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Presentation on theme: "JAMES VALLEY VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL CENTER"— Presentation transcript:


2 MYTHS Elderly people are incompetent and incapable of making decisions or handling their own affairs. Most elderly live in nursing homes All elderly people live in poverty

3 Older people are lonely and unhappy
Elderly do not want to work “Old Age” begins a 65 Retirement ends your active life

4 Physical Changes of Aging
Most physical changes that occur with aging are gradual and take place over a long period of time. In addition, the rate and degree of change varies among individuals.

5 Factors such as disease can increase the speed and degree of the changes. Lifestyle, nutrition, economic status, and social environment can also have effects. If an individual can recognize the changes as a/an normal part of aging, the individual can usually learn to adapt to & cope with change

6 Integumentary System Changes
Production of new skin cells decreases Oil and Sweat glands become less active Circulation decreases

7 Hair losses color, and hair loss occurs
Skin becomes less elastic & dry Itching is common Dark yellow or brown colored spots appear Senile lentigines (liver spots)

8 Fatty tissue layer of skin diminishes
Lines and wrinkles appear Nails become thick, tough, and brittle Increased sensitivity to temperature

9 Care of Skin Use mild soap Bath oils or lanolin lotion
Bath or Shower once or twice a week Brush Hair daily

10 Shampoo as often as needed for cleanliness and comfort
Care for sore or injuries immediately Socks, sweaters, lap blankets, and layers of clothing will help alleviate the feeling of coldness

11 Because of the need for oxygen and nutrients the elderly may experience:
Weakness Dizziness Numbness in hands & feet Rapid heart beat

12 Circulatory System Care
With circulatory changes: Avoid strenuous exercise or over exertion Periods of rest Moderate exercise, according to individual’s tolerance

13 Prevent the formation of a blood clot (thrombus)
Support stockings, anti-embolism hose DO NOT wear garters or tight bands around legs\ If confined to bed ROM

14 High Blood Pressure = Diet low in salt Decrease fat intake
Exercise as recommended by physician

15 Respiratory Changes Respiratory muscles become weaker
Rib cage more rigid Alveoli thinner & less elastic which decreases exchange of gases - emphysema

16 Bronchioles lose elasticity
Changes in larynx lead to higher pitched & weaker voice Chronic diseases may decrease the efficiency of the respiratory system even more severely

17 Changes may cause the elderly to experience:
Dyspnea Breathing increases in rate Difficulty coughing up secretions Increases susceptibility to infections such as a cold or pneumonia

18 Respiratory Care Alternate activity with periods of rest
Proper body alignment & positioning Sleep in semi-fowlers position Use 2 or 3 pillows

19 Avoid polluted air Breath deeply & cough frequently May need continuous oxygen therapy

20 Nervous System Changes
Blood flow to brain decreases & there is a progressive loss of brain cells - - Interferes with Thinking - Reacting Interpreting - Remembering

21 Senses of taste, smell, vision, & hearing are diminished
Nerve endings less sensitive Decreased ability to respond to pain and other stimuli Decrease in taste& smell frequently affects appetite

22 Changes in vision Problems reading small print
Seeing objects at a distance Decrease in peripheral vision Decrease in night vision Increased sensitivity to glare Cataracts Glaucoma

23 Changes in hearing Hearing loss usually gradual
Person may speak louder than usual Ask for words to be repeated Not hear high frequency sounds May not hear well in crowded places

24 Decreased sensation to pain & other stimuli = more susceptible
Burns Frostbite Cuts Fractures Muscle strain and other injuries

25 Digestive Changes Fewer digestive juices and enzymes produced
Muscle action becomes slower & peristalsis decreases Teeth are lost Liver function decreases

26 Slower digestion of food
Dysphagia is frequent complaint Less saliva Slower gag reflex Loss of teeth Poor fitting dentures Slower digestion of food indigestion

27 Decrease sensation of taste
Decrease peristalsis Increase flatulence (gas) Constipation Decrease sensation of taste Poor appetite Poor diet

28 Digestive Care Good oral hygiene Repair or replace damaged teeth
Relaxed eating atmosphere High-fiber high-protein foods with different tastes and textures Seasoning to improve taste Increased fluid intake

29 Urinary Changes Kidneys decrease in size & become less efficient
Bladder becomes less efficient May not hold as much May not empty completely incontinence

30 Urinary Care Increase fluid intake Regular trips to bathroom
Decrease before bedtime Regular trips to bathroom Easy to remove clothing Absorbent pads

31 Endocrine Changes Increased production of some hormones and decreased of others Immune system less effective BMR decreases Intolerance to glucose

