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What is a welfare state? The welfare state p.198-203.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a welfare state? The welfare state p.198-203."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a welfare state? The welfare state p

2 Learning goals You are be able to:
mention the definition of a welfare state. mention the four functions of a welfare state and recognize the functions in a given context. mention the social basic rights (and duties) and recognize them in a given context. compare and contrast three economic systems of planned economy, free market and mixed economy. compare and contrast three models of welfare state (Anglo Saxon, Rhineland and Scandanavian model). give your opinion about the welfare state.

3 Welfare state The government plays an active role in ensuring the welfare and well-being of its people. > Main focus on: (Health)care Education Social security

4 Central idea: Sharing the risks
Welfare states developed in some countries: Rule of law > Democracy > Free Enterprise in a Mixed Economy > Welfare state ( Tony Benn) It’s a collective interest to share the risks. The government organises this and enforces solidarity.

5 Four functions of the welfare state:
Insurance function (verzekeren) Care function (verzorgen) Improvement function (verheffen, empowerment) Bonding function (verbinden)

6 Rights and duties The government should obey the law and strive to provide for: employment social security healthy environment public health and adequate housing education. Duties for citizens are to obey the law and pay taxes and premiums (‘premies’) for benefits.

7 Three economic systems

8 Three Economic systems
Planned Economy: State ownership of the means of production and the government distributes the work to be done. Example: Sovjet Union communism. Main value: equality. Free Market Economy: The government does not take an active role in the economy. Private enterprise is everything. Example: this exists no where. Main value: freedom. Mixed Economy: Free enterprise but the government sets boundaries for market forces and interferes in the economy. Example: NL, US. Main values: freedom and equality.

9 For the nuance… * There is another economic system that doesn’t fit the scheme in slide 6 and that is Anarchism. Anarchists want a small scale alternative economy without a government and without private property. All means of production should be collective.

10 Three types of welfare state
The Scandinavian welfare state The Anglo-Saxon welfare state The Rhineland (or corporatist) welfare state

11 Scandinavian model welfare state
Rhineland model welfare state Anglo Saxon model welfare state Main focus Flexicurity Social security Self sufficient, private initiative Regulation labour market Flexibel labour market Level of social security Strong social security, investment in employability Tax burden High Women’s participation in labour market Relatively high

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