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Introduction to Satire

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1 Introduction to Satire
Definitions, Connections, and Examples

2 Predictions and Connections
What do you already know about the term satire? What do you think the term means? As a society, what bad habits do we have? What mistakes do we make over and over? What are some negative aspects of our world?

3 Satire Definitions Holds up human vice or folly for ridicule or scorn
Makes fun of human mistakes and bad habits Uses wit, humor, exaggeration, parody and sarcasm to make a point Makes fun of bad parts of society Tries to shame society into changing Often prophetic (predicts future mistakes or stupidity)

4 Brainstorming Think about the definition of satire. What might be some modern examples of this type of literary expression? Let’s agree on three as a class. 1. 2. 3.

5 Modern Examples of Satire
How do these examples fit into the category of satire? What do they try to point out or make fun of?

6 Sample Analysis Look at the provided examples and then explain how each reflects satire. Use the terms provided for you in the satire definition.

7 Sample Analysis Sample 1- Penny Arcade
Sample 2- The Onion’s Dominoes Pizza  Sample 3- The Onion’s Barking Dog  Sample 4- Homer Voting Sample 5- The Onion’s Disney Geneticists Sample 6- The Onion’s Green Week  Sample 7- Apple’s New Laptop

8 Overall: Summative Activity #1
How are all of these examples connected? What general themes or similarities do you see in the messages provided? Write a short discussion of the connections and ideas you see represented in the examples. Use details from the examples in your response. We will share our responses as a class.

9 Overall: Summative Activity #2
Work with a partner to come up with YOUR OWN concise, definition of satire. Use what you learned from our brainstorming, our examples and our discussion. Your definition should be reflective of the notes provided but should be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. We will share and discuss our definitions together as a class. Turn in the last page before you leave today. Make sure your name is on it!

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