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Presentation report KTH - with child nodes

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1 Presentation report KTH - with child nodes
Employee survey 2018 Presentation report KTH - with child nodes

2 About the survey The survey was conducted between April (PhD) May (Scholars) It was sent by with a personal link to the survey, which could be answered in Swedish or English. Five automatic reminders were sent to those who had not responded or had not completed the survey. The survey is anonymous. This means that no results will be shown for a group or segment with fewer than 10 responses. Quicksearch is responsible for ensuring anonymity and confidentiality. Period: Scholars: 4 April – 8 May PhD: 4 – 27 April Response rate: Scholars: 20% (125/611) PhD: 44% (391/881)

3 Method and answer scale
The employee index is a measure of commitment. It shows, among other things, the balance between leadership and teamwork, involvement in business development and whether the working environment is one where everyone has the same opportunities to contribute to a profitable, healthy and successful organisation. The employee survey consists of four main areas: “working environment”, “organisation”, “leadership” and “visions and goals”. From each area, 20 index questions are taken and put together to form the employee index (EI). Answer scale The questions are presented as affirmative statements. The answer scale is made up of six options from “1. Completely disagree” to “6. Completely agree”, as well as an option to answer “No opinion”. The employee index is calculated as a percentage (%) based on all answers from one to six. The answer “Can not decide” is not included in the index, but it is reported in the percentage to the right of the distribution graphs.

4 KTH total (scholars and PhD)
Employee index - summary KTH total (scholars and PhD) Quicksearch benchmark EI 2017 IT/consultancy/telecoms 79% Tourism/travel 77% Banking/finance Retail 75% Energy companies 74% Media 73% Industry 71% Other 70% Universities 69% Authority 55% Totalt, alla branscher 72% Employee index (last completed survey) EI Luleå University of Technology 74% Chalmers 69% Karolinska Institutet Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 68% Uppsala University University of Skövde Swedish Defence University 67% Stockholm University Dalarna University College 66% Umeå University Blekinge Institute of Technology 65% University of Borås Royal Institute of Technology 64% Halmstad University 63% Mid Sweden University 61% Total Your result Employee index (EI) Working environment Leadership (only PhD) Colour indicators Bars and KPIs will be different colours depending on the results from an answer or index area. Organization 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Visions and goals

5 Working environment – index area
Appreciation In my department/group we show each other appreciation when somebody does something well Balance I find that I have a good balance between my work and private life Clear assignments I think that I have clear assignments with reasonable conditions Involvement In my department/group I have the opportunity to influence and get involved Job satisfaction I feel job satisfaction Respect In my department/group we treat each other with respect even when we have different opinions Time to recover I find that I have time while working to gather my thoughts Benchmark Job satisfaction 74% Balance 70% Involvement 76% Clear assignments 66% Respect 78% Appreciation 72% Time to recover 60% Area total 72% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

6 Areas within working environment - Motivation
Contribution feel that my work efforts contribute and are important Development learn new things and develop in my daily work Interesting work tasks think that my work tasks are interesting and rewarding Job satisfaction feel job satisfaction Meaningful think that my work feels meaningful (to me) Benchmark Job satisfaction 74% Contribution 81% Interesting work tasks 78% Development 73% Meaningful Area total 76% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

7 Areas within working environment - Conditions
I think that ... Benchmark Balance demands-skills there is a good balance between the demands that my job places on me and my skills and ability Clear assignments I have clear assignments with reasonable conditions Influence decisions I’m given the opportunity to participate in decisions that are important to my work Know what is expected I know what is expected of me in my work Plan my own work I am able to manage and plan my own work (speed, scope, prioritisation, etc.) Responsibilities-authority there is a good balance between my responsibilities and authority Responsibilities - authority 73% Clear assignments 66% Balance demands-skills 75% Plan my own work Area total 72% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

8 Areas within working environment – My unit
In my department/group… Appreciation we show each other appreciation when somebody does something well Cooperation we work well together Involvement I have the opportunity to influence and get involved Motivated we are motivated and want to evolve Open-minded we are open-minded and everyone has their say Respect we treat each other with respect even when we have different opinions Support we are responsive and help and support each other Take advantage of skills we see and take advantage of skills Benchmark Cooperation 78% Involvement 76% Motivated Open-minded 80% Respect Support 77% Appreciation 72% Area total 77% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

