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Quiz Show Question and Answer.

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1 Quiz Show Question and Answer

2 Below is an example of a mid shot.

3 What is the point of the angle below?
To make the audience uncomfortable, or show something peculiar is happening.

4 How many camera angles are there?
Four High Angle Eye Level Angle Low Level Angle Dutch Angle

5 Which is true about the shot below?
Brings audience uncomfortably close Narrows in on what normal sight can’t see Extreme close up Only briefly on screen All of the above

6 What type of shot is this?
Close up Draw attention to one part of action. By bringing the audience close to the action it increases tension.

7 What is the purpose of the shot below?
Orientate the audience – where will it take place?

8 What type of shot is this?
Low level angle To show the subject as large, evil, powerful, heroic or controlling. Distorts the body, making the upper body seem more powerful.

9 Match what you hear in a film to its purpose
Music Fill in gaps, reflective Dialogue Enhance atmosphere Sound Effects Emotive response Voice over Revels about character Narration Don’t see speaker, reflective

10 How many camera shots are there?
Five Extreme Long Shot Long Shot Medium Shot Close-up Shot Extreme Close-up The larger the shot, the longer it stays on screen

11 Which is not true about the shot below?
Close up Frames a human Shows the environment Long shot Shows relationship between humans and environment

12 What is not true about the shot below?
Subject is a victim High Angle Subject is powerful Subject is under pressure Positioned above, looking down

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