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Short Course Religious Studies

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1 Short Course Religious Studies
What will I be studying? B603 B603 – Human Relationships Roles of men and women in the Christian family, marriage ceremonies, responses to civil partnerships, the ethics of divorce and re-marriage, beliefs about sexual relationships and contraception. B603 – Medical Ethics Different attitudes to abortion, issues raised by fertility treatment and cloning, attitudes towards euthanasia, attitudes towards suicide, beliefs about the use of animals in medical research. B604 – Equality Different views about prejudice, racism, sexism and the treatment of other religions. Beliefs about forgiveness and reconciliation. B604 – Peace and Justice War and why people go to war, what the Just War Theory is, what Christians believe about punishment and the treatment of criminals, whether or not prisons work, beliefs about the death penalty, what social injustice is.

2 What criteria might you use to decide who gets it?
Imagine you are a surgeon, you have a liver to transplant into a person but there are ten people who are all compatible for the liver. What criteria might you use to decide who gets it? Success Criteria: ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the term ‘sanctity of life’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain what is meant by the ‘sanctity of life’ and select appropriate Bible quotes to support this view. SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain how the concept of the soul helps to support the ‘sanctity of life’ view. Will be able to apply this concept to explain how Christians should treat others LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and consider what effect this has on how Christians should treat others

3 ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the term ‘sanctity of life’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain what is meant by the ‘sanctity of life’ and select appropriate Bible quotes to support this view. SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain how the concept of the soul helps to support the ‘sanctity of life’ view. Will be able to apply this concept to explain how Christians should treat others LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and consider what effect this has on how Christians should treat others

4 ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the term ‘sanctity of life’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain what is meant by the ‘sanctity of life’ and select appropriate Bible quotes to support this view. SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain how the concept of the soul helps to support the ‘sanctity of life’ view. Will be able to apply this concept to explain how Christians should treat others Simon, despite being one of the greatest living footballers of his time , is a recovering alcoholic who has already had one liver transplant and has been struggling to give up alcohol. Rev. Nigel, after all those years of polishing off the reserved sacrament, became addicted to alcohol and is now dedicated to his battle with the booze. NEWSFLASH! Julia is an evangelical Christian who abstains completely from alcohol. She likes chocolate and has a secret love of cappuccino coffee. Fiona enjoys a weekend drink occasionally when she is out with the girls but does not drink during the week as a rule. Razzy has been in and out of rehabilitation for the last 13 years, after years of an alcohol and drug fuelled rock and roll lifestyle. Jenny secretly drinks a few vodkas a week, whilst her children are sleeping. Although Robert is a strict teetotaller, he is an abusive man who beats his wife and is very strict with his children LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and consider what effect this has on how Christians should treat others

5 What do you think ‘Medical Ethics’ means?
ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the term ‘sanctity of life’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain what is meant by the ‘sanctity of life’ and select appropriate Bible quotes to support this view. SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain how the concept of the soul helps to support the ‘sanctity of life’ view. Will be able to apply this concept to explain how Christians should treat others What do you think ‘Medical Ethics’ means? Medical Ethics - what is morally right and wrong when making decisions about medical practice. Medical ethics is tricky because there can be a lot of different things to consider and sometimes the results are not always fair for all involved. LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and consider what effect this has on how Christians should treat others

6 Why might a Christian think life is special?
ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the term ‘sanctity of life’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain what is meant by the ‘sanctity of life’ and select appropriate Bible quotes to support this view. SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain how the concept of the soul helps to support the ‘sanctity of life’ view. Will be able to apply this concept to explain how Christians should treat others Why do people think that human life is so valuable and special? Why might a Christian think life is special? Why is life special? LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and consider what effect this has on how Christians should treat others

7 The word sanctity means ‘being holy or sacred’
ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the term ‘sanctity of life’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain what is meant by the ‘sanctity of life’ and select appropriate Bible quotes to support this view. SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain how the concept of the soul helps to support the ‘sanctity of life’ view. Will be able to apply this concept to explain how Christians should treat others Christians believe in the ‘sanctity of life’. What do you think this means? The word sanctity means ‘being holy or sacred’ LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and consider what effect this has on how Christians should treat others

8 ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the term ‘sanctity of life’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain what is meant by the ‘sanctity of life’ and select appropriate Bible quotes to support this view. SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain how the concept of the soul helps to support the ‘sanctity of life’ view. Will be able to apply this concept to explain how Christians should treat others Christian beliefs about the Sanctity of Life; Each person is a separate, living human being with many rights, especially the right to life. God’s creation of man and woman was personal. ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…..’ Genesis 1:26 God made Adam then ‘breathed into his nostrils the breath of life’. He gave him a soul. (Genesis) God is the Lord of life because he is the Creator. God has given life to everyone so it is only right that he decides when it begins and ends. Life must be protected and used in the way God wants. If life comes from God, then life is sacred. God has a plan for all his creation. E Grade: Change the colour of your pen and add to your diagram some Christian beliefs about why life is sacred and special. Draw diagrams to as well to help you remember. C Grade: Use some of these quotes to help you explain what the ‘sanctity of life’ means and draw three pictures to help you remember its meaning. A Grade: Use some of these quotes to help you explain what the ‘sanctity of life’ means and consider how the soul helps to support the sanctity of life view. Draw two pictures to help you remember this topic. LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and consider what effect this has on how Christians should treat others

9 Is a person alive simply because their heart is beating?
ALL (E GRADE): Will be able to describe what is meant by the term ‘sanctity of life’ MOST (C GRADE): Will be able to explain what is meant by the ‘sanctity of life’ and select appropriate Bible quotes to support this view. SOME (A GRADE): Will be able to explain how the concept of the soul helps to support the ‘sanctity of life’ view. Will be able to apply this concept to explain how Christians should treat others Discuss the questions below with your partner and record your answers to question 1 and two others of your choice. Try to explain your opinion. (Explaining your opinion is an important skill for the exam as you get marks for this is Question E!) Is a person alive simply because their heart is beating? In what ways has medical science helped you and your family over the last few years? What forms of medication have made a particular difference to your quality of life? Do you think all people should be allowed free medical care, regardless of what they have done? Should an ill person be kept alive in all circumstances? Should babies be born even if no-one wants them or if they will have serious health problems? Explain what is meant by the term ‘playing God’. Do you think there is ever a time when mankind should not intervene with nature? LO: To explain Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and consider what effect this has on how Christians should treat others

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