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Quiz – Solubility Graph Review

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1 Quiz – Solubility Graph Review
What is the solubility in water, at 25oC for: KCl KNO3 2) What is the mass % of the following solutions: KClO3 @ 60oC Li2SO4 @ 80oC 3) Describe a solution of 63 g of NH4Cl dissolved in 150 g of water at the following temperatures: A) 20oC B) 40oC

2 1) From the graph, the solubilities in water
at 25oC are: A) KCl 35 g / 100 g H2O B) KNO3 39 g / 100 g H2O

3 2) From the graph, the solubilities in water are:
A) KClO3 @ 60oC, 25 g / 100 g H2O B) Li2SO4 @ 80oC, 31 g / 100 g H2O A) Mass % = 25 g / (100 g + 25 g) = 20 % B) Mass % = 31 g / (100 g + 31 g) = 24 %

4 3) 63 g NH4Cl = 42 g NH4Cl 150 g H2O g H2O From the graph, the solubility of NH4Cl in water is approximately 42 g / 100 g H2O at 30oC. Therefore, the solution would be: A) supersaturated at 20oC B) unsaturated at 40oC

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