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Internal Assessment (IA)

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1 Internal Assessment (IA)
Graduating class of 2019 & Beyond Internal Assessment (IA)

2 I: Introduction Purpose: To provide background information & rationale for the investigation. This section should first introduce the AREA of research (level of analysis: cognitive, biological, or socio-cultural) followed by the more SPECIFIC STUDIES that are directly related to the experiment (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979)

3 Advice for Writing your Introduction
Give a general introduction of the psychological subject area you are investigating. Include a brief summary of the theory and KEY pieces of research associated with the topic in which you are investigating. DO NOT include more than 3 pieces of relevant research (more is not always better). This is NOT the same as sources! Research must be focused on your TOPIC and must logically lead to the investigation.

4 Relevant Research and Theory MUST Be Included
Ideas Explanation about a specific topic Must be able to be tested, proved/disproved Broad range of concepts on a given topic Example: Big Bang Theory Evidence Used to prove or disprove the theory Gather facts on a subject/topic Deals with some type of argument/debate

5 End of Introduction Statement of specific research hypothesis which is clearly justified by research Aim is stated Due to suggestions by Loftus and Palmer’s study, the aim of this experiment is to determine… Our experiment will be carried out by… Be sure to write it in operationalized form and is precisely testable Null hypothesis should state that results found were due to chance not manipulation of the IV

6 Pre-Experiment “Materials” Important Documents Please include blank copies in your appendices
Consent Form(s) Parental consent for if under 16 years old Briefing notes Debriefing notes Standardized Instructions

7 The following slide is an EXAMPLE Please DO NOT COPY and paste the information and just switch out your appropriate details!

8 Dear Participant, As part of my IB psychology Internal Assessment, I am conducting a study on _____________ (example: memory). This study is going to test your ability to memorize a list of words while listening to music. After the briefing, I would ask you to sign the statement below: I have been informed of the nature of the experiment. I understand that I have the right to withdraw from the experiment at any time, and any information /data collected will remain confidential. My anonymity will be protected because my name will not be identifiable. The experiment will be conducted so that I will not be demeaned in any way. I will be debriefed at the end and have the opportunity to find out the results. I give my informed consent to participating in this experiment. Name___________________ Date____________

9 Standardized Briefing Notes
Reasoning: To ensure that you control any extraneous variables that may interfere with the experiment. Written script of what you said to your participants before conducting the experiment Include in appendices Must include: Aim and instructions regarding the procedure of the study Information about the ethical issues

10 Standardized Debriefing Notes
Written script that is used to debrief participants after conducting the experiment Include copy in appendices Be sure to include: What you expected to find in your study Participants have the right to learn about the conclusions drawn from the research once analysis of data is finalized Remind them that they may withdraw their data

11 II: Exploration Design is explained Sampling technique is explained
Choice of participants are explained Procedure is explained Controlled variables are explained Outline steps of the experiment Choice of materials are explained

12 Design Correctly identify the type of design
Explain why this design is best practice for your chosen experiment For independent design, the allocation of participants into each group MUST BE done randomly Counterbalancing: the participant sample is divided in half, with one half completing the two conditions in one order and the other half completing the conditions in the reverse order (repeated measures design)

13 Design You need to choose between two basic designs; depending on what you are investigating, one design might make more sense than the other Independent Samples Design Repeated Measures Design Two different groups of participants: Control group & experimental group Used when it is not possible to use the same participants in the two experimental conditions N=20 (10 participants for each group; even numbers in each group) SAME participants in both the treatment and the control group. Ex. Group is first asked to memorize and recall a list of words without music (control) Then they are asked to memorize and recall a list of words while listening to music (treatment) Order effect : using same participants and they learn what the first trial was therefore affecting the second trial N=20 (same 20 participants)

14 Strengths Repeated Measures Design Independent Samples Design
Participants are less likely to guess the hypothesis Less boredom and tired Won’t improve skill due to repetition (example of order effect) Same materials may be used for both groups (example: same list of words) Eliminates participant variability (differences between the two groups are due to natural situations as opposed to manipulation of the IV) Requires fewer participants

15 Limitations Independent Samples Design Repeated Measures Design
May be participant variability Coincidentally, one group is better than the other group Doing the same task twice may cause order effects Demand characteristics (discover the aim and don’t act naturally in order to “help” or “hinder” your research) may occur Isn’t best practice for experiments with “performance tasks”

16 Sampling Technique & participants (How & Who)
Example technique process is explained and rationale is explained Identify essential characteristics of participants Age (range) Gender distribution Education Any other relevant characteristics related to the aim Example: language proficiency, free of being color-blind, etc.

