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Polavaram Irrigation Project

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1 Polavaram Irrigation Project
Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh Water Resources Department Progress During 17th Dec – 23rd Dec ,2018 #29 Visit Of Polavaram Project by Hon’ble Chief Minister dt: 24th Dec.2018

Sno Description Up to 16th Dec’18 Progress during the week % Total end of 23rd Dec’18 Overall Project 62.53% 0.33% 62.86% 1 Head works 51.64% 0.51% 52.15% 1.1 Main Dam Package 50.88% 0.56% 51.44% 1.1. A Excavation (Spillway, Spill Channel, Approach Channel, Pilot Chanel & Left Flank) 83.00% 0.30% 83.30% B Concrete (Spillway, Stilling Basin & spill Channel including Crevices filling) 55.40% 1.10% 56.50% C Radial Gates Fabrication 62.07% 0.41% 62.48% D Diaphragm Wall 100% - E Jet Grouting cut off for Coffer Dams F U/s Coffer Dam 1.86% 1.17% 3.03% 1.2 Connectivity Packages 59.71% 0.10% 59.81% 1.2. Left Connectivities 47.96% 0.09% 48.05% Right Connectivities 72.95% 73.05% 2 Right main canal 90.00% 3 Left main canal 66.43% 0.10 % 66.53% Main Dam Components:- EXCAVATION for Spillway, Spill Channel, Approach Channel, Pilot Channel & Left Flank : lakh cum completed out of total lakh Cum (83.30%). CONCRETING for Spillway, Stilling Basin & Spill Channel : lakh cum (including 1.65 L Cum of crevices filling) completed out of lakh Cum (56.50%) RADIAL GATES fabrication : 11,247 MT completed out of MT (62.48%). DIAPHRAGM WALL concreting : m completed out of m (100%). JET GROUTING CUTOFF’S for Coffer Dams : 3462 m ( as per site condition) completed out of 3467 m ( 100%) U/S COFFER DAM: 2.36 L cum completed out of L cum (3.03%). CONNECTIVITIES : % of work completed. Left Connectivities : 48.05% Completed Right Connectivities : % Completed RIGHT MAIN CANAL : Excavation completed for total length of Km (100%), Lining completed for KM out of Km (90.0%). Structures 203completed out of 255 Nos. LEFT MAIN CANAL : : Excavation completed for Km out of Km (87.56%), Lining completed for KM out of Km (59.86%). Structures 155 Completed out of 453 Nos. Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 2 WRD - GOAP

S No Activity Agency Unit Total Bill Paid Bal Start End Feb -Mar Apr – June July – Sept Oct - Dec Jan – Mar July – Dec 2018 2019 1 Excavation - Spill Channel + Embankment NAVAYUGA L Cum 653 443.83 209.17 Sep-13 Mar-19 Crore 855.47 709.93 145.54 2 Excavation of Pilot Channel 50 11.65 38.35 Dec-16 45.59 10.11 35.48 3 Excavation - Powerhouse Foundation +Embankment 124 84.06 39.94 319.16 148.84 4 Concrete - Spillway 11.95 8.25 3.70 828.8 498.35 330.45 5 Concrete- Stilling Basin+Apron+Divide wall 4.44 2.92 1.52 Feb-17 COST INCLD IN SL NO 4 6 Concrete - Spill Channel + Excavation+ Filter 18.75 4.94 13.81 Apr-18 May-19 820.61 214.57 7 Spill Way Bridge Spans 49 Nov-18 Apr-19 9.99 8 Fill - Protection of Godavari Left Bank 7.4 28.04 9 Spill Channel Bridge TBD Dec-18 Jun-19 46.07 10 Gates – Design & Approval NK Naidu LS 0.9 0.1 Oct-16 11 Excavation – Approach Channel 131 22.62 108.38 114.32 20.67 93.65 12 Fill - Earth Dam GAP - I 15.61 47.42 13 Fill - Earth Dam Gap - III 0.5 1.57 14 Fill - Coffer Dams (U/s & D/s) - Jet Grouting m 3467 2740 727 Dec-17 Oct-18 completed 106.36 78.33 28.03 15 Fill - Rockfill guide Bund on Spillway U/s 12.16 51.56 16 Gates – Fabrication BEKEM MT 18000 11030 6970 Mar-17 456.37 69.03 387.34 17 Gates – Erection, Commissioning & Testing No 48 COST INCLD IN SL NO 16 18 Diaphragm Wall+ Supporting services BAUER L&T M 1427 1396.6 - Jun-18 467.72 399.64 68.08 19 Fill - Coffer Dams (U/s & D/s) 95.62 105.25 20 Fill - ECRF Dam 88.6 Jan-19 Dec-19 422.79 21 Spillway Excavation+ Road + others 711.15 414.09 297.06 Mar-13 TOTAL Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 3

