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Network of Journals of National Societies.

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1 Network of Journals of National Societies. Tom Glomsaker What do we do?

2 Network of Journals of National Societies.
There has to be an initiative from the Journals and the National Societies themselves The "coordinator" of this work should be an editor with connections. 

3 Network of Journals of National Societies.
My proposal is that we send a list with addresses (or a link to our homepage) to the National delegates and to all the editors, and say that we have collected a list over editors and Journals and there is an oppertunity to cooperate in issues, which are of interest.

4 Dividing experiences in developing a National Journal.
Issues of interest? Cooperation in publishing interessenting articles from other countries and discuss education, specialisttraining, health political questions etc. Dividing experiences in developing a National Journal. Some Journal will perhaps be interested in having a page for experiences from other National Societies. A network could be good for getting in contact with people in whole Europe and also have somebody to ask for referees etc. If a Journal need articles to special topics, a network could be of importance. The editors could of course define themselves, what the network can be used for

5 Network of Journals of National Societies.
The adresslist have to be continously updated and the national delegates and editors must be responsible for sending this information to the office in Brüssels.

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