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Stave 1 Vocabulary.

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1 Stave 1 Vocabulary

2 Noun Someone who is named in a will as the person who will make sure that the instructions in the will are properly followed Ex: He named his daughter as his executor. Executor: (page 620)

3 Adjective obvious and noticeable as if you could feel/touch EX: I felt a palpable sense of relief.
Palpable: (page 621)

4 Noun respect or honor EX: People bowed in homage to [=as a sign of respect for] the king as he passed by. Homage: (page 622)

5 Adjective suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future EX: ominous clouds
Ominous: (page 623)

6 Adjective used to describe speech that is meant to be funny but that is usually regarded as annoying, silly, or not proper EX: Please don’t be mad; I was just being facetious. Facetious: (page 623)

7 Noun a usually small and unpleasant room or area just below the roof of a building EX: an artist's garret [=a garret where a struggling artist lives in poverty] Garret: (page 624)

8 Adjective not able or willing to believe something : feeling or showing a lack of belief EX: There was just no way, but she listened to his explanation with an incredulous smile. Incredulous: (page 627)

9 Adjective continuing without stopping : not stopping — used to describe something that is unpleasant or annoying EX: The neighbors were bothered by the dog's incessant barking. Incessant: (page 628)

10 Adjective kind and generous EX: This is a gift from a benevolent donor
Benevolence: (page 628)

11 Noun an expression of great sorrow or deep sadness EX: bitter lamentations for the dead
Lamentation: (page 629)

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