4 PROGRESS - SUMMARY during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
Sl.No. Description Units Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period(17th Dec- 23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress Balance Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % 1 Excavation a. M/s NEC Ltd., L cum 0.79 134.49 13.88 0.24 1.7% 2.30 928.79 83.3% 134.25 b. M/s Thriveni EM Ltd., 4.00 55.14 15.73 2.59 16.5% 12.76 52.55 4.79 189.63 29.61 2.83 9.6% 15.06 186.80 2 Concrete Spillway 11.95 0.12 2.39 0.13 0.10 77% 0.31 9.63 80.6% 2.32 Stilling Basin 4.44 0.05 1.41 0.07 0.03 43% 3.03 68.2% c. Filling of Crevices/Undulations 1.65 - d. Spill Channel 18.75 0.47 12.62 0.58 0.40 69% 1.38 6.48 34.6% 12.27 36.79 0.64 16.42 0.78 0.53 67.9% 1.82 20.79 56.5% 16.00 3 Radial Gates Skin Plates, Arm & horizontal girders, Trunion assembly sets 48 Fabrication Completed 100% Completed Trunion Castings Nos 96 14 82 84% Trunnion Pins 37 59 60% Hydraulic Cylinders To be procured from Germany e. Prestressing arrangements 49 MT 18000 7 6823 70 87 11247 62.48% 6753 4 Diaphragm wall m 1396.6 5 Jet Grouting 3467 3462 6 U/s Coffer Dam 77.81 0.48 76.36 4.41 0.91 21% 1.93 2.36 3.03% 75.45 Left Connectivity Earth work 66.33 0.04 35.87 0.08 0.26 30.53 46.0% 35.8 10.52 3.27 7.25 68.9% 8 Right Connectivity 41.45 0.16 8.86 0.11 32.69 78.9% 8.76 0.06 0.98 41.5% 9. RIGHT MAIN CANAL Lining 18.697 1.609 17.08 91% Structures 10.102 0.778 9.324 92% 10 LEFT MAIN CANAL Lining 14.6 0.02 4.26 0.003 0.063 10.343 71% 4.257 16.11 6.78 0.09 9.35 58% 6.76 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 4

Excavation Status PERCENTAGE COMPLETION Left flank Target Date April,2019 Balance Qty L Cum Total Qty 131 L Cum Total Qty 161 L Cum Balance Qty Nil Target Date Feb’ 2019 Total Qty L Cum Balance Qty L Cum 902 Hill Godavari River U/S Coffer dam D/S Coffer dam ECRF dam Target Date Mar’ 2019 Total Qty 50 L Cum Balance Qty L Cum Approach Channel Spill Channel Pilot Channel Spillway Target Date June’ 2019 Total Qty 124 L Cum Balance Qty L Cum River diversion Target Date Jun’ 2018 Total Qty 163 L Cum Balance Qty 70 L Cum Target Date Mar’ 2019 Total Qty 163 L Cum Balance Qty L Cum Qtty for CC Blocks &Embkt: L cum Component Target completion date 902 Hill Bal Spill ch. App. Ch. Pilot Ch. Left Flank Total Qty Completed Balance L cum 928.79 L Cum 186.80 Legend Completed Critical Non critical Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 5

