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Introducing the Mongols!!

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1 Introducing the Mongols!!

2 The Nomadic Life The Mongols were constantly on the move because they were pastoralists ( herding domestic animals) and those animals needed a pasture (land) to feed off of Often times they were grouped in Clans; groups of people of similar descent when they needed large force Often though they traded peacefully…

3 Around 1200 a leader named Temujin united all the Mongols and took the title Genghis Khan (universal leader) Brilliant organizer, gifted strategist, and used terror to control! Unified all under his control Russia, China, Iraq and Persia! Creating the largest unified land in empire history! Enter… Genghis Khan


5 Mongol Empire covered: Russia, Iran, India and China!!!

6 When was the Mongol Empire?

7 Square Miles at the height of Empire

8 Pax Mongolia Surprising the Mongols under peace time were tolerant to others For a hundred years ish is called Pax Mongolia due to the peace and the ability to easily trade good and inventions (like China’s invention of gun powder and the black plague )

9 Enter Kublai Khan Although the Mongols were able to conquer some of China they were never able to take it all over until Genghis’ Grandson Kublai! Although the Chinese and the Mongols were different since they allowed the Chinese their separate lives. Khan was able to lead them and increase trade!

10 The end of the Mongols As the Khan started to lose military battles, spending on luxury items went up and their control started to weaken. When Kublai died, fighting within the family made it easier for a weaken group of Chinese rebels to over throw them!


12 Or? It Ain't Necessarily So . . .
According to the Persian historian Juvaini: In the Muslim countries devastated by Chinggis Khan, not one in a thousand of the inhabitants survived (Qtd. in Nicolle 46). Or? According to the Muslim chronicler Ghazi: Under the reign of Chinggis Khan, all the countries enjoyed such peace that a man might have journeyed from the land of the sunrise to the land of sunset with a goldenplatter upon his head without suffering the least violence from anyone (Qtd. in Martin 6)

13 Mongol Empire Builders:
Fiends from Hell or Culture Brokers?

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