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SILC and CIL Collaboration

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Presentation on theme: "SILC and CIL Collaboration"— Presentation transcript:

1 SILC and CIL Collaboration
The Development of the SPIL

2 Background

3 What is the SPIL (State plan for Independent living)?
The primary Duty of the SILC is jointly developing the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL or state plan) with the CILs in the state The SPIL serves as a blueprint that encompasses the activities planned by the state to achieve its specified independent living objectives SPIL must reflect the needs of individuals with significant disabilities in the state

4 What is the SPIL? The ACL Administrator may withhold, reduce, limit or terminate funding if a state does not submit an approvable SPIL. The funding that can be affected includes the Part C direct grants to the CILs in your state, as well as those funded with Part B that flows through your state.

5 What is the SPIL (2) The main sections of the SPIL include—
The state’s goals and objectives; A detailed description of how the state’s Subchapter B funds will be spent; An account of the outreach efforts to identified unserved and underserved populations; A detailed report of the services currently provided in the state;

6 What is the SPIL (3) A description of the state’s network of CILs, including a plan for how the network will develop statewide in the future; A detailed plan for how any new IL funds will be used, including one-time funds; A narrative on the working relationships of providers in the state’s IL Network; The SILC’s Resource Plan; and The process for evaluating progress & effectiveness.

7 What is the SPIL (4) ACL states that, in developing the SPIL objectives, the SILC is to consider and incorporate the program and financial planning objectives and priorities established by CILs. Develop one mission for the IL Network, including the SILC, CILs, and DSE. Include how these goals and objectives will be measured throughout the life of the SPIL. Ensure that the objectives are specific, measurable, and include indicators of progress and outcomes with timelines

8 What is the SPIL (5) The SPIL must be submitted 90 days before (by June 30th) the completion date of the preceding plan (September 30th). The online system can get bogged down the closer you get to the due date so submitting early may help you avoid last- minute delays. Signatures by the chairperson of the SILC on behalf of and as authorized by the SILC and not less than 51 percent of the state CIL directors are required. The Director of the DSE is required to sign the SPIL indicating agreement to fulfill the responsibilities of the DSE detailed in the law

9 Collaboration

10 Discussion topics We want to hear from you
How are things working in your state? How can things be improved? What works and what doesn’t work for you?

11 Communication in the Network
How do your CILs and SILC communicate? Is it effective? What works well? What could be better? Who else can be involved?

12 CILs collaborating Did all of your CILs sign the last SPIL?
Why did a CIL not sign? How do those CILs work with the SILC/CILs How could these issues be resolved?

13 Engaging the CILs How many CILs participate in the SPIL planning and writing? Are they all invited? Do some not see value in participating? What would bring CILs to the table better?

14 CIL Staff How do the CIL staff get information?
Can the SILC do more to engage the CIL staff members that are doing work toward the SPIL? Do CIL staff know and understand what the SPIL is?

15 Objectives How do you form your objectives?
Could regional objectives work for you? How do the CILs know where they fit? Are you developing creative ways to have impacts in your state?

16 Objectives 2 How do you form your objectives?
Are you happy with the direction? Do you focus more on issue areas or specific details? Are all partners included?

17 Questions?

18 Contact Information Stephanie Jensen, Wyoming Jeremy Morris, Ohio SILC Kathy Foley, Services for Independent Living

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