9 Areas within working environment - Balance
I find that I… Benchmark Balance have a good balance between my work and private life Time to recover have time while working to gather my thoughts Unwind can unwind from my work in my free time Workload am happy with my workload in general (amount of work, scope, type of projects etc.) Workload 67% Balance 70% Unwind 64% Time to recover 60% Area total 67% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

10 Areas within working environment – I questions
I allow allow others to have time to speak (e.g. in meetings) I ask for support ask for support and help when I need it I cooperate cooperate well with my colleagues I give encouragement give encouragement and offer support to my colleagues I respect greet others with respect, even in cases where our opinions differ I seek out info seek out information that I require in my work I support help and support my colleagues I take care to be a good example take care to be a good example for others I take responsibility take responsibility for my own development in my work 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

11 Leadership – index area (only PhD)
Benchmark Confidence in manager I have confidence in the way my immediate manager leads and develops my department/group. Manager confidence in me I feel that my immediate manager has confidence in me as an employee. Manager gives feedback I feel that my immediate manager gives me sufficient feedback on my performance and work results Manager is attentive I feel that my immediate manager notices good achievements (e.g. through increased responsibility, increased trust, new opportunities for development, etc.) Manager is goal oriented I feel that my immediate manager leads and drives the organisation in a way that enables us to achieve our goals Manager leads by example I feel that my immediate manager leads by example Manager supports I feel that my immediate manager supports, encourages and inspires me as an employee M leads by example 78% M confidence in me 84% M is goal oriented 73% M supports 75% M is attentive M gives feedback 69% Confidence in M 76% Area total 76% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

12 Leadership – Group (only PhD)
I feel that my immediate manager… Manager informs ensures that we can make use of current information affecting the organisation and our department/group Manager is attentive notices good achievements (e.g. through increased responsibility, increased trust, new opportunities for development, etc.) Manager is goal oriented leads and drives the organisation in a way that enables us to achieve our goals Manager leads by example leads by example Manager notices skills notices and utilises employees’ skills Manager open to feedback is open to feedback Benchmark M leads by example 78% M informs 75% M is goal oriented 73% M is attentive Area total 76% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

13 Leadership – My manager and I (only PhD)
I feel that my immediate manager… Manager creates opportunities creates opportunities for me to learn and develop in my job Manager gives feedback gives me sufficient feedback on my performance and work results Manager helps to prioritise gives me help and support to prioritise if I ask for it Manager supports supports, encourages and inspires me as an employee Benchmark M helps to prioritise 78% M creates opportunities 72% M supports 75% M gives feedback 69% Area total 74% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

14 Organization – index area
Clear organisation I think it is clear who or which role is responsible for what at my school, and who to contact with various questions or assignments. Free from discrimination I find my department/group to be a workplace free from discrimination regardless of ethnicity, disability, gender, transgender identity, sexual orientation, religion or age. Information All in all, I feel sufficiently informed about what happens within KTH and I know where to find information about it. Benchmark Information 66% Free from discrimination 83% Clear organisation 61% Area total 72% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

15 Visions and goals – index area
Confidence management group I have confidence in the way the President's Strategic Council manages and develops KTH’s activities.The President's Strategic Council (formerly the Management Group) at KTH consists of the President, the Deputy President, the Dean of Faculty, the Vice Dean of Faculty, and the vice presidents, the head of administration, all heads of schools and two student representatives. Proudness I am proud to work at KTH. Vision permeates I feel that our vision permeates all of KTH. Benchmark Confidence management group 69% Vision permeates Proudness 80% Area total 73% 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

16 Scholarship/PhD questions - Through postgraduate studies
The result headlines contains "PhD", but it stands for both Scholars and PhD. Through my postgraduate studies, over the past 12 months I have... PhD-accepted felt as an accepted member of the research group PhD-expectations clear found expectations on me as a postgraduate student to be clear PhD-general discussions had opportunity for general discussions about my subject area with other researchers PhD-seminar rewarding found seminar activities to be rewarding/stimulating PhD-seminars outside courses participated in research seminars outside my courses PhD-stimulating education found my postgraduate education stimulating PhD-study environment creative found my postgraduate study environment to be creative PhD-worked independently worked as independently as I wanted to 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

17 Scholarship/PhD questions - Information
The result headlines contains "PhD", but it stands for both Scholars and PhD. How did you find the information you received as a newly admitted postgraduate student in terms of... PhD-info conflicts where you can turn to about conflicts and other student welfare issues PhD-info expectations the expectations on you as a postgraduate student in the field PhD-info goals the general objectives and syllabus of your postgraduate education PhD-info postgraduate goals the qualitative targets of your postgraduate education PhD-info scope and content the scope and content of any departmental duties PhD-info where to turn with questions where you can turn to for administrative questions about your work/employment 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

