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Presentation on theme: "SET UP UNDER DIRECTIVE 2002/49/EC"— Presentation transcript:

NOISE EXPERT GROUP SET UP UNDER DIRECTIVE 2002/49/EC DG Environment, Brussels, Belgium

2 Agenda 23 February 13:00-18:00 Welcome, introduction and presentation
Tour de table to identify the issues to be considered for guidance (all) Tour de table on the needs from the Member States concerning the guidance for specific components of the Annex II (e.g.: on quality framework, on input values, on population attribution and on software requirements). 15:45-16:00 coffee break Prioritisation of the issues to be addressed. 24 February 9:30-13:30 Discussion on contributions of the Member States. 11:00-11:15 coffee break AOB

3 Objective of the meeting:
Scope Implementation of the new Annex II – Creation of a platform to discuss common questions and propose solutions Objective of the meeting: Identify major issues in the implementation of the new Annex II Prioritise them Identify: ready solutions ongoing work tackling such issues further work needed and timescale Propose contributions from Member States

4 The Commission Directive 2015/996
Date of entry into force: 31/12/2018 Structure: Quality framework Accuracy of input values Use of default values Quality of the software used for the calculations Road traffic noise Source description Sound power emission Railway noise Industrial noise Calculation of noise propagation for road, railway, industrial sources General provisions — Aircraft noise (+ad-hoc quality framework) Assigning noise levels and population to buildings Input data Measurement methods Appendixes (A-E aircraft, F road, G railway, H industrial, I aircraft)

5 What has been made available
The Commission Directive The new Annex II The Appendixes to Annex II Open source code for propagation Open source code for input data (databases) Methodologies to convert existing national databases On-line guidelines (JRC website) Annex II Version A

6 Methodologies to convert existing national databases
Existing databases can be converted from existing national databases (e.g.: NMPB, CRTN, RLS90, SRMII, Nord 2000) and new ( ) measurements within the HARMONOISE and IMAGINE projects.

7 Databases Databases were developed in cooperation with technical experts of Member States Databases are embedded in an open source code that can be used by software to directly upload the data A set of technical documents is available on CIRCA to explain how to convert existing databases into the CNOSSOS-EU For the most widely used methods in the EU, conversion tables are provided, thus there is the possibility for a direct conversion of existing noise mapping models

8 Guidelines

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