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Presentation on theme: "Unit4 EARTHQUAKES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Earthquakes April 14,2016 KUMAMOTO, Japan----The death toll from two powerful earthquakes and a series of aftershocks on the Japanese Island reached 41 on Saturday, the authorities said, when rescue workers searched for survivals under collapsed buildings and mountains.

3 A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep
Reading A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep

4 Reading for structure(结构)
Reading tips Reading for structure(结构) 1 Reading for details (细节) 2 Reading for language 3 Reading for writing 4

5 (_______the earthquake) before
Reading for structure how many parts? Part 1 (_______the earthquake) before Paragraph 1 signs during Part 2 (_______ the earthquake) Paragraph 2.3 damage after Part 3 (_______ the earthquake) Paragraph 4 rescue

6 People thought little of these events!!
Reading for details Part 1 Signs before the earthquake The water in the well rose and fell. People thought little of these events!! The well walls had deep cracks in them. came out of the cracks. A smelly gas Strange things The pigs and the chickens were too nervous to eat. mice came out of fields; fish jumped out of bowls and ponds. mice and fish people saw bright lights. In the sky cracked and burst. The water pipe

7 Reading for details Part2: damage during the earthquake 15 seconds

8 A huge _____that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and ____s. crack canal

9 ____the hospitals,____ of factories and buildings and
____ of homes were gone. All 75% 90% hospital factory home

10 Brick _____s covered the ground like red autumn leaves.

11 The suffering of people was extreme.
The railway ______s were ________ pieces of steel. track useless The suffering of people was extreme.

12 Part 3 Rescue of the earthquake
Reading for details Part 3 Rescue of the earthquake All hope was not lost were sent to help the rescue workers soldiers: army: miners: workers: fresh water: organized teams to dig out the trapped people and to bury the dead. were rescued from the coal mines built shelters for the survivors was sent to the city The city began to breathe again

13 Reading for language ----make a comparison比较
The chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. The chickens and the pigs were too nervous to eat. . Eleven kilometers directly below the city one of the greatest earthquakes began. Eleven kilometers below the city one of the greatest earthquakes began. . adverbial(副词)----strengthen the feeling(强化情感)

14 give a vivid(生动的) picture
Reading for language ----pay attention to the verbs give a vivid(生动的) picture 1. The water pipes(管道) in some buildings cracked and burst. 2. The army organized teams to dig out the trapped and to bury the dead.

15 When you write---- some ? many?
Reading for language ----pay attention to the numerals数词 one-third of the nation / two-thirds of them 75% of the factories / 90% of its homes tens of thousands of cows / hundreds of thousands of people . When you write---- some ? many? make the language more convincing(可信的)

16 1.公安立即派470多名救援人员去挖被埋人员(dig out)
If you are an editor(编辑)of China Daily(中国日报),a typhoon called “NianYu” hit Zhejiang Province recently, please write a report according to the following details. before the typhoon during the typhoon after the typhoon 1. 雨水倾盆而下(pour down) 2. 风力强到好像进入世界末日 3. 10%的车辆被困在水中(be trapped in) 4. 城市1/5的房子被泥石流掩埋 (be buried by) 5. 400多人伤亡 1.公安立即派470多名救援人员去挖被埋人员(dig out) 2.新鲜的水和食品被送去灾区(disaster area) 1.浙江东南部断断续续下雨 2.天空出现可怕的亮光

17 Strange things were happening in the southeast Zhejiang before the typhoon. Sometimes it rained a lot, however, it would stop raining suddenly. What’s more, terrible bright lights could be seen in the sky. After the arrival of the typhoon, the rain poured down from the sky . The wind was so strong that it seemed as if the world was at an end. 10% of the cars were trapped in the water and one fifth of the houses were buried by the rivers of dirt. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400. Soon after the typhoon, the police immediately sent more than 470 rescue workers to dig out the trapped people. In addition, fresh water and necessary food were sent to the disaster area. Thanks to the rescue, the suffering of people was not extreme.

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