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Economics IS Life! Barter………..Spending Money World Exploration.

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Presentation on theme: "Economics IS Life! Barter………..Spending Money World Exploration."— Presentation transcript:


2 Economics IS Life!

3 Barter………..Spending

4 Money

5 World Exploration

6 United States

7 Political Story

8 1791-18111816-1836 State Banking Era 1836-18631863-1913 Federal Reserve Act 1913 Financial History of the US First Bank of the U.S. Second Bank of the U.S. National Banking Era

9 Federal Reserve Three Part System Board of Governors Regional Banks Federal Open Market Committee

10 Board ofGovernors Ben Bernanke Chairman Janet Yellen Daniel K. Tarullo Sarah Bloom Raskin Jerome H. Powell Jeremy C. Stein

11 Federal Reserve Districts FOMC

12 Economics is Your Life!! TEA/TEKS

13 Dallas Region Banks

14 Professional Development

15 Educator Events Conversations with the Chairman November 13, 2013 Wednesday, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM Register at:

16 Publications


18 Financial Education Building Wealth


20 Dallas Princeton Williams Stephen Clayton Houston Susan Kizer San Antonio Evelyn Barnes El Paso Yvonne Fernandez Call us ……we would love to chat!

21 Questions ?

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