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Presentation on theme: "HIGH SCHOOL SCENARIEOS"— Presentation transcript:

High school may be the best time of some student’s lives, but for many, it is a trying and questioning time. Luckily, the GPS LifePlan (Goals+Plans=Success) can help. The GPS LifePlan is a 24/7 online referatorium of practical information students, parents and educators can use.

2 Scenario 1 – Mike C. Academics: Very successful academically
Location: Suburban Twin Cities Age: 18 (Senior) Parents: Upper Middle Class, can afford some help, but not too much for college Situational Leaving home for the first time Determine resources to finance education Through combination of PSEO and AP, student has passed all AA Gen Ed Very shy and introspective – thinking about getting involved Not focused and does not know what he wants to do with his life Educational and Career Assess how his interests, values, skills, and personality align with career options Hoping to work part-time on campus Research which education programs/classes prepare him for transferring after his AA Determine how previous college credits will transfer toward his bachelor degree

3 GPS LifePlan Resources for Mike
CareerPlan: Career interests CareerPlan: Trend and industry information EducationPlan: Majors and programs of study EducationPlan: Alternative Options for Earning College Credit (PSEO or AP) EducationPlan: Transfer in formation for credit review FinancePlan: Scholarships and Financial Aid FinancePlan: Debt Management FinancePlan: Creating a savings plan LeadershipPlan: Cultural competency LeadershipPlan: Campus involvement PersonalPlan: Housing resources PersonalPlan: Transitioning to college

4 Scenario 2 – Jake K. cademics: Has NOT been successful, struggles
Location: Urban Metropolitan Area Age: 17 (Junior) Parents: Blue collar. Cannot pay for college Situational Has daughter, but mother has custody Has not done well at school. Will need classes to meet basic skills (development) Thinking about entering the military, but unsure of what he wants to do Wants to get out of his house as soon as possible, but does not have any money Has held part-time labor jobs Educational and Career Investigate what and where are the job opportunities are close to home Explore educational programs related to what the military might require Will struggle with his academics, needs to learn more about academic support, learning styles, and study skills Would like to continue to stay fit, but lacks the motivation to do so

5 GPS LifePlan Resources for Jake
CareerPlan: Assessing yourself – interests & skills CareerPlan: Finding a job CareerPlan: College and university information EducationPlan: College readiness EducationPlan: Time management EducationPlan: Under-standing the Accuplacer Placement Test FinancePlan: Create a budget FinancePlan: Saving for the future FinancePlan: Identity theft LeadershipPlan: Person-ality inventory LeadershipPlan: Social justice PersonalPlan: Health and fitness PersonalPlan: Crisis hotlines

6 Scenario 3 – Maddie M. Academics: Average Location: Rural
Age: 16 (Sophomore) Parents: Was/Is Upper Middle Class, parents recently lost their jobs Situational Has many questions about relationships Struggles with an eating disorder Parents financial situation has changed and so she needs to find a PT job Has done volunteer work, but never worked Educational and Career Thinking about dental assistance program Decide which classes to take; what are the program requirements. Struggles with test anxiety and is slightly dyslexic – needs to explore strategies

7 GPS LifePlan Resources for Maddie
CareerPlan: Exploring career options CareerPlan: Educational Options CareerPlan: Creating a plan EducationPlan: Determining education goals EducationPlan: Study skills and strategies EducationPlan: Learning styles assessment FinancePlan: Financial aid FinancePlan: Understand-ing credit cards LeadershipPlan: Know yourself LeadershipPlan: Community involvement PersonalPlan: Personal relationships PersonalPlan: Eating disorders & body shape

8 Questions for You What other features would be helpful?
What do you need from each plan that was not mentioned? How would you access the website (i.e. iPhone, computer on campus, laptop, etc.)? What other sites appeal to you - why? Any other comments?

9 Thank you for your participation!
Contact information: Randy LaFoy;


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