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A Comparison of Capabilities of Data Mining Tools

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1 A Comparison of Capabilities of Data Mining Tools
Jong-Hee Lee, Yong-Seok Choi Dept. of Statistics Pusan National University

2 1.Introduction The exploration and analysis
of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules (Berry and Linoff, 1997, p. 5) Data Mining(DM)

3 Data Mining Tools for DM
There are many commercial DM tools ( DM tools vendors increase. DM tools are updated rapidly. Some comparisons : Abbott et al.(1998) , Elder and Abbott(1998): out of date ! Some companies : not objective ! Rapidly-updated tools are needed objective comparisons..

4 Tools Selected for our comparison
Product Company Version Tested Clementine SPSS 5.2 Enterprise Miner SAS Institute 3.0 Intelligent Miner IBM 6.1

5 Comparisons of DM tools
2. Constitution of Main Windows and Nodes 3. Techniques 3.1 Market Basket Analysis 3.2 Decision Tree

6 2. Constitution of Main Windows and Nodes
Comparative Criteria Visualization using Streams Main Windows Nodes In order of using According to purpose of modeling

7 Visualization using Streams
Main Window of Clementine In order of using Visualization using Streams

8 Visualization using Streams
Main Window of Enterprise Miner In order of using Visualization using Streams

9 Main Window of Intelligent Miner
According to purpose of modeling In order of using

10 Conclusion of comparison for Constitution of Main Windows and Nodes
(excellent) Clementine (poor) Intelligent Miner Main Windows (excellent) Intelligent Miner Nodes

11 3. Techniques 3.1 Market Basket Analysis 3.2 Decision Tree
For the other techniques , see J.H.Lee(2000).

12 3.1 Market Basket Analysis
(MBA) gives insight into the merchandise by telling us which products tend to be purchased together (Berry and Linoff, 1997, p.124)

13 Comparative Criteria for MBA
Market Basket Analysis Algorithm option Result

14 Algorithm of MBA Mining Tool Clementine Algorithm Intelligent Miner
Enterprise Association Rule × Sequential Pattern

15 Market Basket Analysis
Mining Tool Clementine Option Intelligent Miner Enterprise × Minimum of Confidence Minimum of Support Minimum of Coverage × Maximum of Items × Item Constraints

16 Market Basket Analysis
Mining Tool Clementine Result Intelligent Miner Enterprise Confidence × Support Lift Coverage × × Textual Display Visualization ×

17 Data Format in MBA ID 132 A 132 428 ID A B C D ... 132 B Y Y 428 C Y Y
< Horizontal Format > 132 A 132 428 ID A B C D ... 132 B Y Y 428 C Y Y Y 428 < Vertical Format > D 428 B Upper tables cited at the xore web site(

18 Conclusion of comparison for MBA
(poor) Clementine Algorithm (excellent) Intelligent Miner (poor) Clementine Option (excellent) Intelligent Miner (poor) Clementine Result

19 3.2 Decision Tree Decision Tree is for classification and prediction

20 Comparative Criteria for Decision Tree
Algorithm option Result

21 Decision Tree Mining Tool Clementine Algorithm Intelligent Miner
Enterprise × CHAID CART C4.5 or C5.0 ID3 × × SPRINT

22 Misclassification Costs
Decision Tree Mining Tool Clementine Option Intelligent Miner Enterprise × Misclassification Costs Priors Pruning Severity Stopping Rule Missing Value

23 Decision Tree Mining Tool Clementine Result Intelligent Miner
Enterprise × Tree View × Confusion Matrix

24 Conclusion of comparison for Decision Tree
(excellent) Enterprise Miner Algorithm (excellent) Enterprise Miner (poor) Clementine Option (poor) Clementine Result

25 Constitution of Main Windows
4.Concluding Remarks Constitution of Main Windows (excellent) Clementine (poor) Intelligent Miner Constitution of Nodes (excellent) Intelligent Miner

26 Market Basket Analysis
(excellent) Intelligent Miner (poor) Clementine Decision Tree (excellent) Enterprise Miner (poor) Clementine

27 Enterprise and University
A Comparison of Capabilities of DM tools in this study potential Purchasers: Enterprise and University DM companies

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