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Westfield State University

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1 Westfield State University
Primer Presentation Fall 2018

2 Agenda Introductions Major Project Criteria Goals
Stakeholders and their roles Schedule Process Next Steps Questions and Answers

3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Higher Education - Major Project Criteria
• Invest in repairing, renovating, demolishing or replacing current facilities - Maximize use and functionality of existing spaces, deferred maintenance, etc. • Develop more flexible and innovative program delivery models - Include on line or hybrid learning while improving student access and outcomes • Align investments to the priorities of the Workforce Skills Cabinet - Connect workforce data with graduates and how project will close gap • Expand and deepen programmatic collaborations - Between and among other academic institutions and public/private partners

4 Project Goals • Use of all-inclusive planning process involving stakeholders • Renovate Parenzo Hall to address Educational/ Instructional needs, BBuilding Codes and Safety Issues, Accessibility and provide enhanced r resiliency; • Provide space for Student Success Center and Center for Innovation I in Education & Industry Partnerships; • Modernize Dever Auditorium to provide accessibility, air c conditioning and updated facilities; • Provide leading edge technology classrooms; • Accommodate departments from Mod Hall into Parenzo Hall.

5 External Stakeholders Academic and Admin Units ARCHITECT/ CONSULTANTS
WSU Working Groups PARENZO HALL Cabinet DCAMM ARCHITECT/ CONSULTANTS New Departments Trustees

6 Project Schedule (Draft)
Process/Phases Description Duration Utilization Study Gather and Analyze space needs for each department 4 months DSB Ad/Selection Architect and Consultants selection 3 months Study/Schematic Design Existing conditions verification and Preliminary Design Solution 10 months Design Final Construction Documents and Cost Estimate 9 months Construction Executing Design Solution/ Renovation 30 months

7 Project Process WSU reviews information, options and cost
PRE-SCOPING PROCURE ARCHITECT STUDY/ SCHEMATIC DESIGN DESIGN CONSTRUCTION WSU reviews proposals WSU reviews design and construction documents Ongoing coordination with WSU UTILIZATION/ SPACE ANALYSIS STUDY WSU provides data and information

8 Utilization/ Space Analysis Process
Kickoff Space Allocation Concepts & 2nd Draft Program WSU & DCAMM Review Primer & Data Collection / Unit Interviews WSU & DCAMM Review Study Documentation Next Steps Space Needs Assessment for Parenzo & Mod Halls, Student Success Center and Center for Innovation 1ST Draft Program Dober Lidsky Mathey and OPN Architects

9 Utilization/ Space Analysis Process Steps by Step
Step 1: Convening of Project Groups Project Working Groups: - Student Success Center Group - Center for Innovations Group - Academic Department Group - Parenzo Working Group President's Cabinet Step 2: Articulation of Working Assumptions Schedule Planning Horizon Current & Projected Faculty, Staff, Students Community Partners 2 1 Articulation Selection Dober Lidsky Mathey and OPN Architects

10 Utilization/ Space Analysis Process Steps by Step
Step 3: Review Goals Mission Program Design Goals Teaching Methodologies Special Activities/Functions Community Engagement Step 4: Analysis of Existing Facilities Update Space Inventory Analyze Amount of Space and Utilization Conditions/Site Issues Assessment of how well facilities support Existing and planned user activities 4 3 Analysis 2 Review 1 Articulation Selection Dober Lidsky Mathey and OPN Architects

11 Utilization/ Space Analysis Process Steps by Step
Step 5: Description of Needs Preliminary List of Space Needs/ Draft Programs Step 6: Options Proposed Options Choose Best Option Step 7: Refine Program and Allocation Concept Refine list using: informative standards; reflecting peer data; adjusting to anticipated financial resources Step 8: Approval to Proceed Working Groups President's Cabinet DCAMM 8 7 Approval 6 Refine 5 Options 4 Needs 3 Analysis 2 Review 1 Articulation Dober Lidsky Mathey and OPN Architects Selection

12 Utilization/ Space Analysis Process Summary
Data Collection and Interviews (1-2 weeks) Space Needs Assessment and Benchmarking (4-6 weeks) Space Allocation Concepts and Scenarios (4 weeks) Utilization Study Documentation (6 weeks) Information will then be shared with the Architect to incorporate in building layouts.

13 Westfield State Working Groups
Parenzo Working Group – Campus representative group working with Architect, DCAMM project manager to resolve operational and tactical project planning issues. Three academic project working groups will have representation on this group. Chaired by Project Architect. Student Success Working Group – Identify best practices in student success planning, how technology can be effectively used, and recommend optimal space needs. Chaired by Dr. Celeste Donovan. Center for Innovation in Education and Industry Partnerships Working Group – Outreach to campus and external constituents to prioritize programming needs; define technological framework; develop operational plan to support vision. Co-Chaired by Dean Tom Raffensperger and Dean Juline Mills. Academic Departments Working Group – Academic departments in Parenzo and Mod Hall; develop classrooms of the future and impact of new pedagogies while embracing technology to advance education; focus on office, classroom and lab space. Chaired by Dr. Emily Todd.

14 • Convene Working Groups
• Interviews and Data Collection


16 Westfield State University
Primer Presentation Fall 2018

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