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Solar Oven S-Mores Experiment

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1 Solar Oven S-Mores Experiment
Group 1 RSIM 1E1

2 Featuring The Group Members:
-Durratun -Harlina -Hidayah -Rachel -Jun Quan From Class 1E1

3 Steve Spangler Sick Science Video

4 Would the size of the box affects the temperature in the box?
Our Question: Would the size of the box affects the temperature in the box?

5 Our Hypothesis: A bigger-sized box, will result in higher temperature.

6 If the the size of the box is smaller,
Eg. If the size of the box is bigger, the temperature of the box will be higher. If the the size of the box is smaller, the temperature of the box will be lower.

7 Variables Dependant: Temperature of the box   Independent: The size of the pizza box (big/small) Constant: 1)Presence of aluminium foil 2)Presence of black construction paper 3)Presence of screen protectors 4)time when boxes are place must be the same 5) angles where the boxes are place must also be the same.

8 Methods 1) Measure 2 inches from each side of a pizza box and mark with a pen. There would be a ‘square’. 2)Cut out 3 sides of the ‘square’ to create a flap. 3)Measure and cut out aluminium foil to line the bottom of the box.

9 Methods 4)Apply glue to the bottom of the box and lay the aluminium foil to the box 5) Apply glue to the inside of the flap and attach to the foil. 6)Cut a piece of black construction paper (smaller than the bottom of the box)

10 Methods 7)Tape it to the bottom of the box with clear tape.
8)Separate the sheet protector so that there are one layer of plastic. 9)Tape the layers of plastic together. 10)Tape the plastic as tight as possible to the inside of the box.

11 Methods 11) Poke small hole (about two inches apart) in the side of the box. 12)Wrap a thin piece of tape around the skewer. 13)Tape it to the side of the box to create a “kick-stand” for the lid. 14) Add laboratory thermometer near the black construction paper using the tape.

12 Methods 15) Repeat steps 1 to 14 again using a smaller size of pizza box. 16) Then place both boxes under the sun in the morning (9-10am) and in the afternoon (10-11am) 17) Ensure that both boxes face the same angle to the Sun’s direction.

13 Methods 18) Lastly, measure the temperature of the boxes after 15 minutes in the sun. 19) Add S-Mores if you want to. 20) Eat and Enjoy your outcome of S-More ! xD

14 The smaller box has a higher temperature than
Results Smaller Box Bigger Box Temperature Before Placing S-Mores Under the hot sun for 15mins 25 degrees Temperature After Placing S-Mores Under the hot sun for 15mins 45 degrees 35 degrees Results Has a higher temperature Has a lower temperature The smaller box has a higher temperature than the bigger box.

15 Discussion Hypothesis: If the bigger the size of the box, the higher
the temperature. Results: The smaller box has a higher temperature than the bigger box. We thought that the bigger box can trapped more heat due to bigger size of the box and black construction paper than compared to the smaller size box as it is smaller in size of box and black construction paper. Therefore, when more heat is trapped, there would be higher temperature. So, we think that the bigger box has a higher temperature.

16 Conclusion The smaller box attracts heat faster than the big box probably because the bigger box had lower humidity than the smaller one thus having the rate of evaporation higher causing the temperature in smaller box to be higher than the temperature in the bigger box.

17 Reflection Of Group Leader
3 THINGS I LEARNT -The smaller box has a higher temperature than the bigger box due to humidity. -Black construction paper retains heat very well. -By covering as much of the box as possible with the tin foil, as much sunlight could be trapped.

18 Reflection Of Group Leader
2 THINGS I WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT MORE -What can be done to the bigger box so that it can increase its temperature as much as the smaller box could? -What other colour construction paper could be use as the ‘cooking surface’, the bottom of the box?

19 Reflection Of Group Leader
1 THING I WOULD LIKE TO IMPROVE ON MY PROJECT I would want to improve on setting up the s-mores a bit faster due to the presence of the sunlight which sometimes disappear and sometimes don’t.

20 Reflection Of Photo/Video Manager
The 3 things that I have learnt : 1)I have learnt that actually, being the photo/video manager is not that easy as I thought. This role has a great Responsibility of needing to take down the process of this experiment and putting them in altogether. But nonetheless, I enjoyed being in this role.

21 Reflection Of Photo/Video Manager
2) I learnt that, in order to have the results conclusive and fair, we need to have a fair experiment in the beginning, and a control set-up. Plus with the right variables, the result and at the end of the experiment, would be a success !  

22 Reflection Of Photo/Video Manager
3) I learnt that sometimes, even though in the beginning, the experiment seems tough, troublesome and such. But, we should and must, always have the positive thinking and try it. In the start, i actually didn’t agreed with this experiment. However, slowly, I found that, Hey! It isn’t that bad afterall, in fact i had so much fun! Especially when our hard work paid off and when we got to try our S’mores.

23 Reflection Of Photo/Video manager
2 Things I would Like to Find Out More : -I would like to find out if we switched our controlled vairable into something else, what should it be? -I would like to find out if example i keep the bigger box the same, but switches the small box’s contruction paper color, and in order to make the temperature the same in the end, what should the colour be?

24 Reflection Of Photo/Video Manager
1 thing i would like to improve on my project -I would like to improve on the project is the amount of sunlight the boxes is having and on the number of attemps that we did.

25 Reflection On Report Manager
3 things that I’ve learnt is that : - The smaller box capture more amount of sunlight that the bigger box . Every material roles play a part in making this experiment a successful one. -The afternoon heat and temperature are better and Hotter than the morning one.

26 Reflection On Report Manager
2 things that I would like to know is that : - Will the chocolate still melt if the colour paper is changed into a much more brighter colour? Will the experiment still work if a different type of boxes is used?

27 Reflection On Report Manager
1 thing I would like to improve is: What can be done so that the marshmallows can be steady and not keep on falling? By this, the results may not be accurate due to the massive amount of time put into it.

28 Reflection On Material Manager
3 Things That I had learnt -The smaller box have a higher temperature due to the humidity around the surrounding. -Black paper can trap heat at a very fast rate. -Closing the pizza box will be a more fair experiment as the results might be affected by the surrounding atmosphere.

29 Reflection On Material Manager
2 things that I would like to know more -What would happen to the results if I open the box during the experiment? -What would happen if I do not put in black construction paper for the experiment? 1 thing that I would like to improved on - I would like to faster the timing of the experiment as the sunlight would not co-operate with you and would be gone sometimes.

30 Reflection On Data Manager
<I learnt 3 things> 1) Lower humidity leads to higher rate of evaporation 2) Always have a chocolate bar that haven’t melt YET 3) Always have both your thermometers at both set-ups to have the same temperature before starting the experiment.

31 Reflection On Data Manager
<2 things that you would like to find out more> 1)How exactly did the s-more gain heat? 2)Other than the difference between humidity , what are other reasons that caused the difference in temperature?

32 Reflection On Data Manager
<1 thing that you would like to improve on your project> I would like to improve our timing because before we could even start the chocolate already melt and sometimes the sun shine and sometimes it does not and it is really confusing and i think this is one of the big factor that affects our result.

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