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Animal tissue Heba Al-Tamimi .

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Presentation on theme: "Animal tissue Heba Al-Tamimi ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal tissue Heba Al-Tamimi 

2 the science deals with study of animal tissues.
Simply groups of similar cells that work together performing the same task Histology: the science deals with study of animal tissues. Cell tissues organs system organism

3 Organs are composed of four basic tissue types:
Epithelial tissues Connective tissues Muscular tissues Nervous tissue

4 Epithelial Tissues There are different types of epithelia, but all share the following common features: Have one free surface Lack blood vessels Have little intercellular spaces And attach to a basement membrane

5 Epithelial Tissue Epithelial tissues either cover body surface (as skin) or line tubular organs (as intestine ) These tissues serve one or more of the following functions Protection Secretion Absorption Sensation reproduction

6 Epithelial Tissues

7 Simple Squamous Epithelium
Squamous Cells Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Alveoli in lung check Cuboid Cells Kidney tubules Thyroid follicles

8 Connective tissues (C.T)
General C.T Loose C.T (Areolar) Dense C.T adipose Special C.T Blood Cartilage (hyaline) Bone (compact)

9 Connective Tissue Characterized by the cells widely separated from each other in a matrix that is produced by the cells. This tissue consist from Cell Matrix (Ground) Liquid (sol), Gel, Gum or solid Fibers Collagen (white fiber) wavy appearance ,bundle shape Elastic yellow fibers) triad like ,branch Cell :depends on the type of connective tissue

10 Loose Connective Tissue (Areolar)
Gel like matrix with both elastic and collagen fibers running though the ground substance in many directions. Cells : fibrocytes Location : mesentery Mesentary: A fold of the peritoneum that attaches the stomach and other organs to the posterior wall of the abdomen

11 Dense Regular Connective Tissue
Tightly packed collagen fibers Matrix : gel-like Cells :fibrocytes Location : tendon Fibrocyte nucleus Collagen

12 Adipose Tissue Function as storage cells for lipids
Adipose cells contain a large vacuole which in the living cell contains lipids. Cell nucleus and cytoplasm are pushed out to edge of cell membrane.(peripheral)

13 Blood Liquid matrix = plasma Cell : No fiber Erythrocytes Lymphocyte
Platelets (small cytoplasmic fragment) No fiber Erythrocyte Monocyte Neutrophil Lymphocyte

14 Cartilage (hyaline) matrix is semisolid.
Cells (Chondrocytes) are found in Lacunae within the matrix. NO Fiber Chondrocyte Matrix

15 Bone (compact ) matrix is Solid due to deposition of Calcium- phosphate salt called hydroxyapatite. Has blood supply and nerves running through the Haversian canal systems to cells (osteocytes) found inside lacunae .

16 Muscle Tissue Skeletal Muscle (Striated, voluntary)
Parallel elongated cells (Muscle fibers) multinucleated and each cell is the length of the muscle.

17 Nervous tissue Nervous tissues are found in brain ,spinal cord ,nerves and reach all organs The tissues consist of: Neurons which are specialized in transmitting information Neuroglia support neural tissue and help supply nutrients to neurons

18 Nervous tissue A neuron consist of :- Cell body Axon Dendrites

19 Nervous tissue

20 Go To Work…

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