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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN RESOURCE AND PAYROLL HIGHLIGHTS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Human Resource and Payroll Highlights
Haven't read Release Notes? Haven’t watched the Release Review Recordings? This session will review the newest Alio Human Resource and Payroll features released in the last year. 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.4.1

3 Time and Attendance Demographic Extract - HEATT15A.FMX
Added a new Phone Number Type prompt Phone number (select/results) Home = Home Mobile = Mobile, else Home Mobile 2 = Mobile2, else Mobile, else Home Work = Work, else Home

4 Time and Attendance Demographic Extract - HEATT15A.FMX

5 Employee Basic Information Report - HEBIL01A.REP
NEW report Report Includes: Employee No and Name SSN (optional) Filtering Date Type and Date (uses Beginning and Ending Date range) Additional Date Type and Date Address Gender (optional) Ethnicity (optional) Allows free form Report Title Allows free form Date Column Headings Sort Options include Employee Name Employee No SS# Filter Date

6 Employee Basic Information Report - HEBIL01A.REP

7 Ded/Ben Master - HMDED02A.FMX
Modified the Ded/Ben Master to enable a copy feature specific to Employee Ded/Ben Start and End Dates

8 Employee Taxes/Ded/Bens - HEDED11A.FMX
Added a soft warning message when Period Limit is populated for an Employee Ded/Ben however the Ded/Ben Plan in the master does not have a Period Type selected.

9 Employee Taxes/Ded/Bens - HEDED11A.FMX
If an account override exists for an employee, the Account button will now display green for Benefit, Deductions, Taxes and Other tab.

10 Garnishments: Child Support
New Garnishment Payment File processing. Ded/Ben Master-hmded02a.fmx Employee Direct Deposit Information-hedir01a.fmx Employee Garnishment Addenda Information-hegar01a.fmx ACH Garnishment Payment File Create-hpach02a.fmx ACH Garnishment Payment File Report-hpach02a.rep

11 Garnishments: Child Support

12 Garnishments: Child Support

13 Garnishments: Child Support

14 Garnishments: Child Support

15 Employee Emergency Information – HEEMG01A.FMX
Added Sort Options Name State Relationship Type

16 Employee Emergency Information-HEEMG01A
Employee Emergency Information-HEEMG01A.FMX and Employee Emergency Listing-HEEMG01A.REP Modified form and report to show an international phone number

17 Personnel Directory - HEEMP01B.REP
Added these fields to the report: Office Extension, Mobile 1, Mobile 2, 2 and Extended Zip Code (from Employee Master – HMEMP01A). Also made it spreadsheet ready. The mobile 1 and mobile 2 phone numbers displaying on the report are based on Directory Access setting in Employee Miscellaneous. The and 2 display are based on the user parameter option.

18 Personnel Directory - HEEMP01B.REP
Added Date, Time, Page No, and Column Headers to the report.

19 Employee Events - HEEVE01A.REP
Added End Date and Next Date filters Added the capability to run this to filter out by End Date and/or Next Date

20 Employee Events - HEEVE01A.REP

21 Leave Usage Report/Posting-HELVE02A.REP
Add the Detail Sort to employee's leave detail records by date or by Leave Code  Filter the employee records You can enter All in the Employee No 1 field or enter up to 5 individual employee numbers. 

