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Developmental Disabilities

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1 Developmental Disabilities
Mental Retardation / Intellectual Disabilities & Syndromes

2 Intellectual Disabilities
Manifests from 0 – 18/22 years of age Limitations in cognitive functioning and demonstrates developmental delays. Sub-average intelligence

3 Including: 2 of these areas
Limits in: Communication Self-Care Home Living Safety Skills Health Social Skills Community

4 Statistics 1.5-2.5% of American Population
has potentially intellectual disabilities

5 People with Profound Intellectual Disabilities
Less than 1/100 births IQ< 25 Neuro, Skeletal, Sensory, CNS, Self-care, Motor activity

6 People with Severe Intellectual Disabilities
Approximately 7/100 births IQ<40 Poor Motor Development Poor or Limited Communication

7 People with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities
Approximately 12/100 births IQ<50 Talks in simple words, short phrases, ADL’s, Needs Social Skills, 2’nd grade level

8 People with Mild Intellectual Disabilities
Approximately 80/100 births IQ<70 Social, Communication, Memory Difficulties: Needs more assistance in stressful situations and Judgment Skills

9 People with Borderline Intellectual Disabilities
Most births in this range IQ in the 80’s Very Social, Communicate well, Needs more assistance with learning new skills, Stress and Judgment difficulties

10 Causes of Intellectual Disabilities
75% of causes of Intellectual Disabilities is unknown 25% of all cases are known

11 Heredity Down-flat face-enlarged tongue Fragile X Prader Willi

12 Heredity: Down Syndrome
Flat face Small hands/feet Poor muscle tone Enlarged tongue Slanted eyes 1-800 births.  It is the most common single cause of birth defects in the United States (NIH, During the first trimester, most OB/GYN's will conduct an ultrasound..

13 Fragile X Most common known heredity cause of ID Large head Long face
Prominent ears, chin, and forehead Discovered in 1991 also known as Martin-Bell Commonly known as intellectual disabilities

14 Prader Willi Small gestational age Floppy like rag doll
Problems with swallow, suck, and weight gain

15 Heredity??? Autism Link to genetics 60% no ID
Dx is made with deficits in Communication Social Skills Inability to shift focus

16 PreNatal Causes Metabolic Disorders PKU Rh Environmental Disorders
PKU is short for phenylketouria: People cannot process these amino acids. They build up in the body and are toxic to the brain. Toxins cause mental retardation, poor focus, mood swings, irritability, depression and slow reaction time Rh – disease caused upon birth with aminonic fluid exchange from baby to mom affects can be mild to severe. Environmental factors, include Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- narrow small eyes, small head and upper jaw, smooth groove and thinning in upper lip abnormal heart development, behavior problems, MR, poor growth and coordinatio t

17 Post-Natal Causes Birth Trauma Anoxia Malnutrition
More than 16 million in the US children go hungry. 1 in 5,

18 Childhood Causes Trauma Infections Toxic Metabolic Disorders

19 SYNDROMES Cerebral Palsy Epilepsy Intellectual Disabilities

20 Psychological Disorders
30% of people with disabilities have psychological involvement. Depression Bi-polar PTSS Obsessive-Compulsive Aggressive Disorders

21 Stories Heather Tawnya

22 Services Regional Center Assessments Vendors Area Board X111
Distributes $ Area Board X111 Quality Control Rights Active in Politics

23 1960’s - 1990’s Human Status Achieved in 1963 Treatments
Active Treatment Person Centered Inclusion

24 2000 Choice Self-Determination People First


26 Having a disability Challenges facing How are different people viewed
What can you do as a person/nurse

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