17 Explaining controlled variables
Only control the variables that will potentially be confounding for your experiment Come up with a list of factors and explain how these factors might interfere with your results Talk about the MOST important confounding variables What are you going to do? Nothing and acknowledge they might influence your results Use random allocation into groups and expect that these factors will influence all experimental conditions equally, therefore it will not effect the comparison Eliminate the confounding variables (explain how you did this)

18 Procedure (step-by-step)
Replicability Reference materials (consent for, briefing/debriefing notes, standardized instructions…these are also materials) Reference these documents in your appendices

19 Explanation of materials
Why did you choose to use specific materials Video, photos, text/story etc. Don’t need to explain writing utensils and desk… Should be support your aim and hypothesis

20 III. Conducting the Analysis
Descriptive Statistics (include graphs & narative) Levels of measurement Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio-level Normality of distribution of the dependent variable Measure of central tendency Mean, median, mode Measure of dispersion Standard deviation, semi-interquartile range Inferential Statistics (no graphs, just narrative) Justify the type of test based off of: Design Level of measurement (parametric or non-parametric) Assumptions regarding normality of distribution of the DV Statistical significance (reject or accept null hypothesis)

21 Analysis: Descriptive & Inferential
Must be in NARRITIVE form (written) & in GRAPHIC form Each section should be able to stand alone and the reader should be able to understand the results regardless of which form they are reading Should reflect the aim of the research hypothesis Different levels of details should be represented (levels/scales of measurement) Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

22 Levels of Measurement

23 Nominal Simplest form of data
Count how many fall into each category such as: Males vs. females Provide the least amount of information Only the mode can be used as a measure of central tendency

24 Ordinal Used to rank (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) Example: Likert scale:
1.) Strongly agree 2.) Agree 3.) Disagree 4.) Strongly disagree

25 Interval Measured on a scale which has exact and equal intervals
Example: Temperature 67 degrees, you know accurately what the weather is like Carries more information than ordinal data Mean, median, & mode can be calculated When you rank interval data it becomes ordinal data John is 179 cm tall and Max is 180 cm, so Max is the tallest, John is the shortest

26 Ratio Has all the characteristics of interval data and also has a TRUE zero point Weight, length, volume can have a zero point but not a negative measurement

27 Descriptive Statistics
Calculate both Central Tendency & Dispersion if the level of measurement allows it “Due to the nature of data collected a measure of dispersion was not applicable…” Raw data (Exact results/answers from participants) SHOULD not be included in the written section, but must be referenced in the appendix Only summarized data should be included in the results

28 Measures of Central Tendency
Mean (average) Sum of data divided by amount of data Most influenced by outliers (extreme scores) Very precise; not useful if there are many modes Median (middle) Put in order, find middle number (may need to take average of 2 numbers if even amount) Not distorted by outliers Can be distorted by small samples Mode (most) Which ever number is repeated the most Most sensitive measure of central tendency Can be distorted by outliers (if they are the mode)

29 Measures of Dispersion
Range Highest score minus lowest score Easy to calculate Distorted by outliers Standard Deviation The square root of the variance (difference between each value and the mean, squaring the difference between each value and the mean (eliminates negatives), summing the squared differences and then taking the average of the sum of squared differences) Most sensitive measure of dispersion using all data

30 Calculating Standard Deviation

31 Graphs Level of measurement of data Possible descriptive stat
Possible tables/graphs Nominal Percentages Mode Frequency table Pie graph Bar graph Ordinal Median Frequency polygon Interval and Ratio Mean, median, mode Quartiles Range, standard deviation Box and whisker plot histogram

32 Frequency Table

33 Pie Graph

34 Bar Graph

35 Frequency Polygon/Histogram

36 Box Plot

37 Whisker Plot

38 Graphs Use a computer Data must be accurate and RELEVANT to the prediction of the research hypothesis One graph per statistic is sufficient DO NOT include graphs showing each individual participant’s score EACH PERSON MUST CREATE HIS/HER OWN GRAPH…DO NOT MAKE MULTIPLE COPIES!

39 IV: Evaluation Results are discussed in reference to the theory/model and original experiment Do you findings support the background theory, why or why not? What modifications did you make and how could this impacted your results? Strengths and limitations of design are addressed as well as sample & procedure How can construct, internal, and external validity be applied? How were the construct operationalized? What variables were controlled? How/why was the sample selected and target population? How have various forms of bias impeded your research/findings? This should be viewed as a reflection piece…now that the experiment is done, was your design, sample and procedure the best given the type of experiment you conducted? What modifications should be made for the future in relation to your above limitation? hypothetically speaking, if you were to do this again, what would you do differently in relation to your experiment/procedure?

40 V: References & Appendices
Anything cited should also appear in your list of references and anything in your list is references should also be cited Follow proper citation format and it must be consistent throughout your report Standardized instructions Briefing and debriefing notes Copy (not signed) of consent form (and parental if applicable) Stimulus materials used to record data (questionnaire, essays, photos, etc.) Raw data table Calculations of descriptive and inferential statistics (include printout of the data entry as well as the options chosen and values used Any other materials you used for experiment (filler task, music or video links, etc.)

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