22 Leave Usage Report/Posting - HELVE02A.REP
Add the Sub Duration by Location total and total to the report. 

23 *NEW* – Roll Jobs & Pays by Employee Category - HPROL11D.FMX
Selection Criteria from Old Contract: Category Group >>> LOV – Employee Category Groups-hmcat02a.fmx OR Employee Categories >>> LOV – Employee Categories-hmcat01a.fmx Contract Year >>> required Effective Date >>> must fall within the employee JOB and employee PAY Contract start/end dates; optional Roll Inactive >>> checkbox Roll Terminated >>> checkbox New Contract: New Calendar >>> LOV – Calendar Master-hmcal01a.fmx; optional Copy/paste all fields from the old year except: - Calendar >>> use the New Calendar value on roll form - Contract Year >>> use the new Contract Year on roll form - Comments >>> Roll Comments checkbox on the form - Salary Override >>> roll as a 0 - Retro Pay Lost checkbox >>> do NOT select - Lost Retro >>> reset to null - If Contract flag is selected in employee pays: Contract to Date >>> reset to .00 No Pays Paid >>> reset to 0 Roll All Positions >>> Checkbox The Roll flag must be selected in Position Master-hmpos03a.fmx in order for an employee position to roll. Roll Active Positions >>> Checkbox The Roll flag must be selected AND the Inactive Flag must NOT be selected in Position Master-hmpos03a.fmx in order for an employee position to roll. Active as of Date >>> MM/DD/YYYY Required date field when Roll Active Positions is selected. An empty display only date field when Roll Active Positions is NOT selected. In order for an employee position to be active the ‘Active as of Date’ must fall within the employee position start and end dates. Dates will then be changed for active positions only. “Update Employee Position Dates” >>> Contract Dates – Calendar Master – Calendar Master-hmcal01a.fmx >>> Pay Dates – Calendar Master – Calendar Master-hmcal01a.fmx >>> Increment Year Only – month and day remain the same >>> Specific Dates – Start Date & End Date >>> user defined dates Clear Encumbrance Flag checkbox When selected: the “Encumbrance?” checkbox will NOT be selected in employee pays Encumbrance detail information will NOT be rolled into the new year When NOT selected: the “Encumbrance?” checkbox will remain the same Old Contract: Contract End Date and Pay End Date are both required fields and neither one can be null (a hard error message will be logged). Radio buttons: - Load End Dates on Job and Pay records without End Dates Load End Dates on Job and Pay records with End Dates > These Dates Load End Dates on All Job and Pay records End Date Employee Position Dates – Checkbox…when selected: >>> Load End Dates on Job and Pay records without End Dates – Job and Pay records without end dates will be populated with the end dates on the form; and the position will be populated with the Contract End Date on the form. Job and Pay records with end dates will NOT be changed to the end dates on the form; and the position will be populated with the Employee Pays Contract End Date. >>> Load End Dates on Job and Pay records with End Dates > These Dates – Job and Pay records with end dates past the form’s end dates will be changed to the end dates on the form; and the position will be populated with the Contract End Date on the form. Job and Pay records with end dates equal to or prior to the form’s end dates will NOT be changed to the end dates on the form; and the position will be populated with the Employee Pays Contract End Date. >>> Load End Dates on All Job and Pay records – all Job and Pay records will be populated with the end dates on the form; and the position will be populated with the Contract End Date on the form.

24 Roll Jobs and Pays - Retired
HPROL01D.FMX – Roll by Category  HPROL01A.FMX – Roll by Calendar  Replaced these programs with following programs released in Alio 18.1:  HPROL11A.FMX – Roll Jobs & Pays by Calendar  HPROL11D.FMX – Roll Jobs & Pays by Employee Category  Your system administrator must use the Change option on the Program form to update the Alio menus that currently call each retired program to call each replacement program. Refer to the “Changing a Program Name” section in the Guide to System Administration for Alio for more information. You can download this guide from the Weidenhammer infolink Web site.

25 Alio Mobile App In order to use App you need: New Features 18.1
Employee Service Portal 10.0 Android or IOS device New Features Full Screen Search capabilities in Directory and Vendors Additional types of Approvals

26 Alio Mobile App

27 Alio Mobile App

28 Alio Launch

29 Alio Launch

30 Alio Launch

31 Alio Launch

32 Employee Professional Development -HEPDV01A.FMX
Modified to display the employee’s job and location Sort order: School Year, End Date (blank dates appear first in the list) and Start Date

33 Employee Professional Development - HEPDV02A.FMX
Sort order: School Year, End Date (blank dates appear first in the list) and Start Date

34 Print Check Receipt Log - HPCHK02A.REP
Added a Print Option field to the Parameter Form. Modified the report to expand the Received By column – double spacing between records now. Under the Totals For Location and Grand Totals sections, revised the Employee Count total and added Printed Check Count and Printed Advice Count totals. Example with Print Option = Y (no payments were printed here)

35 Print Check Receipt Log - HPCHK02A.REP

36 Print Check Receipt Log - HPCHK02A.REP
Employee count is correct if there are multiple checks for employees.

37 Historic Check Register - HCHK01A.REP
Prints in Check Key order Spreadsheet ready.

38 Salary Advancement - HEADV01A.FMX
Added “Default Actual FTE to 1 if Null” checkbox Static list Contract Days Number of Pays Hours Per Day Use Schedule Header Use Employee

39 Salary Advancement - HEADV01A.FMX

40 Salary Advancement - HEADV01A.FMX
The following hi- lighted fields are required for the Process button to complete the task.

