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Student portal – all about your studies

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1 Student portal – all about your studies

2 About the Student Portal
The Student Portal gathers all student services in one place The Student Portal offers access to: Your course and programme pages List of participants and Discussion forums Course material Course evaluation Teacher list with contact information Messages from teachers and departments Important dates and latest events

3 About the Student Portal
Via the Student Portal you can: Change your address and change profile image Sign up for groups or exams Apply for degree certficate Request transcripts Submit assignments Subscribe to news feeds Register for courses See a compilation of Assignments and Progress elements See study results See your schedule

4 Your start page Shortcuts to your courses and programmes Your ongoing courses and programmes The start page contains the most important from your ongoing courses and programmes. Admissions information and link to registration Startsidan samlar det viktigaste från dina kurser och program. Messages from teachers and departments Latest events on your courses and programmes Link to examination registrations

5 My studies My studies contains all information about your education Here you can: Request grade transcripts Send in your degree application View progress, portfolios, assignments, study results and registrations. Register for examination Links to all your programmes and courses; ongoing, incompleted and completed courses and courses you are admitted to Startsidan samlar det viktigaste från dina kurser och program.

6 Examination registration
Examination registration is mandatory. Your current examination registrations are located in the tab My studies Unregister if you cannot participate in the examination Here is the anonymity code which is to be brought to the examination hall and written on the examination paper. Startsidan samlar det viktigaste från dina kurser och program. Click the button Register to sign up for the exam. The exam will move up and change colour to green.

7 My Schedule My Schedule shows schedule events for your registered courses this semester. Click Customize to change display settings. Change weeks via the arrows Click on Change search to search for schedules for other courses and programmes. Hint! You can subscribe to the time table! Startsidan samlar det viktigaste från dina kurser och program.

8 My services The tab My services contains library services, information about , print and copy and spellchecking programmes Startsidan samlar det viktigaste från dina kurser och program.

9 My profile Via My profile you can forward your , change your password, spam filtering and address information. Click ? To view för the help text available for the specific function. This is the information that is avaliable about you in the university’s database. Add a study related link and an profile image which are displayed in the lists of participants in which you are present. Startsidan samlar det viktigaste från dina kurser och program.

10 Course starting page The course starting page always contains a list of participants and links to the syllabus with course literature and the library Change language here My groups displays the groups in which you are registered and you can send to the other group members. Course material, assignments and progress are displayed in the menu. The teacher decides which functions he or she wants to use. Startsidan samlar det viktigaste från dina kurser och program. If you can register for a group the registraton is shown here. Messages from teachers ands administrators are shown on the course bulletin board. Below the messages the latest course events and important dates connected to the course are shown.

11 Programsida The Programme starting page contains information chosen by the programme co-ordinator. The menu always includes a link to the library and the programme syllabus (if avalailable). Programme overview with links to the courses within the programme The programme bulletine board and latest programme events Startsidan samlar det viktigaste från dina kurser och program.

12 Do you need help? Contact IT Servicedesk!
Opening hours Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Weekends 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m All students can contact us. We respond directly to your question or guide you to the right place Please note! Always contact the course co-ordinator if you have questions about a specific course, course schedule or course content.

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