32 Endocrine Care Proper exercise Adequate rest Medical care for illness
Balanced diet Healthy lifestyle

33 Reproductive System Changes
Decrease of estrogen / progesterone in female Thinning of vaginal wall Decrease vaginal secretions Inflammation of vagina common

34 Decrease in Testosterone
Weakness in supporting tissue: Uterus sags downward (Uterine prolapse) Breasts sag when fat redistributed Decrease in Testosterone Slow production of sperm Response to sexual stimuli slower Testes smaller less firm

35 Advantages of sex in elderly
Male and Female Sexual desire may or may not decrease Advantages of sex in elderly Improves muscle tone & circulation Pain from arthritis seems to decrease

36 Reproductive Care Understand physical and psychological sexual needs of the elderly Allow married couples to be in the same room Give privacy to consenting elderly

37 Psychocosocial Changes
Some individual cope with psychosocial changes, and others experience extreme frustration and mental distress

38 Fears of a sick person: Death Chronic illness Loss of function Pain

39 Dealing with fears created by an illness:
Listening Patience Understanding Provide support

40 Confusion and Disorientation
Six signs: Talking incoherently Not knowing their name Not recognizing others Wandering aimlessly Lacking awareness of time or place

41 Displaying hostile and combative behavior
Hallucinating Regressing in behavior Paying less attention to personal hygiene Inability to respond to simple commands or instructions

42 Causes of temporary confusion / disorientation
Stress and/or depression Use of alcohol or chemicals Kidney disease Respiratory disease Liver disease Medication

43 Diseases: CVA Arteriosclerosis Atherosclerosis
Cause TIA’s ministrokes which result in temporary periods of diminished blood flow to the brain.

44 Dementia Loss of mental ability characterized by a decrease in intellectual ability, loss of memory, impaired judgement, personality change, and disorientation

45 Acute dementia Chronic dementia
When the symptoms are caused by temporary reason: High fever, dehydration, hypoxia Chronic dementia When symptoms are caused by permanent, irreversible damage to brain cells

46 Alzheimer’s Disease Form of dementia that causes progressive changes in brain cells

47 Early Stages: Memory loss Mood & personality changes Depression
Poor judgment Confusion regarding time & place Inability to plan and follow through with ADLs

48 Middle Stages: Nigh time restlessness Mood swings increase
Personal hygiene ignored Weight fluctuates Paranoia & hallucinations Full time supervision needed

49 Late Stages: Total disorientation Incoherent
Unable to communicate with words Loses control of bladder & bowel functions

50 Develops seizures Loses weight despite eating a balanced diet Becomes totally dependent Lapses into a coma Dies

51 Certain aspects of care should be followed with any confused or disorientated individual. Provide a/an safe and secure environment, follow the same routine, keep activities simple and last for short periods of time.

52 Avoid loud noises, crowded rooms, and excessive commotion
Avoid loud noises, crowded rooms, and excessive commotion. Promote awareness of person, time, and place by providing reality orientation (RO)

53 Reality Orientation: Address person by name preferred
Avoid: sweetie, baby, honey State your name, correct elderly if calls you by the wrong name Make reference to day, time, place Use clocks, calendars, bulletin bd.

54 Keep individual oriented to day night cycles:
Regular clothes during the day Open curtains during the day] Close curtains at night Pajamas at night

55 Speak slowly, clearly / ask clear & simple questions
Never rush or hurry the individual Repeat instructions patiently, allow time for ind. to reaspond Encourage conversations about familiar things or current events

56 Encourage use of tv, radio without overstimulating them
Be sure ind. uses sensory aids Keep familiar objects in view Avoid moving furniture & belongings Do not agree with incorrect statements

57 Do not hesitate to touch communicate with person
Avoid arguments Encourage independence and self help whenever possible

58 Meeting the Elderly Needs
Culture: the values, beliefs, ideas, customs, and characteristics that are passed from one generation to the next.

59 Areas affected by an individual’s culture:
Language Food habits Dress Work Leisure activities Health care

60 The spiritual beliefs and practices of an individual is called their religion. It is important to accept an individual’s belief without bias, and that health care workers not force their own religious beliefs on the ind. being cared for.

61 Respect and Consideratin of a persons religious beliefs
Proper treatment of religious articles Allow person to practice religion Honor request for special food Provide privacy during clergy visits

62 Abuse Physical Verbal Psychological Sexual

63 Report any abuse observed to proper agency
Reasons elderly do not report abuse Feel they deserve the abuse Want to protect abuser

64 Ombudsman is a specially trained individual who works with the elderly and their families, health care providers, and other concerned individual. To improve quality of care and quality of life.


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