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Enterprise Infrastructure

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1 Enterprise Infrastructure
Bina Ramamurthy 1/12/2019 Ch.4

2 Introduction Integration of the enterprise relies on an enterprise-wide infrastructure to support communications and shared services. An enterprise infrastructure provides the backbone management and communications that link the business systems. Collection of services and facilities that link business systems, management information systems, and portals for customers, employees and other partners. 1/12/2019 Ch.4

3 Enterprise Integration Infrastructure
Business System Domain Decision Support Facilities Plant Control Systems Intranet facilities System Management Archiving Service Personal computers Security services Meta data Repository Messaging service Organization Directory Knowledge Mgt. Portals B2B Messaging 1/12/2019 Ch.4

4 Intranet Facilities The intranet is for providing internal user access to applications and for the exchange of messages and files between applications. Typically contains a number of LANs linked by a wide-area-network with firewall and remote access facilities. 1/12/2019 Ch.4

5 Messaging Services Sometimes called Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) provide communication between Business System Domains (BSD) and their applications in a “store-and-forward”, asynchronous mode of communication. An sender application posts a message to a queue for later delivery. The receiver application removes the message from the queue to process the message. Queue guarantees once-only-once delivery. Message is ready for delivery only after a transaction associated with it has committed. 1/12/2019 Ch.4

6 Messaging (contd.) To provide flexibility and to reduce the number of connections between applications a message broker service is used. An additional capability called publish-and-subscribe service allows applications to publish the occurrence of an event that other applications have subscribed for. Messages can be filtered to have a certain characteristics before getting forwarded. Message transformation is another service associated with asynchronous messaging. 1/12/2019 Ch.4

7 Messaging and XML Currently XML is the preferred format for messages.
Transformations can be specified using style sheets (XSLT). Store and forward also helps realize loose coupling requirement of enterprise systems. 1/12/2019 Ch.4

8 Meta Data Repository It is a data dictionary.
It is the data about the “data”, systems and interfaces. Six categories of meta data are: Database scheme Object interface repository Message transformation specification Data warehouse meta data (historical data for mining) Knowledge meta data XML schema specifications specific to the business 1/12/2019 Ch.4

9 Portals Portals are windows on the enterprise using the internet.
Enterprise portal: public interface of the enterprise to the outside world. Employee portal: services and references of interest to employees: benefits portal Retail Portal: for conducting business with general public. Customer service portal: for customer relation management. 1/12/2019 Ch.4

10 B2B Portal/exchanges Typically for conducting business between partners through application to application interactions (not human /computer) ebXML is a standard developed for interchange of documents and protocols to follow. It uses secure messaging (https) Example: Auction framework. 1/12/2019 Ch.4

11 Summary Enterprise infrastructure is a key element in achieving:
Integration Economies of scale Flexibility Security 1/12/2019 Ch.4

12 Introduction State the purpose of the discussion Identify yourself
1/12/2019 Ch.4

13 Topics of Discussion State the main ideas you’ll be talking about
1/12/2019 Ch.4

14 Topic One Details about this topic Supporting information and examples
How it relates to your audience 1/12/2019 Ch.4

15 Topic Two Details about this topic Supporting information and examples
How it relates to your audience 1/12/2019 Ch.4

16 Topic Three Details about this topic
Supporting information and examples How it relates to your audience 1/12/2019 Ch.4

17 Real Life Give an example or real life anecdote
Sympathize with the audience’s situation if appropriate 1/12/2019 Ch.4

18 What This Means Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic Summarize key points you want your audience to remember 1/12/2019 Ch.4

19 Next Steps Summarize any actions required of your audience
Summarize any follow up action items required of you 1/12/2019 Ch.4

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