6 EXCAVATION - Progress during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
S.No. Description Unit Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % a. Spillway L cum 161 161.00 100.0% b. Spill Channel 902 Hill 163 1.42 27.26 9.10 1.35 14.8% 4.55 137.09 84.1% 25.91 486.59 2.71 15.55 5.81 1.05 18.1% 8.73 472.09 97.0% 14.50 Total 649.59 4.13 42.81 14.91 2.40 16.1% 13.28 609.18 93.8% 40.41 c. Left Flank 124 0.41 15.44 1.40 0.40 28.6% 1.23 108.96 87.9% 15.04 d. Pilot Channel L cum  50 0.19 29.96 0.00 0.0% 0.45 20.04 40.1% e. Approach Channel 131 101.42 4.20 0.03 0.7% 0.10 29.61 22.6% 101.39 4.73 189.63 2.83 9.6% 15.06 928.79 83.3% 186.80 1. Navayuga 0.79 134.49 13.88 0.24 1.7% 2.30 134.25 2. Triveni 4.00 55.14 15.73 2.59 16.5% 12.76 52.55 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 6

7 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh
EARTH WORK PROGRAMME/PROGRESS Revised by M/s NEC Ltd on SPILL CHANNEL PILOT CHANNEL In L.cum APPROACH CHANNEL LEFT FLANK Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 7

Revised dt. 23rd Dec 2018 Item Bal Qty. in L cum 2017 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr- 18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 in L cum/day Spill Channel 902 Hill (Rock) 25.91 Qty. Executed so far L Cum 0.30 0.26 0.27 Balance- soil 14.50 Qty. Executed so far L Cum   0.40 0.20 0.19 Left Flank 15.04 Qty. Executed so far L Cum   0.07 0.08 Pilot Channel 29.96 Qty. Executed so far L Cum   0.31 Approach Channel 101.39 Qty. Executed so far L Cum   0.80 0.82 0.85 TOTAL 186.80 Qty. Executed so far (including spillway)   L Cum 1.27 1.64 1.65 1.51 0.93 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 8

9 CONCRETE - Progress during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
Sl. No. Description Unit Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % a. Spillway L cum 11.95 0.12 2.39 0.13 0.10 77% 0.31 9.63 80.6% 2.32 b. Stilling Basin 4.44 0.05 1.41 0.07 0.03 43% 3.03 68.2% c. Filling of Crevices/Undulations 1.65 - d. Spill Channel 18.75 0.47 12.62 0.58 0.40 69% 1.38 6.48 34.6% 12.27 Total 36.79 0.56 16.42 0.78 0.53 67.9% 1.82 20.79 56.5% 16.00 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 9

10 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh
Physical Status of Spill Way ,Stilling Basin & Spill Channel Concrete Description Total No of Blocks Tackled below RL Above RL Crest Level and Above Trunnion Level RL To be tackled Blocks to be Tackled Spill way Blocks 53 49 3 31 14 1 4 Block Nos. 0,50,51 & 52 Description Total No of Panels Completed In progress To be Tackled 2 to 18 Blocks 19 to 34 Blocks 35 to 50 Blocks Total Finished Balance Stilling Basin 245 177 53 15 85 61 24 80 56 60 20 Description Component Total No. of Blocks Total Qty. (L.Cu.m) Completed Blocks Executed Qty.(L.Cu.m) Balance Blocks Balance Qty.(L.Cu.m) Spill Channel CC Blocks 18750 18.75 6479 Nos 6.48 12271 12.27 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 10 Rock Portion Pilot Channel Spill way Spill Channel BRIDGE Rock Portion 902 hill

Description unit SPILL WAY SPILL CHANNEL TOTAL PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK cum 20321 57582 77903 PROGRESS FOR THE WEEK 13142 40000 53142 Month progress Unit SPILLWAY SPILL CHANNEL TOTAL Dec-18 cum 44305 138000 182305 Nov-18 65416 187300 252716 Oct-18 108767 94800 203567 Sep-18 98748 55700 154448 Aug-18 86666 25100 111766 Jul-18 94547 42700 137247 Jun-18 91769 67100 158869 May-18 94421 35300 129721 Apr-18 120660 1900 122560 Mar-18 91761 - Feb-18 40150 Jan-18 25500 Dec-17 55685 Nov-17 44651 Oct-17 57156 Sep-17 60950 Aug-17 64559 Jul-17 78860 Jun-17 33529 May-17 30063 Apr-17 19754 Mar-17 17832 Feb-17 3118 Jan-17 2076 Dec-16 90 Total 647900 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 11

