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Unit 3: Aggregate Demand and Supply and Fiscal Policy

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1 Unit 3: Aggregate Demand and Supply and Fiscal Policy
1 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

2 Review Draw an Inflationary Gap with your fingers.
Draw a Recessionary Gap with your fingers. Explain the difference between the Classical and Keynesian philosophies. Explain why the Aggregate supply curve is shaped like a backwards “L.” Name 10 Universities in California. Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

3 The Car Analogy The economy is like a car…
You can drive 120mph but it is not sustainable. (Extremely Low unemployment) Driving 20mph is too slow. The car can easily go faster. (High unemployment) 70mph is sustainable. (Full employment) Some cars have the capacity to drive faster then others. (industrial nations vs. 3rd world nations) If the engine (technology) or the gas mileage (productivity) increase then the car can drive at even higher speeds. (Increase LRAS) The government often speeds up or slows down the economy by using fiscal and/or monetary policy. Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

4 The Role of Consumers in the Economy
Consumption is the most important part of the economy. Consumers will spend a certain amount no matter what, regardless of their income. This is called autonomous consumption. This is usually to pay for necessities. Consumer spending is made up of autonomous spending and disposable income (income after taxes) If incomes are less than autonomous spending then there is dissaving (or negative savings) But what if incomes fall and people stop buying things. Who often steps in? Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

5 How does the Government Stabilizes the Economy?
The Government has two different tool boxes it can use: 1. Fiscal Policy- Actions by Congress to stabilize the economy. OR 2. Monetary Policy-Actions by the Federal Reserve Bank to stabilize the economy. Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

6 For now we will only focus on Fiscal Policy.
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7 Fiscal Policy Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

8 Discretionary vs Non-Discretionary
Discretionary Fiscal Policy Congress creates a new bill that is designed to change AD through government spending or taxation. Problem is time lags due to bureaucracy. Takes time for Congress to act. Ex: In a recession, Congress increase spending. Non-Discretionary Fiscal Policy AKA: Automatic Stabilizers Permanent spending or taxation laws enacted to work counter cyclically to stabilize the economy Ex: Welfare, Unemployment, Min. Wage, etc. When there is high unemployment, unemployment benefits to citizens increase consumer spending. 8 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

9 Expansionary Fiscal Policy (The GAS)
Contractionary Fiscal Policy (The BRAKE) Laws that reduce inflation, decrease GDP (Close a Inflationary Gap) Decrease Government Spending Increase Taxes (Decreasing disposable income) Combinations of the Two Expansionary Fiscal Policy (The GAS) Laws that reduce unemployment and increase GDP (Close a Recessionary Gap) Increase Government Spending Decrease Taxes (Increasing disposable income) Combinations of the Two 9 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

10 2008 Audit Exam D

11 2012 Exam B

12 WHY? What type of gap and what type of policy is best?
What should the government do to spending? Why? How much should the government spend? The government should increasing spending which would increase AD They should NOT spend $100 billion!!!!!!!!!! If they spend $100 billion, AD would look like this: LRAS AS Price level WHY? P1 AD2 AD1 $ $500 Real GDP (billions) 12 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015 FE

13 The Multiplier Effect Why do cities want the Superbowl in their stadium? An initial change in spending will set off a spending chain that is magnified in the economy. Example: Bobby spends $100 on Jason’s product Jason now has more income so he buys $100 of Nancy’s product Nancy now has more income so she buys $100 of Tiffany’s product. The result is an $300 increase in consumer spending The Multiplier Effect shows how spending is magnified in the economy. 13 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

14 Effects of Government Spending
If the government spends $5 Million, will AD increase by the same amount? No, AD will increase even more as spending becomes income for consumers. Consumers will take that money and spend, thus increasing AD. How much will AD increase? It depends on how much of the new income consumers save. If they save a lot, spending and AD will increase less. If the save a little, spending and AD will be increase a lot. Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

15 Marginal Propensity to Consume
Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) How much people consume rather than save when there is a change in income. It is always expressed as a fraction (decimal). Change in Consumption Change in Income MPC= Examples: If you received $100 and spent $50. If you received $100 and spent $80. If you received $100 and spent $100. 1. MPC=.5 2. MPC= .8 3. MPC= 1 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

