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Spelling Homework Term 4: Week 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Spelling Homework Term 4: Week 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spelling Homework Term 4: Week 2

2 What are -ible and -able?
Some important notes -ible and -able are both suffixes, therefore this means that they are both found at the end of words they both have the meaning that you are capable of being (eg. enjoyable- can enjoy OR capable to enjoy)

3 So when do you use -ible and -able?
The key is in the base word! When the base word is a complete word you use able When the base word is NOT a complete words you use ible

4 Practise Time! 1. Compat___ 2. Desir___ 3. Ador___ 4. Access___
5. Respons___ 6. Predict___ 7. Comfort___ 8. Ed___ 9. Poss___ 10. Invis___ 11. Felx_____ 12. Suit_____ 13. Reverse______ 14. Remark______ 15. Reli_____ 17.Incred_____ 18. Agree_____ 19.Fashion_______ 20. Miser______

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