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Primary Chapter Sponsorship (Platinum)

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1 Primary Chapter Sponsorship (Platinum)
$5,000 Benefits: Appear as a sponsor of the annual Internal Audit Awareness Month Celebration event in May; can display banner, marketing materials, etc. at the event Opportunity to have a table/booth at the May Celebration event as well as any other non-sponsored IIA seminars/events (excludes Spring Symposium) to network with attendees Four (4) tickets to the May Celebration event, where the organization will be specially thanked and allotted five to ten minute to introduce yourself, company, offer support for Internal Audit as a profession, etc. Large logo included on sponsorship portion of the chapter’s website and newsletter as a Platinum sponsor (only one Platinum sponsor per rolling 12 months). Name included on all marketing for the May Celebration event Number Available: one

2 Primary Chapter Sponsorship (Gold)
$2,500 Benefits: Two (2) tickets to the May Celebration event, where the organization will be specially thanked for supporting the Nashville IIA chapter. Logo included on sponsorship portion of the chapter’s website and newsletter as a Gold sponsor (only one Gold sponsor per rolling 12 months). Number Available: one

3 2019 Spring Symposium Sponsorship
During April 2019, the Nashville Chapter will host its largest event of the year: a two day, 16-hour CPE event. Naohiro Mouri (Chairman of the IIA Global Board of Directors/Executive Vice President and Chief Audit Officer at AIG) will serve as the keynote speaker. The event will be hosted on the campus of Scarritt Bennett. Expected attendance is each day. Title Event Sponsorship (Platinum Sponsorship): $3,500 2019 IIA Nashville Spring Symposium sponsored by ‘Sponsoring Company’ Ten minutes to speak to all attendees during a general session each day Opportunity to moderate the CAE roundtable at the event Opportunity to set up a booth at the event to display marketing materials, network with attendees, etc. Opportunity to display Company logo banner at the event Name included on all marketing materials for the event Logo included on the chapter’s website and newsletter as a Platinum sponsor for twelve months Two (2) tickets to the event to staff the booth/network Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor at event Number Available: one

4 2019 Spring Symposium Sponsorship (continued)
Roundtable Sponsorship $750 Roundtable Sponsored by ‘Sponsoring Company’ Moderate a roundtable on one of the available topics: Auditing the Retail Industry Auditing the Healthcare Industry Auditing Governmental Entities Internal Audit Managers / Directors Small Audit Shops Young Professionals in the Internal Audit Profession Emerging Audit Issues Data Analytics in the Audit Profession Value-Added Internal Auditing Logo displayed at the roundtable Please contact for more details. Number Available: eleven

5 2019 Spring Symposium Sponsorship (continued)
Meal Sponsor (Silver Sponsorship) $700 Name announced as a sponsor Name and logo displayed near the food Five minutes to speak to all attendees during the meal Two (2) tickets to the meal networking Recognition as a Silver Sponsor during the event Opportunity to distribute marketing materials during the meal Number Available: two Break Sponsor: $300 (Bronze Sponsorship)

6 Scholarship (Gold) Sponsorship
The Nashville Chapter annually provides scholarships to students enrolled at partner universities. Schools include MTSU, WKU, Lipscomb, Belmont and Trevecca. Traditionally, faculty at each school selects the students to receive the scholarship based on professor suggestion. $1,000 Benefits: Name to be included in scholarship (‘The Sponsor Company IIA Student Scholarship’) Name included in marketing for the scholarship Two (2) tickets to the IIA Nashville Celebration luncheon in May and recognition at the event Company logo included on the website as a Gold sponsor for a rolling 12 months Number Available: Five – one per University

7 Full-Day Seminar (Gold) Sponsorship
The Nashville Chapter hosts multiple Full Day Seminars providing 8 hours of CPE to attendees. Each full-day seminar has an average of 80 attendees each. $1,250 Benefits: Recognition on all marketing for the event Recognition at the event - may display signage at the event (must be provided by sponsor) Ten minutes at the beginning of event to introduce the company Opportunity to set up a booth for networking, distribute marketing materials, etc. Provide marketing materials to attendees ( logo pens, brochures, etc.) Two (2) tickets to the event Logo included on website and newsletter the month prior and month of sponsored event as a Gold sponsor One (1) ticket to the IIA Nashville Celebration luncheon in May and recognition at the event Number Available: two

8 Lunch Seminar (Silver) Sponsorship
The Nashville Chapter hosts multiple monthly lunch seminars providing 2 hours of CPE to attendees. Each lunch seminar has an average of 60 attendees each. $750 Benefits: Recognition on all marketing for the event Recognition at the event - may display signage at the event (must be provided by sponsor) Ten minutes at the beginning of event to introduce the company Opportunity to set up a booth for networking, distribute marketing materials, etc. Provide marketing materials to attendees ( logo pens, brochures, etc.) Two (2) tickets to the event Logo included on website and newsletter the month prior and month of sponsored event as a Silver sponsor One (1) ticket to the IIA Nashville Celebration luncheon in May and recognition at the event Number Available: four

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