12 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh
REVISED SPILLWAY CONCRETE PROGRAMME/PROGRESS Proposed by NEC on Spillway Total = L cum Executed = L cum Balance = L cum REVISED SPILL CHANNEL CONCRETE PROGRAMME/PROGRESS Spill Channel Total = L cum Executed = L cum Balance = L cum Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 12

13 COFFER DAMS -Progress during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
Sl. No. Description Unit Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % 1. Upstream Coffer Dam a Earth work excavation L .cum 10.20 0.3 9.05 1.47 0.33 22% 1.1 1.48 14.5% 8.72 b Hearting Soils 6.43 0.01 6.3 0.7 0.02 3% 0.13 0.15 2.3% 6.28 c Fine Filter 4.99 - 0.56 0.31 4.68 d Coarse Filters 10.48 10.35 0.21 0.16 76% 0.28 0.29 2.8% 10.19 e Rock fill 42.17 0.04 42.13 0.09 6% 0.11 0.3% 42.04 f Rip Rap 3.54 77.81 0.48 76.36 4.41 0.91 21% 1.93 2.36 3.03% 75.45 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 13

14 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 14
CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULING FOR THE WORK OF ECRF DAM AND COFFER DAMS S.NO Task Name Duration Start Finish Critical 2018 2019 Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb SCHEDULE FOR ECRF Dam & COFFER DAMS 670 days Mar-18 Dec-19 Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 U/s & D/s Cofferdam 365 days Mar-19 No i Submission of Design and drawings 150 days Aug-18 Dec-18 5 Months ii Approval of Design & drawings by CWC 180 days Jan-19 6 Months iii Formation of D/s Cutoff ( in river portion) 183 days Nov-18 Oct-18 completed iv Formation of U/s Cutoff 121 days Jun-18 v Formation of U/s Cofferdam 210 days May-19 7 Months vi Formation of D/s Cofferdam 5 months Gap-II ( ECRF Dam) 60 days 2 months 61 days Feb-19 a. Diaphgram wall ( Balance work) 91 days May-18 b. Vibro Compaction 3 months c. Vibro stone column 119 days d. Formation of hearting & rock fill embankment 364 days 12 months VII e. Finishing works Sep-19 4 months Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 14

15 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh
RADIAL GATES –SPECIFICATIONS Details Specifications 1. Number of Radial Gates 48 nos 2. Size of Gate 16 x 20 m 3. Type of Hoist Hydraulic Hoist system 4. Type of Anchorage Pre-stressed Cable anchorage 5. Sill level of Gate m 6. Gate operating speed 0.5 m/minute (hoist speed) 0.6 m/minute (lowering speed) 7. Level of C/L of Trunion m Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 15

16 RADIAL GATES - Progress during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
Elevation: M S.No. Description Units Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % 1 Skin plate assemblies Sets 48 100% - 2 Horizontal girders Nos 192 3 Arms girders 384 4 Brackets (48 L + 48 R) 96 5 Trunnion Pins 37 59 61% 6 Side guide assemblies Steel Procurement in the process of Fabrication 7 Seal assembly with SS bolts 8 Horizontal girder bracings 9 Trunnion (48 L + 48 R) 14 83 86% 13 10 Self lubricating Bushes 11 Sub Assemblies : 48L + 48R Arm assembly with trunnion 26 70 73% Bush fitting with Trunnion 23 73 76% Trunnion with bush pin & bracket assembly 82 15% 12 End Bracings for Arm Girder a)Top b)Middle c)Bottom Sand Blasting & Painting primary coat for Arm girders 0.5% 382 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh 16 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh

17 Progress - Hydraulic Hoist
Elevation: M S.No. Description Units Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % 1 Receipt of hydraulic cylinders from Germany Nos 96 - Progress – Prestressed Anchorage System Elevation: M S.No. Description Units Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % 1 Bearing Plates & Trumpets Nos 1344 20 1296 8 100% 36 56 4.16% 1288 2 Cable ducts Progress - River Sluice Gates Elevation: M S.No Description Units Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % 1 Bell mouth - Bottom Liners Sets 10 - 100% 2 Side Liners and Top Liners sets 3 Gate leaf 4 Hydraulic hoist Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 17

