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Holocaust Simulation Activity

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1 Holocaust Simulation Activity
NOTHING LEFT Holocaust Simulation Activity


3 What makes my life worth living?

4 What makes you life worth living? Fill your outer circle with:
4 people you love (friends, family, pets, too) 3 activities you enjoy 3 places you like to “hang out” 2 things that you take pride in (religion, ethnicity, etc.) 4 possessions you can’t live without 3 goals/dreams for your future (education, possible jobs, marriage, lifestyle, etc.)

5 Put yourself in their shoes…
For this activity, you will pretend you are a Jewish individual living in Europe during the 1940’s. As an anti-Jewish law is presented, you will cross off any items on your list that would have been affected.

6 Jews were required by law to be in their homes by 8:00 pm.
If anything on your list requires you to be outside your home (even in your yard) past 8:00 pm, cross it off.

7 Jews were banned from public school.
If school, or anything relating to school, is on your list, cross it off.

8 Non-Jews were intimidated from hanging out with Jews
Non-Jews were intimidated from hanging out with Jews. It was illegal for Jews to marry or hang out with non-Jews. If marriage is on your list, cross it off. IfIf friends are on your list, and any of them are not Jewish, cross them off.

9 Jews were required to register as Jews and required to sew yellow stars on their clothing.
If fashion, or clothing, is on your list, cross it off.

10 Jewish synagogues were closed or burnt down.
If religion or church is on your list, cross it off.

11 Jews were not allowed to buy sugar, butter, or meat.
If your favorite meal is on the list, cross it off.

12 Jews were not allowed to shop in non-Jewish public stores/shops.
If you like to hang out at the mall or any public store/shop, cross it off.

13 Jews were prohibited from going to college or obtaining a higher education.
If going to college is on your list, cross it off. If a future plan that requires a college education is on your list, cross it off.

14 Jews were not permitted to own their own businesses—they were taken away from them.
If you want your own business some day, cross it off. If your parents own their own business, cross off one of your possessions, as they would never have been able to buy it for you.

15 Jews were not permitted to have professional jobs—doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, etc.
If you have dreams of being a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or nurse, cross it off. IfIf one or both of your parents has a professional career, cross a possession off of your list.

16 Jews were not permitted to hold civil service jobs—government positions, city jobs (police or fire), etc. If you dream of one of these jobs, cross it off. If one or both of your parents hold a job of this type, cross off a possession; your parent is now unemployed.

17 Jews were stripped of citizenship rights—no voting, enlisting, etc
Jews were stripped of citizenship rights—no voting, enlisting, etc. They did not have the right to a trial by jury. If you dream of being in the army, voting, etc., cross it off your list.

18 Jews were forbidden to take public transit.
If you need to take the bus to go to a place on your list, cross it off.

19 Jews were forced to give up their own transportation vehicles.
If your bike, skateboard, or car is on your list, cross it off.

20 Jews could not go to public entertainment—movies, concerts, etc.
If you have any of these types of entertainments, cross them off.

21 Jews could not go to parks, arenas, swimming pools, or play sports.
Cross them off. If anything on your list requires being at one of these places, cross that activity off.

22 Jews were forbidden to have or use telephones—personal or private
Cross them off.

23 Jews were prohibited from owning or using communication devices.
Cross off radio/mp3 players, tv, video games, computers, etc.

24 Jews were forbidden to stay in hotels, motels, inns, resorts, etc.
If vacation is on your list, cross it off.

25 Jews were banned from pet ownership—they were taken away and often killed.
If your pet is on your list, cross it off.

26 Jews were required to change their names to Jewish names.
If you are a girl, write Sarah and your last name in the upper right hand corner. If you are a boy, write Israel and your last name in the upper right hand corner. If your ethnicity, race, or identity is on your list, cross it off.

27 By 1940…

28 Jews were removed from their homes and moved into ghettos.
If your home, or where you live, is on your list, cross it off.

29 By 1942…

30 Most Jews had been taken to concentration camps:
Immediately, children 12 and under and adults 55 or older were taken away and killed. Cross off younger siblings and grandparents Males and females were separated. Girls, cross off male family members. Boys, cross off female family members. All personal possessions—shoes, clothes, eye glasses, even dental work—were taken away. Cross off any remaining possessions.

31 By 1945…

32 The entire Jewish population in Europe was totally decimated—only 2% of Jews lived.
That means, only 2 of every 100 people, or 1 in every 50 people lived. Look around you. There aren’t even 35 people in this room. Chances are, NONE of us lived.

33 IF you did live… You are completely alone. You are in poor health.
You have no where to go because your home is probably now owned by a German family. What will you do now?

34 Time to reflect… By the end of this activity, ____ was left on my list. Of all the things I lost on my list, _____ was the most difficult to lose. Explain why. Finally, write one thoughtful paragraph on what you’ve learned from this activity, and why it is relevant for young people today to read Anne Frank’s diary and learn about the Holocaust.

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