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Navya Thum January 28, 2013 Day 4: MICROSOFT EXCEL Navya Thum January 28, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Navya Thum January 28, 2013 Day 4: MICROSOFT EXCEL Navya Thum January 28, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navya Thum January 28, 2013
Day 4: MICROSOFT EXCEL Navya Thum January 28, 2013

2 Attendance Go to to record attendance. Enter your MyID username and password. 1/12/2019

3 MyITLab MyITLab Course ID CRSAB4H-244188
MyITLab is self guided. If you are not able to answer in pre-test mode, you will get training and which will help you in post-test. Lost your session? Try reopening MyITLab on same computer. Your data will be recovered. Use Save for Later or Reset options if your session is not responding. Refer to Hands on Exercises in text book for help. 1/12/2019

4 Last Class.. AutoFill Manage worksheets, columns and rows
Select, move, copy and paste Alignment and font options Cell References 1/12/2019

5 Objectives Semi-Selection Pointing Paste Special
Select page setup options Print a workbook Functions 1/12/2019

6 Cell referencing Used in formulas so that they can be copied and reused easily. In some cases, we want the references to cells to move down, or over as we copy the formula. In other cases, we do not want the reference to change even if we do move. 1/12/2019

7 Relative vs. Absolute Addressing
Relative cell references change relative to the direction in which the formula is copied Absolute cell references are exact; they do not change when a formula is copied Indicated by dollar ($) signs in front of the column letter and row number Most often used when the value need not change Use the F4 key to toggle between relative and absolute cell referencing 1/12/2019

8 Cell References(Contd)
Relative reference A1 Column absolute mixed reference $A1 Row absolute mixed reference A$1 Absolute reference $A$1 1/12/2019

9 Avoiding Circular References
A circular reference error occurs if a formula refers to itself 1/12/2019

10 Semi-selection(Pointing)
Semi-selection uses the mouse pointer to build a formula containing cell references or ranges Click the cell where you want to create the formula. Type ‘=‘ sign . Drag the cell range that contains the value. Type the operators. Continue selecting the cell ranges . Press enter to complete the formula. 1/12/2019

11 Paste Special The Paste Special command is used to paste data from the clipboard using a different format 1/12/2019

12 Page setup and Printing
The Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher contains many common print-related options 1/12/2019

13 Page setup and layout - example
At some point you have to print your worksheets Click on Page Layout and the icon for Page Setup Now you can specify options for whether the page will be in Portrait or Landscape style Whether you want to fit the contents to a single page You can also specify margins You can also set up headers and footers You can also print gridlines, row and column headings, etc under the Sheet tab 1/12/2019

14 Headers and Footers A header is content appearing at the top of each printed page A footer is content appearing at the bottom of each printed page 1/12/2019

15 Functions Function is a pre-constructed formula that makes difficult computations less complicated. Excel provides many inbuilt functions- Already has the formula information; just requires cell references. Take values, perform operations, and return results. When using functions adhere to the syntax A function begins with the equal sign (=) followed by the function name and arguments in parentheses Example: =SUM(A1:A3) 1/12/2019

16 Inserting a Function When a function is typed, Formula AutoComplete displays a list of functions matching the partial entry Use the Insert Function dialog box to search for a function or select one from a list. 1/12/2019

17 SUM SUM is the most commonly used function represented by a sigma ()
Adds values within a specified range Syntax refers to the grammatical structure of a formula Must adhere to stated structure of formula Arguments are values ─ used as input and returned as output Example: = Sum (B1:B10) Function Name Arguments 1/12/2019

18 AutoSum Automates the SUM function
Click the cell where you want the result Click AutoSum button Select the range of cells you want to sum Press Enter to complete Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

19 Basic Statistical Functions
Perform a variety of calculations to aid in decision making process AVERAGE calculates the average of a range of numbers MEDIAN finds the midpoint value in a range MIN calculates the minimum value in a range MAX calculates the maximum value in a range COUNT counts the number of values within a range Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

20 COUNT Statistical Functions – COUNT, COUNTA
COUNT function counts the number of cells in a range that contain numerical data. COUNTA function counts the number of cells in a range that are not blank. COUNTBLANK counts the number of blanks in the given range. Ex: COUNT(C6:C24) COUNTA(E2:E10) COUNTBLANK(J9:J16) Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

21 Date Functions Efficiently handle time-consuming procedures
Excel treats date as serial numbers so we can perform calculations using dates. TODAY function places the current date in the selected cell Updates when file is opened again NOW function displays current date and time, side by side Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

22 IF Function Used to determine whether a given condition has been satisfied or not When the condition is met, the formula performs one task; when it is not met, the formula performs another task Has three arguments: a condition tested to determine if it is true or false the resulting value if the condition is true the resulting value if the condition is false Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

23 IF (contd.) Syntax: IF(condition,value_if_true,value_if_false)
Value when condition is false Value when condition is true Condition is true or false IF(H4=100, “Good”, “Bad”) Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

24 Lookup Functions Lookup functions are used to look up values in a table to perform calculations or display results A Lookup table is a range that contains data for the basis of the lookup and data to be retrieved. Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

25 VLOOKUP Used to gauge an entered value against a range of corresponding results Well suited for large tables of data, such as tax tables Also to convert the number grades into letter grades Has three mandatory arguments Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

26 VLOOKUP(contd.) Syntax
=VLOOKUP(lookup value , lookup table , column index number , [range lookup]) The lookup value ─ value to look up in a reference table The lookup table ─ a range of cells containing the reference table The column index number ─ the column number in the lookup table that contains return values Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

27 Example Converting the Number grades to the letter grades
Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

28 HLOOKUP Function The HLOOKUP function is used when the breakpoints and return data are placed in rows The third argument now lists the row index Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

29 Financial Functions Used for decisions involving payments, investments, interest rates, etc. Allows you to consider several alternatives PMT FV Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

30 PMT Function Used to calculate loan payments Has three arguments:
the interest rate per period the number of periods the amount of the loan Computes the associated payment on a loan Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

31 PMT(contd.) Syntax: Pmt( interest_rate, number_payments, PV, [FV],[Type] ) Example: Pmt(7%/12, 2*12, 5000, 0, 0) returns the monthly payment on a $5,000 loan at an annual rate of 7%. The loan is paid off in 2 years (ie: 2 x 12). E2 - 7% ; E ; E4 - $5,000.00 PMT ( E2/12 , E3 , - E4 ) Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

32 FV Function Used to determine the future value of an amount, such as an investment Has three arguments: The interest rate (also called the rate of return) The number of periods (how long you will pay into the investment) The periodic investment (how much you will invest per year) Syntax: FV(rate, nper, pmt,[pv],[type]) Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

33 Range Names A range name is a word or phrase used to identify a cell or cell range Range names make formulas easier to read Range names use the following rules: 1to 255 characters Begin with a letter or underscore (_) Contain letters, digits, period, underscore. Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

34 Creating and Maintaining a Range Name
Type the range name in the Name Box area Enter the name using New Name dialog box Name Manager dialog box is used to edit or delete a range name Excel Chapter 3 1/12/2019

35 Reminder Lesson A in MyITLab is due today by 11:59 P.M.
Course ID: CRSAB4H 1/12/2019

36 Questions? 1/12/2019

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