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Chapter 14: Human Inheritance

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1 Chapter 14: Human Inheritance
Section 14-1: Human Chromosomes

2 Studying Humans? Human heredity is difficult to study because they produce few offspring, have a long life span, and cannot be grown in a lab

3 Karyotypes Need to study the human genome – the full set of genetic information an organism carries in its DNA Genomic study starts with chromosomes To see chromosomes clearly, scientists, take a picture of the cell going through mitosis, cut the chromosomes out the picture and make a karyotype A karyotype is a diagram that shows the complete set of diploid chromosomes grouped together in pairs and arranged in order of decreasing size Normal human karyotype contains 46 chromosomes (23 pairs)


5 Sex Chromosomes Two of the 46 (one pair) are sex chromosomes (determines an individual’s sex) Females have two X chromosomes Males have one X and one Y Roughly a 1:1 ratio of females to males

6 Sex Chromosomes The X chromosome is large and carries more than 1200 genes, most of which are necessary for both sexes The Y chromosome is much smaller, only carrying 140 genes, controlling male sex determination and sperm development

7 Autosomal Chromosomes
The other 44 human chromosomes are known as autosomal chromosomes, or autosomes Biologists write 46,XX for females and 46,XY for males

8 Transmission of Human Traits
Many human traits are Mendelian (simple dominance) Ex. - gene known as MC1R helps determine skin and hair color Some of MC1R’s recessive alleles produce red hair, while dominant alleles for the MC1R gene help produce darker hair colors Ex. – Rhesus factor, or Rh blood group The allele for Rh factor comes in two forms: Rh+ and Rh-. Rh+ is dominant, so an individual with both alleles (Rh+/Rh-) has Rh positive blood. Rh negative blood is found in individuals with two recessive alleles (Rh+/Rh-)

9 Codominant and Multiple Alleles
ABO blood group, determined by 3 alleles IA, IB, and i Alleles IA and IB are codominant - produce molecules known as antigens on the surface of red blood cells. Individuals with alleles IA and IB produce both A and B antigens, making them blood type AB

10 Codominant and Multiple Alleles
The i allele is recessive – no antigens If a patient has AB-negative blood, it means the individual has IA and IB alleles from the ABO gene and two Rh- alleles from the Rh gene

11 Sex-Linked Inheritance
Genes located on X or Y chromosomes are called sex-linked genes Genes on Y chromosome are found only in males, passed directly from father to son Genes on X chromosome are found in both sexes Males only get one X

12 Sex-Linked Inheritance
There are 3 genes responsible for color vision, all located on the X chromosome In males, any of these genes being recessive causes colorblindness, the most common form affecting 1 in 12 males This condition only occurs in 1 in every 200 females because she must have two recessive alleles The recessive phenotype of a sex-linked genetic disorder tends to be much more common among males than among females (hemophilia, DMD) Males cannot be heterozygous for genes carried on the X-chromosome!!

13 X-Chromosome Inactivation
Just one X chromosome is enough for cells in males, but females have 2 In female cells, most of the genes in one of the X chromosomes are randomly switched off, forming a dense region in the nucleus known as a Barr body Barr bodies are not found in males

14 X-Chromosome Inactivation
Happens in other mammals as well – calico cats Gene that controls the color of coat spots is located on the X chromosome In a females, one X chromosome may have an allele for orange spots and the other X chromosome may have an allele for black spots Depending on which X chromosome is turned off in which cell, the spots can be either color As a result, the cat’s fur has a mixture of orange and black spots

15 X-Chromosome Inactivation
Male cats only have one X chromosome, so they can only have spots of one color If a cat’s fur has 3 colors, it must be a female!

16 Human Pedigrees A pedigree is a diagram that shows the inheritance of a single trait through multiple generations of a family It shows the relationship betweens parents, siblings, and offspring Based on family history and medical records


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