Radmanesh

65 Facultative water reabsorption
dr. Radmanesh

66 Dr. Bolliger Kanas University Medical Center 1999
The basic feedback loop is shown in this slide. An increase in ECF osmolality stimulates the osmoreceptive cells in the two hypothalmic nuclei. The cell bodies of these neurons respond to stretch and their firing rate is directly proportional to it. As we will see soon, these neuroendocrine cells are also innervated by nerve tracks coming from the medulla. These nerve tracks receive input from the baroreceptors in and around the great vessels of the heart. When firing rate of the neuroendocrine cells increase, ADH is released from the post synaptic nerve terminals in the posteriour pituitary. The half life of ADH is only about 20 min. This allows the effect of the hormone to be rapidly present and rapidly cease when it is no longer needed. This is a very tightly regulated hormone. The figure implies that ADH acts on the CCD and Medullary collecting ducts to increase water reaborption. As ADH levels increase, urine volume decreases and urine osmolality increases. Dr. Bolliger Kanas University Medical Center 1999 dr. Radmanesh

67 dr. Radmanesh

68 Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) Action: vasodilation, ↓cardiac output ↓HR ↓extracellular fluid volume: ↑excretion of water and Na ↓release of renin and aldosterone Factors of releasing ANP: ↑atrial blood volume. dr. Radmanesh

69 Bradykinin dr. Radmanesh

70 dr. Radmanesh

71 Eicosanoid dr. Radmanesh

72 dr. Radmanesh

73 Epinephrine(adrenaline EP) norepinephrine (noradrenaline NE)
Origin: adrenal medulla. Secretion: EP 80%, NE 20%. dr. Radmanesh

74 similar to that of sympathetic nerve.
Effect: similar to that of sympathetic nerve. (1)Heart: positive chronotropic and inotropic effect. (2)Blood vessels: α-adrenergic receptor: vasoconstriction. β-adrenergic receptor: vasodilation. dr. Radmanesh

75 nervous system dr. Radmanesh

76 dr. Radmanesh

77 dr. Radmanesh

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© 2005 Elsevier dr. Radmanesh

79 dr. Radmanesh

80 Continuous Partial Constriction of the Blood Vessels Is Normally Caused by Sympathetic Vasoconstrictor Tone. dr. Radmanesh

81 Downloaded from: StudentConsult (on 14 June 2006 12:20 PM)
© 2005 Elsevier dr. Radmanesh

82 dr. Radmanesh

83 Reflex Control of Heart Rate
dr. Radmanesh

84 Modulation of Cardiac Contractions
Figure 14-30 dr. Radmanesh

85 dr. Radmanesh

86 dr. Radmanesh

87 dr. Radmanesh

88 dr. Radmanesh

89 dr. Radmanesh

90 dr. Radmanesh

91 dr. Radmanesh

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93 dr. Radmanesh

94 Control of Arterial Pressure by the Carotid and Aortic Chemoreceptors
The chemoreceptors are chemosensitive cells sensitive to oxygen lack, carbon dioxide excess, hydrogen ion excess dr. Radmanesh

95 stretch receptors called low-pressure receptors.
Atrial and Pulmonary Artery Reflexes That Help Regulate Arterial Pressure stretch receptors called low-pressure receptors. dr. Radmanesh

96 low-pressure receptors
play an important role, especially in minimizing arterial pressure change if 300 milliliters of blood suddenly are infused into a dog with all receptors intact, the arterial pressure rises only about 15 mm Hg. With the arterial baroreceptors denervated, the pressure rises about 40 mm Hg. If the low-pressure receptors also are denervated, the pressure rises about 100 mm Hg. dr. Radmanesh

97 Atrial Reflexes That Activate the Kidneys—The “Volume Reflex.
Stretch of the atria also causes significant reflex dilation of the afferent arterioles in the kidneys glomerular capillary pressure to rise, with resultant increase in filtration of fluid into the kidney tubules And still other signals are transmitted simultaneously from the atria to the hypothalamus to decrease secretion of antidiuretic hormone. dr. Radmanesh

98 Atrial stretch caused by increased blood volume also elicits a hormonal effect on the kidneys— release of atrial natriuretic peptide that adds still further to the excretion of fluid in the urine and return of blood volume toward normal dr. Radmanesh

99 (the Bainbridge Reflex )
Atrial Reflex Control of Heart Rate (the Bainbridge Reflex ) dr. Radmanesh

100 dr. Radmanesh

101 Central Nervous System Ischemic Response
it can elevate the mean arterial pressure for as long as 10 minutes sometimes to as high as 250 mm Hg. The degree of sympathetic vasoconstriction caused by intense cerebral ischemia is often so great that some of the peripheral vessels become totally or almost totally occluded. The kidneys, for instance, often entirely cease their production of urine because of renal arteriolar constriction in response to the sympatheticdischarge dr. Radmanesh

102 it does not become significant untilthe arterial pressure falls far below normal, down to 60 mm Hg and below, reaching its greatest degree of stimulation at a pressure of 15 to 20 mm Hg dr. Radmanesh

103 Cushing Reaction dr. Radmanesh

104 Oscillation of the CNS Ischemic Response
dr. Radmanesh

105 Abdominal Compression Reflex
Increased Cardiac Output and Arterial Pressure Caused by Skeletal Muscle Contraction During Exercise dr. Radmanesh

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