41 Salary Advancement-HEADV01A.FMX

42 Salary Advancement-HEADV01A.FMX

43 Salary Advancement - HEADV01A.FMX

44 Certificates - HECRT01A.FMX
Sort by the Primary Flag, Active and the most current From Date.

45 AlioTime Created a streamlined integration between Alio and Alio Time
I.T. 3100 HANDPUNCH GT-400

46 Time and Attendance Import – HEATT03S.FMX
Auto creating the sub’s account via an import

47 Time and Attendance Import – HEATT03S.FMX

48 Time and Attendance Import – HEATT03S.FMX
Guide to Leave Processing (Resource ID 4504) – pages 39 – 42

49 Time and Attendance Import – HEATT03S.FMX
Populate the Effective Date in Employee Additional Pays from the SUB_START_DATE in the import file.

50 Time Reporting Groups - HTTMR01A
Time Reporting Groups - HTTMR01A.FMX Employee Time Reporting Groups - HETRG01A.FMX Added an Inactive flag. Cannot inactivate a time reporting group when an employee has it active and primary on Employee Time Reporting Groups-HETRG01A.FMX Only show active time reporting groups. Cannot make the employee time reporting group active and primary if the group itself is inactive on Time Reporting Groups-HTTMR01A.FMX

51 Time Reporting Groups - HTTMR01A
Time Reporting Groups - HTTMR01A.FMX Employee Time Reporting Groups - HETRG01A.FMX

52 Time Reporting Groups - HTTMR01A
Time Reporting Groups - HTTMR01A.FMX Employee Time Reporting Groups - HETRG01A.FMX

53 Time Reporting Groups - HTTMR01A
Time Reporting Groups - HTTMR01A.FMX Employee Time Reporting Groups - HETRG01A.FMX

54 Employee Tax/Ded/Ben Adjustments - HEDED03A.FMX
Modified form to log a hard error if a Refund adjustment is being saved without an end date. Modified sort order so active and most recent adjustments show at the top.

55 Change Check Information - HHUTL01A.FMX
Modified form to show a Void Flag checkbox Void when checked

56 Change Check Information - HHUTL01A.FMX
Void Flag is also a filter (can be used in conjunction with Check Key or Employee No) When checked only voids are displayed When not checked both voids and checks not voided are displayed

57 HRS Insurance Processing – HIPAR01A.FMX

58 HRS Insurance Processing – HIPAR01A.FMX
Added “Open in Spreadsheet” checkbox A/R Invoice Verification Report-HIPAR01A.REP – spreadsheet ready These two reports will always display using paper layout (neither is spreadsheet ready): Verify A/R Invoices Error Messages-SMERR01A.REP Invoice Edit List-FREDT01A.REP

59 HRS Insurance Processing – HIPAR01A.FMX

60 HRS Insurance Processing – HIPAR01A.FMX

61 HRS Insurance Processing – HIPAR01A.FMX
A/R Invoice Verification Report-HIPAR01A.REP

62 Employee Experience Report - HEEXP01A.FMX
NEW report - spreadsheet ready

63 Employee Experience Report - HEEXP01A.FMX

64 Employee Experience Report - HEEXP01A.FMX

65 Labor Distribution – HPDIS11A.REP

66 Labor Distribution – HPDIS11A.REP

67 Labor Distribution – HPDIS01A.REP

68 Labor Distribution – HPDIS01A.REP

69 Job and Pays Utility - HPUTL07A.FMX
Added a Position Detail tab in order to modify most employee position detail information.

70 Job and Pays Utility - HPUTL07A.FMX
Job and Pays Utility Change Listing-HPUTL07A.REP Employee Job/Employee Pay/Employee Position Detail records

71 Pay History by Earn Code - HHDET03C.REP
Added Summary to Pay History by Earn Code Report - Detail Include Summary of Earn Codes, make spreadsheet ready

72 Pay History by Earn Code - HHDET03C.REP
Added Summary to Pay History by Earn Code Report - Summary

73 Pay History by Earn Code - HHDET03C.REP
Modified the report to look at the Accounts History from the paycheck instead of using point in time Employee Distributions for the accounts. Made the report spreadsheet ready. Added additional columns (PERCENT, PRORATED REG TIME, PRORATED REG GROSS, PRORATED NON-REG TIME and PRORATED NON-REG) to the spreadsheet to help users tie to the printed report. SPREADSHEET NOTE 1: The REG GROSS amount is overstated if there is a split distribution. (The full amounts shows for each account.) Must use the PRORATED columns on the right hand side to tie to the printed report. SPREADSHEET NOTE 2: Labor Distribution must be completed for this spreadsheet to tie to the printed report.

