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Statistics Sweden Sida funded projects in the Western Balkans

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1 Statistics Sweden Sida funded projects in the Western Balkans
Fredrik Bood Project Manager International Cooperation Office

2 How we work Long-term institutional cooperation.
The means are missions, workshops and training courses by short-term experts. Key for success is having resident Long-term Advisors. We work on commission with funding primarily from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

3 Sida and Statistics Sweden
Sida has a framework agreement with Statistics Sweden. Sida provides funds for us for technical support to capacity building.

4 Beneficiary countries
Bilateral projects Albania (2018 – 2020) Kosovo (2018 – 2020) Macedonia? New Regional project (2018 – 2020) Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia Montenegro Serbia

5 Regional project New project phase 2018 – 2020.
The project will be managed from Stockholm with a liaison officer placed in the region. The Regional Statistics Committe will remain but entrusted more responsibility. Three components: Administrative registers Survey methodology Summer School

6 Regional objectives The beneficiaries are able to produce statistics more efficiently by using administrative data, with retained or improved quality. The NSIs are jointly able to supply each other with training and support, in line with EU standards. The Summer School is institutionalised and fully owned by the NSIs in the region.

7 Added value of the Regional project
Sharing of experiences between NSIs with common problems and similar context. More developed NSIs support less developed NSIs by providing local experts for workshops and training courses. Engaging NSIs in the implemention is key to sustainability. Cost efficient.

8 Albania New project phase 2018 – 2020. Three components Management
Statistical methodology IT

9 Albania – objectives Ability to better plan, organize and prioritize work by involving staff in planning, decision-making and monitoring. Learning organization. Capacity to produce, improve and develop statistics independently according to EU standards. Capacity to combine different data sources (administrative and survey) for producing statistics and a system for confidentiality. Capacity to maintain servers and back-up systems and to develop standards for communication.

10 Kosovo New project phase 2018 – 2020.
Jointly funded by Sida and EU with Statistics Sweden as implementing agency. Overall objective To facilitate the approximation with the EU acquis by enhancing capacities of the Kosovo administration for an efficient use of financial assistance including strengthening of the statistical system

11 The rest of the world Ongoing projects: Georgia Cambodia Kenya Mali
Somalia Guatemala Underway: Bangladesh Africa Regional

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