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EU policy framework II: the Commission's social policy agenda

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1 EU policy framework II: the Commission's social policy agenda
Radek MALY Head of Unit "Modernisation of Social Protection Systems" DG EMPL, European Commission

2 A European Pillar of Social Rights (1/2)
Part of the Commission's agenda for a deeper and fairer Economic and Monetary Union Aims to address the following challenges: The consequences of the crisis The changing world of work Demographic ageing Wide divergences in the social and employment performance, especially in the Euro-area Will set out key principles for well-functioning labour markets and social protection systems and serve as a compass for reform and renewed convergence

3 A European Pillar of Social Rights (2/2)
A Communication and preliminary outline of the Pillar were published on 8 March, launching a broad public consultation The outline of the Pillar sets out principles across three strands: Equal opportunities and access to the labour market Fair working conditions Adequate and sustainable social protection Main aims of the consultation: Assessment of the current EU-level acquis Reflection on new social and labour market trends Gather feedback on the preliminary outline of the Pillar

4 'New Start' initiative for Work-Life Balance
Replacing the Commission's 2008 proposal to amend the Maternity Leave Directive Objectives: Better reconciliation of work and family responsibilities A more equitable use of work-life balance arrangements between women and men Strengthened gender equality in the labour market Taking a broad approach, considering a complementary mix of legislative and non-legislative measures across a range of policies needed for greater work-life balance and female labour market participation Leaves (Maternity, Paternity, Parental, Carers' leave) Flexible working arrangements Child-care Long-term care

5 The European Accessibility Act
Accessibility requirements for carefully selected products and services Same accessibility requirements to be used in other EU law (for example Public Procurement) Functional accessibility requirements Free movement of products and services meeting the accessibility requirements Self-declaration of conformity (lightest option) Market surveillance

6 European Semester 2016: Annual Growth Survey
Longer and healthier lives are a remarkable achievement for our societies. Responsible policies are now needed to ensure that pension, healthcare and long-term care systems are financially sustainable and can provide adequate protection for all. Sustainability-enhancing pension reforms in most Member States can lead to new challenges.

7 European Semester 2016: Country-specific recommendations
Commission proposals of 18 May: Increasing adequacy and coverage of social and employment benefits (10 MS) Improving adequacy and sustainability of pensions (10 MS) Actively improving elderly workers employability (2 MS) Supporting social services including available, affordable full- time childcare facilities (5 MS)

8 Thank You!

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