Item Total No. of Designs involved Approved by CWC DESIGNS at CWC WRD Agency SPILLWAY / SPILL CHANNEL 23 15 5 1 2 ECRF & EARTH DAMS 8 3 - GATES 14 9 TOTAL 45 27 10 7 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 18

S.No Component Designs at Schedule for approval of Designs from CWC CWC WRD Agency Total December January’19 onwards 1 Spillway & Spill Channel 5 2 8 3 ECRF & Earth Dam - Gates 10 7 18 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh 19 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh

20 CONNECTIVITIES-Progress during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
Sl. No. Description Units Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % Right Connectivities 1 Package 62 Earth work Cum 804510 88150 716360 89.00% Embankment 15500 253930 7500 10000 133% 25500 915270 78.96% 243930 Concreting 96002 6 10999 203 4 2% 10 85007 88.55% 10995 Gates Fabrication Sqm 979.26 477 502.26 51.30% 2 Package 63 648000 218600 429400 66.30% 65500 4700 0.00% Bunds 367700 260440 3750 500 13% 107760 29.31% 259940 Filter Media cum 55554 41845 85 13794 24.83% 41760 3 Package 64 23200 580 0% 97.91% 74360 61352 1540 130 8% 13138 17.67% 61222 Left Connectivities Package 65 991127 28.29% 176517 Steel MT 25.541 Gates 691.26 Package 66 233064 1478 1300 88.0% 771850 76.91% 231764 Banking 4050 841567 6023 5300 24500 60.66% 836267 55041 Lining Rmt 550 Package 67 Earth Work Concrete 741437 79437 662000 89.29% Lining Concrete 79021 16102 62919 79.62% Gates in Sq m 1052 425 627 59.60% Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh 20 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh

21 LEFT & RIGHT MAIN CANALS - Progress during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
Sl. No. Description Units Total Quantity Previous Week Balance as on 17th Dec Period (17th Dec –23rd Dec) This Month progress ( Dec) Cumulative Progress as on 23rd Dec Target Achieved % Achieved Physical % RIGHT MAIN CANAL 1 Earthwork L cum 1185 - 99.85% completed 2 Lining 18.7 1.609 17.088 91% 3 Structures 10.1 0.778 9.324 92% LEFT MAIN CANAL 1082 91.29 0.16 0.07 0.13 990.98 91.22 14.6 0.02 4.26 0.003 100% 0.063 10.343 71% 4.257 16.11 6.78 0.09 9.35 58% 6.76 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh 21 Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh

22 LA and R&R Status (Works, Submergence, Land to Land and R&R Colonies)
Revised dt. 21 Oct 2018 LA and R&R Status (Works, Submergence, Land to Land and R&R Colonies) For EL m (FRL) COMPONENT TOTAL Involved COMPLETED BALANCE Physical Financial (Rs. In Crs) Financial (Rs. In Crs) W.G District LA (in Acres) 1.41 R& R (in PDF's) 34672 2584 857.21 32088 TOTAL E.G District 699.78 70929 1338 255.33 69591 955.11 Vishakhapatnam 84.15 72.93 36.51 11.22 Krishna 666.37 192.89 Grand Total 1,05,601 3,922 1,01,679 30,593.70 6,037.76 24,560.50 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 22

23 LA and R&R Status (L.A, Submergence, Land to Land and Housing)
For EL m Revised dt. 21 Oct 2018 COMPONENT TOTAL Involved COMPLETED BALANCE Physical Financial (Rs. In Crs) Financial (Rs. In Crs) W.G District LA (in Acres) R& R (in PDF's) 12466 2584 857.21 9882 TOTAL E.G District 590.47 533.83 29.99 13.52 5652 993.47 1338 255.33 4314 766.12 789.16 843.90 Vishakhapatnam 84.15 80.13 36.51 4.02 Krishna 666.37 Grand Total 66.50 60.66 18,118 3,524.85 3,922 14,196 2,412.31 7,518.38 5,024.27 2,472.97 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 23

