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Promising Practices for Bringing the Framework to Life

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1 Promising Practices for Bringing the Framework to Life
Family Engagement: Promising Practices for Bringing the Framework to Life Libby Doggett, Office of Early Learning Laura Wilson Phelan, Flamboyan Foundation Samantha Cohen, Flamboyan Foundation January 2016

2 Make sure you’re ready to engage in today’s presentation!
Before We Begin… Make sure you’re ready to engage in today’s presentation! Poll Everywhere Navigate to our Poll Everywhere URL on your preferred device: When we activate polls throughout the presentation, join the conversation by placing your vote!

3 Promising Practices for Bringing the Framework to Life
Agenda Promising Practices for Bringing the Framework to Life Welcome & Introductions Session Objectives Family Engagement & ESSA Review of Dual Capacity-Building Framework Implementing Promising Practices Questions & Close

4 Session Objectives Participants will:
Learn how Flamboyan’s model of integrating promising practices relate to the Department’s Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships. Learn about two promising family engagement practices. Learn how practices are being implemented in DCPS schools. Explore ways to implement practices in local settings.

5 Family Engagement in ESSA
Title I, Part A, Section 1116 (previously Section 1118) – “Parental Involvement” changed to “Parent and Family Engagement.” Title IV, Part E, Section 4502 – Statewide Family Engagement Centers

6 ESSA Resources Please direct your questions to:
Visit the website for more information: Read the Every Student Succeeds Act here. Sign up for ESSA news and updates

7 Reflection How would you describe your current family and community engagement program?

8 Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships
Promising Practices The Dual Capacity-Building Framework provides one model that states, districts and schools can use to guide their efforts for incorporating the rich resources that engaged families and communities bring to influence the culture of a school and enhance student outcomes.

9 Family Engagement: Promising Practices for Bringing the Framework to Life

10 Reflection What proportion of your engagement with families is focused on challenges and concerns (either yours or parents’)? Why do you think this is? How much time do you spend sitting with parents to understand their child’s strengths and interests, the parent’s strengths, and then working together on a plan for how those complement your own strengths to promote the best outcomes for the child?


12 Family Engagement Defined
Educators and families partnering for students’ social and academic success That very partnership – between educators and parents – is how we define FE.

13 Family Engagement Grounded in Trust
This partnership – ability to work together on behalf of the child – all starts with trust. Only care what you know when they know you care. 5:1 Home visits and positive calls Only then can you transfer information related to academic partnering and expect it to have effect. APTT Data-driven PTCs Glue that binds these pieces is ongoing comms.

14 Families value relationship-building
VIDEO PLACEHOLDER When this happens, you’ll get to the nirvana that we showed earlier. Listen to how this parent describes the transformational impact of relationship-building with her child’s teacher.

15 Family engagement linked to student outcomes
Students whose families received a home visit 24% Finding #1 Had 24 percent fewer absences 1.55x Finding #2 Were 1.55 times more likely to read at or above grade level compared to similar students who did not receive a home visit This anecdotal experience is supported by independent research on the power of relationship-building. JHU 2-part study, concluded last year Study Details The study, conducted by researchers at JHU, analyzed 12 D.C. public elementary schools and more than 4,000 students in the school year, found 2 things. Flash 24% and 1.55 x. Explain what those #s mean. Let’s hear from a principal about why she believes family engagement is fundamental to excellent teaching.

16 Principals value teacher-parent relationship building
VIDEO PLACEHOLDER As you heard, family engagement helps the teacher reach his/her goals and identify best ways of helping that child succeed.

17 Whole-school approach
Teacher District Principal Family It is truly a whole-school approach at play. It’s important to note that this study included Flamboyan’s whole-school approach. In this model, the district supports schools in signing up for family engagement training. The principals commit over 15 hours of professional development time for training, plus extra, compensated time to do home visits. Over 75% of the teachers show support for home visits and to pro-actively reach out to families with positive communication throughout the year. It is this inter-dependent web of supports that leads to families feeling welcomed in schools and to students doing better academically.

18 What questions do you have for us?
Questions & Answers What questions do you have for us?

19 Connect with us! Please feel free to reach out to Samantha Cohen:

20 Resources Building Capacity Dual Framework for Family-School Partnerships The Family Engagement Partnership: Student Outcome Evaluation

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