16 Marginal Propensity to Save
Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) How much people save rather than consume when there is a change in income. It is also always expressed as a fraction (decimal) Change in Savings Change in Income MPS= Examples: If you received $100 and save $50. If you received $100 your MPC is .7 what is your MPS? MPS= .5 MPS= .3 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

17 Because people can either save or consume
MPS = 1 - MPC Why is this true? Because people can either save or consume Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

18 How is Spending “Multiplied”?
Assume the MPC is .5 for everyone Assume the Super Bowl comes to town and there is an increase of $100 in Ashley’s restaurant. Ashley now has $100 more income. She saves $50 and spends $50 at Karl’s Salon Karl now has $50 more income He saves $25 and spends $25 at Dan’s fruit stand Dan now has $25 more income. This continues until every penny is spent or saved = Multiplier x Total change in GDP Initial Change in Spending Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

19 Calculating the Spending Multiplier
If the MPC is .5 how much is the multiplier? Spending Multiplier OR If the multiplier is 4, how much will an initial increase of $5 in Government spending increase the GDP? How much will a decrease of $3 in spending decrease GDP? MPC = .5 the multiplier is 2 = Multiplier x Total change in GDP Initial Change in Spending 19 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

20 The Multiplier Effect Let’s practice calculating the spending multiplier Spending Multiplier OR If MPC is .9, what is multiplier? If MPC is .8, what is multiplier? If MPC is .5, and consumption increased $2M. How much will GDP increase? If MPC is 0 and investment increases $2M. How much will GDP increase? 1. 10 2. 5 3. $4 Million 4. $2 Million Conclusion: As the Marginal Propensity to Consumer falls, the Multiplier Effect is less Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

21 Fiscal Policy Practice
Congress uses discretionary fiscal policy to the manipulate the following economy (MPC = .8) LRAS What type of gap? Contractionary or Expansionary needed? What are two options to fix the gap? What is the least amount of initial government spending to close gap? AS Price level P1 AD2 AD1 $100 Billion $ $1000FE Real GDP (billions) Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

22 Fiscal Policy Practice
Congress uses discretionary fiscal policy to the manipulate the following economy (MPC = .5) LRAS What type of gap? Contractionary or Expansionary needed? What are two options to fix the gap? How much needed to close gap? AS P2 Price level -$10 Billion AD1 AD $80FE $100 Real GDP (billions) Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

23 What about taxing? Expansionary Policy (Cutting Taxes)
The multiplier effect also applies when the government cuts or increases taxes. But, changing taxes has less of an impact then government spending. Why? Expansionary Policy (Cutting Taxes) Assume the MPC is .75 so the multiplier is 4 If the government cuts taxes by $4 million how much will consumer spending increase? NOT 16 Million!! When they get the tax cut, consumers will save $1 million and spend $3 million. The $3 million is the amount magnified in the economy. $3 x 4 = $12 Million increase in consumer spending Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

24 Calculating the Tax Multiplier
If the MPC is .75 how much is the tax multiplier? MPC MPS Simple Tax Multiplier MPC x OR If the spending multiplier is 4, then the tax multiplier is only 3 But remember that an increase in taxes decreases GDP so the tax multiplier is negative. MPC = .5 the multiplier is 2 = Tax Multiplier x Total change in GDP Initial Change in Taxes Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

25 Cutting Tax Practice $10 Billion Price level -$20 Billion
Congress uses discretionary fiscal policy to the manipulate the following economy (MPC = .5) LRAS 1. What to options does the government have? 2. How much should they increase government spending? $10 Billion 3. How much should they cut taxes? AS Price level P1 AD2 AD1 -$20 Billion $ $100FE Real GDP (billions) 25 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

26 2012 Exam E

27 B

28 Non-Discretionary Fiscal Policy
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29 Non-Discretionary Fiscal Policy AKA: Automatic Stabilizers
Legislation that act counter cyclically without explicit action by policy makers. AKA: Automatic Stabilizers The U.S. Progressive Income Tax System acts counter cyclically to stabilize the economy. When GDP is down, the tax burden on consumers is low, promoting consumption, increasing AD. When GDP is up, more tax burden on consumers, discouraging consumption, decreasing AD. The more progressive the tax system, the greater the economy’s built-in stability. Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

30 2008 Practice FRQ 30 Copyright ACDC Leadership 2015

31 2008 Practice FRQ 31

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