24 Quality Control tests Conducted during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
Sno Component Name of the Test No. of Tests to be Conducted as per BIS Code No. of Tests Conducted during the period Remarks Any Specific steps taken for correction / ratification in case of deficiency A SPILLWAY 1 Tests on Cement Fineness 6 All the tests conducted during this week satisfied the standards. ---- Consistency tests IST and FST Compressive Strength 5 2 Tests on Fine Aggregate Fineness Modulus 7 Silt Content 3 Tests on Coarse Aggregate Gradation 21 Crushing value Flakiness & Elongation Los Angles Abrasion Value 12 Aggregate Impact Value 4 Tests on Steel Tensile strength - Yield Sterength Elongation Concrete Cubes ( Spillway) 298 Concrete Cubes ( Spill channel) 1820 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 24

25 Quality Control tests Conducted during 17th Dec – 23rd Dec’18
Sno Component Name of the Test No. of Tests to be Conducted as per BIS Code No. of Tests Conducted during the period Remarks Any Specific steps taken for correction / ratification in case of deficiency B Coffer Dams 1 Embankment- Hearting Zone Liquid Limit - All the tests conducted during this week satisfied the standards. --- Plastic Limit OMC & MDD 2 Proctor Density Test ( at site) 134 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh 25

26 Revised estimate – Comparative Statement: Expenditure & Reimbursement
Sl. no. Description Cost as per price level Cost as per price level 1 LA and R&R 2,934.42 33,225.74 2 Head works 6,600.56 11,388.37 3 Right main canal 2,135.08 4,476.96 4 Left main canal 1,471.99 4,644.13 5 Power house 2,868.40 4,205.66 Total 16,010.45 57,940.86 Rs. in Crores Reimbursement Details Rs. in Crores Total Expenditure incurred up to 15,363.79 Expenditure incurred after declaration as National Project up to 10,227.92 Amount Reimbursed to the Government of Andhra Pradesh by PPA 6,727.26 Amount to be Reimbursed Item Name BILLS SUBMITTED TO PPA BILLS TO BE SUBMITTED TO PPA (up to ) No. of bills Amount in Cr Amount in Cr Works, Buildings and WC Estt 534   198 0.00 46 273.22 LA and R&R 564 140 171.25 11 41.21 226 277.28 MH800 Estt 300 4192 59.67 - TOTAL 1398 4530 272 550.50 Availability of irrigation Component S.NO ITEM RS. IN CRORES 1 Irrigation component at price level 12,294.4 2 Expenditure prior to declaration as National Project as per GoI (MoWR) cabinet note 5,135.87 3 Balance liability of Irrigation Component after declaration of National Project as on (Rs ) 7,158.53 4 Total amount reimbursed by GOI after the project is declared as National Project 6,727.26 5 Balance availability of Irrigation Component for reimbursement 431.27 Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh WRD - GOAP

27 Information, Education & Communication
Awareness Programme for Farmers and Students on visit to Polavaram Irrigation Project S.No. District Visitors from 23rd Apr. to 16th Dec,18 17-Dec 18-Dec 19-Dec 20-Dec 21-Dec 22-Dec 23-Dec This week's Total Visitors GRAND TOTAL 1 Amaravathi 576 2 Anantapur 5990 3 Chittoor 5045 6 5051 4 East Godavari 13897 24 216 170 66 160 636 14533 5 Guntur 65503 8 9 488 253 758 66261 Kadapa 3834 7 Krishna 205919 1219 2917 3400 7545 213464 Kurnool 3413 Nellore 1593 10 Prakasam 10976 176 270 163 220 829 11805 11 Srikakulam 3060 12 Vishakhapatnam 6157 346 113 210 669 6826 13 Vizianagaram 2748 14 West Godavari 37998 1355 1540 1509 1046 230 5680 43678 15 Others ( Self visitors & Students etc) 12883 177 204 13087  Total 379592 1581 2381 3563 4582 4220 16327 395919 * Total No. of days : 245 days Water Resources Dept., Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Polavaram Irrigation Project - Lifeline of Andhra Pradesh


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