18 Scholarship/PhD questions - Courses
The result headlines contains "PhD", but it stands for both Scholars and PhD. Regarding the courses provided during my postgraduate education, I feel that... PhD-courses courses on offer fulfil needs the courses on offer fulfil my needs PhD-courses quality the quality of the courses is generally good PhD-courses research ethics courses have dealt with research ethics PhD-courses scientific method courses have dealt with the scientific method PhD-courses theory of knowledge courses have dealt with the theory of knowledge PhD-courses thesis work the courses are relevant to my thesis work PhD-courses without teaching the courses have mainly consisted of studies without teaching 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

19 Scholarship/PhD questions - My postgraduate studies
The result headlines contains "PhD", but it stands for both Scholars and PhD. I feel that in my postgraduate studies I have... PhD-Studies conduct independent research acquired the ability to conduct independent research PhD-Studies critical approach learned to take a critical approach to theories and methods in my own research PhD-Studies development been able to contribute to the development of knowledge in a significant manner PhD-Studies present improved my ability to orally present my material clearly and comprehensibly PhD-Studies research ethics furthered my understanding of research ethics PhD-Studies scientific method acquired knowledge about the scientific method PhD-Studies scientific theories acquired knowledge about scientific theories PhD-Studies write clearly improved my ability to write clearly and comprehensibly 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

20 Scholarship/PhD questions - My supervisor/s
The result headlines contains "PhD", but it stands for both Scholars and PhD. I feel that my supervisors... Sup-contributed contributed to the realistic planning of my studies and research work Sup-discuss methodology issues discuss methodology issues with me Sup-discuss my future plans discuss my future plans Sup-discuss possible literature discuss possible literature for my thesis Sup-discuss theory discuss theory with me Sup-gives constructive criticism give me constructive criticism on my research work Sup-learning outcomes discussed the learning outcomes of my postgraduate education and how to achieve them Sup-my own interests guide let my own interests guide the choice of thesis topic Sup-show interest show interest in my research studies *Sup-taken over have on occasion taken over and conducted large parts of my work 70–100% = On the right track 60–69% = Room for improvement 0–59% = Action needed Top bar = Your result Bottom bar = Total scholars & PhD

21 What is eNPS? eNPS, the Employee Net Promoter Score©, is a key indicator showing willingness to recommend internally or externally within a business. The number is a score based on the extent to which a person is willing to recommend you as a workplace to friends and acquaintances. The question asked is: “How likely is it that you would recommend your workplace to a friend or acquaintance?” and the answer scale ranges from “0. Not at all likely” to “10. Extremely likely”. The NPS is calculated by taking the proportion of ambassadors (9s and 10s) and subtracting the proportion of critics (0–6). The result is a percentage between and 100. Those who give high answers (9–10) are known as ambassadors. As well as speaking positively about their workplace on their own initiative, they also develop their work and motivate three other employees to participate. Those who answer with 7–8 on the scale are regarded as passively satisfied. These are people who are satisfied but do not actively tell people about it. Passively satisfied employees may be as satisfied as employees anywhere else. Those who give low answers (0–6) are known as critics, and are likely to speak negatively about their workplace. They may be more or less critical depending on where on the negative part of the scale they are. Those who are far down the scale focus on problems and may encourage others to seek to leave the workplace, while those who are higher up the scale (5 or 6) might say: “It’s good, BUT…” NPS®, Net Promoter® & Net Promoter Score® are registered trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company and Fred Reichheld

22 eNPS - Recommendation GREEN = More ambassadors than critics. Maximum score: 100 RED = More critics than ambassadors. Minimum score: -100 How likely are you to recommend KTH to an acquaintance or friend? Benchmark Chalmers 20 Uppsala University 13 Blekinge Institute of Technology 9 Karolinska Institutet Royal Institute of Technology 6 Swedish Defence University 5 Umeå University University of Skövde -3 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences -6 Mid Sweden University Halmstad University -12 Luleå University of Technology -14 University of Borås -16 Total

23 The survey was conducted by Quicksearch
20 years of experience with feedback solutions Head office: Quicksearch Stockholm Quicksearch Halmstad Waterfront building Slottsmöllans företagscentrum Klarabergsviadukten 63 SE Halmstad SE Stockholm Telephone: +46 (0) Tel: +46 (0)

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