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Presentation on theme: "MINI STRATEGIES for ASSESSMENT"— Presentation transcript:

To Support Differentiation & Students’ Metacognitive Thought

2 Works best with learning tasks that are skill-based, and sequential.
Most Difficult First Works best with learning tasks that are skill-based, and sequential. Time is a factor Teacher needs to determine which are most difficult Criteria for accuracy necessay

3 Why do teachers use Most Difficult First?
Compacts the work for students at high levels of mastery Provides the opportunity for compacting all of the students Reduces unnecessary ‘drill’ or ‘practice work’ for students who have already achieved a high level of mastery Plan – how will you use this time? Centers? Anchor Activities? Independent Projects? What will enrich the students’ experiences?

4 Exit Cards Also known as “Tickets Out the Door,” etc. – they are tasks the students must complete prior to the end of a class or instruction. Essential Question:___________________________ My Answer: ______________________________________ Name ________________________________ Ticket Out the Door Pre-determined prompt often Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

5 Other Forms of Exit Cards
– Important facts learned today 2 – Questions that came to mind about the topic 1 – Things that really interests me about the topic Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

6 Other Forms of Exit Cards
Self Assessment After today’s mini lesson (circle one) 5. I know it so well I could explain it to anyone 4.I can do it alone 3. I need some help. 2. I could use more practice. I am only beginning Here is what I would like to learn next… Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

7 Other Forms of Exit Cards
Self Assessment Today we learned about ___________________. Complete the following statements: Today I learned… Tomorrow I need… Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

8 Other Forms of Exit Cards
Today we began studying _________ On your exit card draw a large square with a smaller square inside. On the outside square write down all of the things you know about the topic. On the inside square write questions you would like to explore about this topic. Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

9 Other Forms of Exit Cards
The Big Idea - Summary In one sentence, summarize the main idea of today’s lesson. Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

10 Other Forms of Exit Cards
The Big Idea - SWBS Somebody Wanted But So Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

11 Other Forms of Exit Cards
Basic Skills -List & identify three examples of ___________. Or On your exit card explain the difference between simile and metaphor. Give an example of each. Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

12 Other Forms of Exit Cards
Learning Profile & Interest Ex. Today we used the following strategies: Think-pair share Graphic organizers It Say, I Say, & So Which learning strategy or strategies worked best for you? Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

13 Other Forms of Exit Cards
Learning Profile & Interest Strategies we used in class today that really helped me understand the lesson. 2 strategies that I will use when I do my homework tonight. 1 strategy that I need more help on. Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

14 Other Forms of Exit Cards
Higher Level Thinking We have been learning about ________. Explain your understanding of this issue. What questions do you have about this issue? Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses

15 Negotiating Student Need
Ask Three Before Me… Encourages the learners to seek out three sources of information to a question that challenges them before asking a teacher. Purpose – gathering info Flexible grouping based on responses


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