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While there is life, there is hope!

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Presentation on theme: "While there is life, there is hope!"— Presentation transcript:

1 While there is life, there is hope!

2 Look at the pictures and say which life events they describe.







9 Engagement Moving house Having a baby Retirement Graduation Wedding

10 Listen and match the people to the events.
Marta Steve Tony Bill & Terry Laura losing job moving house leaving school retitement having a baby

11 What are the top seven stressful life events?

12 Divorce Death in the family Personal illness Marriage Retirement
Starting /leaving school Moving house

13 Find synonyms to the following words.

14 absorbed achieved give up was about to allowed creating

15 abandon inventing attained engrossed let was ready to

16 absorbed engrossed achieved attained give up abandon was about to was ready to allowed let creating inventing

17 What do you know about Alexander Graham Bell. What did he invent. When
What do you know about Alexander Graham Bell? What did he invent? When? Read the article and find out.

18 Alexander Bell Registered his invention with patent office
1.Mohawk Indians 2. Boston/visible speech 3. Opened up own school 1. Machine for transmitting sounds by electricity first sound/telephone Brothers’ death Canada Registered his invention with patent office 29 years old 16/deaf mutes 1. Scientist 2. Teacher Workshop in Boston Alexander Bell

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