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What are the priorities?

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1 What are the priorities?
The GEOSTAT project The Geostat IB project What are the priorities? EuroStat Working Party on GIS for Statistics Luxembourg 8th – 9th of March 2010 The Geostat project Lars Henrik Backer Executive Director European Forum for Geostatistics Valhallavägen 145 11531 Stockholm Sweden Tel : ++46 / Mobile : ++46 / (0)

2 Project: Geostat IA Geostat I A ( ): Focus on Visions, Precisions WP1:Vision Vision for User needs from a data users and a data producers perspective. WP2: Data Establish foundation for Iterative evolution of the Essnet dataset WP3: Infrastructure Visions for infrastructures WP4: Distribution, dissemination exploitation Establish channels for direct communication between users and producers WP5: Examples None proposed for this stage of the project

3 Aim Plot the results of the EU 2010-11 population census to km grids.
EFGS shall, as a formal association of NSI’s, in close cooperation with EUROSTAT (as a compliment to aggregations to administrative areas) in a form and structure that responds to real user needs; over the internet, through publications and direct communication, present an overview of the EU census on km grids along with maps, diagrams, tables, narratives and practical illustrations of its benefits and practical use.

4 An Iterative Method Preparation phase: Geostat initiatives
Base all work on the results from the Geostat initiative concluded by (Feb. 2010) Iteration 1: Geostat Essnet I A&B Most if not all components in a tentative embryonic form in place by the end of Year 2 (Feb. 2012). Iteration 2: Geostat Essnet II A&B Mature the infrastructure, improve the datasets, illustrations, dissemination technology by the end of Year 4(Feb. 2014)

5 Obstacles A new disaggregation strategy
That the potential use of the corine landcover combined with NUTS statistics for disaggregation is exhausted. A distributed webb portal for WSS That we need a dedicated portal for geostatistics for dissemination and experiments towards a true WSS (Webb Statistical Services). A set of good illustrations For the efficient DDE of Geostatistics, good examples (best practices) to illustrate the power of the grids for spatial analysis are needed. A formal organisation of NSI’s We need a formal organisation for the EFGS

6 New Disaggregation strategy
Concerns WP2 and WP4 Tasks: A dedicated task to support a post- Corine pan European initiative Efforts to substitute crude Corine data with a better dataset (GMES, Harmonised European map dataset (ca. 1:25000 ?) A dedicated Task to support National Grid initiatives. Projects to support the development of km grid datasets based on the each countrys special conditions A methodological Project to handle ”mixed mode” harmonisation challenges

7 2. A Distributed webb Portal
Concerns WP3 and WP4: We are producing visions for Portal, Metadata, WSS and and a business model. We need to establish the embryo for an Portal with ESS om the EFGS website ( Use of Open source solutions for: WMS to show large grid datasets (difficult) Maps, diagrams, tables as well as narratives with references Meatadata for statistics in general and spacifically for geostatistics Dedicate schema for statistics, INSPIRE schema for maps (?) Illustrations , Case studies(demonstrations)

8 3. A Set of good Illustrations
Concerns WP4 (DDE) A set of good illustrations Presented as a set of unified Posters, a set of slides and a webb presentation Examples Manmade: Urban studies (Inner differentiations, outer delineations) Day vs. Nighttime populations, travel to work patterns, commuter regions etc. Natural: Coastal areas (Interaction between Sea and land) Access to waterfronts, Pollution of rivers, lakes and waterfronts, eutrophication etc. Sociocultural: Quality of life studies Economic: Business and industrial clusters.

9 4. A formal organisation for EFGS
Concerns the whole project Formalized link between NSI’s and Eurostat To serve as a professional reference group in all issues related to geo.statistics Contents. Mandate from NSI’s Statistical offices and public institutions as primary fee paying members Individuals and businesses secondary members An EFGS office and a dedicated Webbsite Portal for access to datasets, Project reporting, Discussion goups, Links etc. Organised Expert groups Channel to publish articles, reports and presentation of Geostatistics

10 Conclusions Priorities: The new approach to disaggregation
To have the essential components for a whole solution in place for the first iteration by February 2011 The new approach to disaggregation Tasks and deliverables for WP2 and WP4 Concrete solutions for WSS on the EFGS portal Tasks and deliverables for WP3 and WP4 A set of good examples for DDE A new WP5 Formalisation of the EFGS The whole project

11 Lars H. Backer

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