Added a Sort LOV by Employee Name or Number

Added Plan Description on Report

76 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

77 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

78 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

79 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

80 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

81 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

82 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

83 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

84 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

85 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

86 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

87 Alio-14911 (18.4.1) Position Master Update Utility-HEUTL22A.FMX

88 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

89 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX
Prior to running the utility: P001 was the DG on the employee pays record that this position was linked to.

90 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX
Results: A new DG was correctly created.

91 Position Master Update Utility - HEUTL22A.FMX

92 On/Off Boarding - HMOOB01A.FMX
New core Alio feature to create and maintain On/Off Boarding lists and tasks required for start of employment ( on boarding) and end of employment ( off boarding). Allows employee specific data for task dates and comments to be assigned to the On/Off Board tasks. *** IMPORTANT: On/Off Board lists and tasks CANNOT be added or modified at the employee level in HEOOB01A.FMX. HMOOB01A.FMX- On/Off Boarding List Master is used to create or modify On/Off Board lists or tasks. List Type and List Name are the only required fields.

93 On/Off Boarding - HMOOB01A.FMX
HMOOB01A.FMX - On/Off Board List Master - Create and maintain On/Off Board lists and tasks associated with each list. You can copy an existing On/Off Board List Name or Version to a New List Name and Version. The copy will copy the description, comments and all tasks under the Copy From List Name.

94 On/Off Boarding - HMOOB01A.FMX
The first section is used to Copy Lists. You can enter a new List Type, Name, Version and Tasks. Make sure you are in Entry mode. List Type and List Name are the only required fields. All fields are user defined. This is an example of how you could set your lists up. List Type is On Board, you could have many List Names and Versions under one List Type. List Name narrows your query, you may have a different List Name for each department as there may be different Tasks involved. The List Version can be blank, numeric or alpha. The year is used in this example. There is a box you can check if you want to inactivate this list. It will only inactivate this one List record. You can enter a description up to 100 characters and a comment up to 2000 characters. If this List is effective as of a certain date, you can enter an effective date. Once save you can use the Edit button to change the comments. Enter a display order number, tasks, the tasks description and comments. The Tasks comments can be changed by using the Edit button.

95 On/Off Boarding - HMOOB01A.FMX
The ATR(About This Record) Button is for tracking. Clients can see when the record was created and who created it. They can also see when the table was last updated. You may call support and they will ask you to press the ATR button on your screen as this is helpful information if there is an issue.

96 On/Off Boarding - HMOOB01A.FMX
You can do a find on List types by putting your curser in the List Type and press find. The List Name and List Version works the same way.

97 On/Off Boarding - HMOOB01A.FMX
You can inactivate a task on the ON/Off Boarding Master. The Task will not display on Employee level

98 On/Off Boarding - HEOOB01A.FMX
Pull up an employee and press Print Button. Only that Employee will Print with all tasks

99 On/Off Boarding - HEOOB01A.FMX
Printed Employee

100 On/Off Boarding - HEOOB01A.FMX
Spreadsheet ready as well

101 On/Off Boarding - HEOOB01A.FMX
When running in Spreadsheet mode you will get the report parms pop up. Everything you need filled in came across from the program, just hit submit query

102 On/Off Boarding - HEOOB01A.FMX
Spreadsheet ready

103 Before Calling Support
Review each prerequisite Provide the following screenshots Error message Parameter form Results, along with the expected results Pre-req setup Zip the file to password protect and the file Sensitive data send via Dropbox support at Calling support at

104 Additional Info Visit Infolink Download WebEx recording
Download WebEx recording Adding Alio Menu Items Listen to recording and follow directions on adding new programs to the menu. If you are interested in other Alio WebEx group training sessions, you can view a list of sessions currently available at, If you prefer one-on-one training, please contact your Alio® support provider directly for cost and scheduling information.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Alio support at or by direct to



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