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Field specific research ethics

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1 Field specific research ethics
Group 2 Ludo, Berrit, TJ, André

2 Problem / case: The EU commission has decided to implement new holding conditions for Zebrafish. A maximum of 6 individuals per 3L-tank is allowed. This interferes with the natural requirements of Zebrafish, since they prefer to live in bigger groups. The new guidelines are a form of animal cruelty.

3 Problem owner and dilemma:
Research group has to decide how to act.  Should they follow the new guidelines, or ignore them for the wellbeing of the fish?

4 Research project Facility Commission Fish Follow the guidelines + Ethics permit is not endangered. - Damage to research quality. + Facility can be run without risks. - Might lose clients. + Researchers validate them. - Failure of mission (wellbeing of animals). + Under high stress, but kept alive. - Health & wellbeing lowered. Find loopholes + Damage to research quality limited. - Risk of commission revoking ethics permit. + Wellbeing of fish and clients is ensured. - Risk of closure / censure. + Not forced to justify their decision. - Authority is undermined. + Health & wellbeing ensured. - If commission finds out, all will be killed. Lodge appeal to review guidelines (with data) + Chance to improve future conditions. - Appeal process may be long. - Risk to future permits. + No risk of losing either permits or clients. - Extra work. + Rules to improve conditions for fish are optimized. - Authority is questioned publicly. + Wellbeing in the long term. - Short-term suffering.

5 Solution: Lodge appeal to review guidelines (with data)
Missions of all groups depends on the wellbeing of the fish.

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