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Exponential Function in Circuits, Part 2

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1 Exponential Function in Circuits, Part 2
K. A. Connor Mobile Studio Project Center for Mobile Hands-On STEM SMART LIGHTING Engineering Research Center ECSE Department Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Intro to ECSE Analysis

2 The Exponential Function
In Part 1 We Saw How to Use Exponential in Damped dynamic systems Circuits Properties of It is its own derivative! Series expansions Small argument expressions Characteristic distances and times

3 The Exponential Function
Can it be used for sinusoidal voltages and currents? Can it incorporate both to handle decaying sinusoids? Phasor Notation Reducing a Differential Equation to an Algebraic Equation Key is Euler’s Equation

4 The Exponential Function
Complex Numbers z = a + jb or a + ib j2 = i2 = -1 What happens when the exponential function has an imaginary argument? This is the power of complex arithmetic – We are not restricted to working with only real numbers.

5 Exponential Function Series Representation Replace x with jx

6 Exponential Function Series Representations for sine and cosine

7 Exponential Function New Representation of Complex Numbers Polar Form

8 Exponential Function

9 Phasors Phasor General Form of Voltage as Function of Time
Can Also be Written as Polar Form Phasor

10 Phasors Keeps Track of Phase for Us Simplifies Analysis of C and L
Method Convert source to phasor form Write all impedances in complex form Analyze circuit as with resistors Convert solution back to time form

11 Impedances Inductance

12 Impedances Inductance

13 Impedances Inductance – Multiply the expression on both sides by –j and obtain the Imag. expression. Then can use the entire complex expression Drop the Re()

14 Impedances Inductance – More General Form for V

15 Impedances Capacitance

16 Impedances More General Form of Ohm’s Law
What Happens at DC and High f? To Think About

17 RC & RL Filters Low Pass Filters

18 RC & RL Filters High Pass Filters
Note Typo in This Expression: L and R should be interchanged

19 When Impedances are Equal
R and C What Then?

20 Summary Write Circuit Equations in Phasor Form
Solve for Voltages and Currents Multiply by ejωt and then take the real part to convert back to time dependent form Check Against Experiment, if Possible Keeps Everything Algebraic!

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