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Scientific Inquiry and Analysis

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1 Scientific Inquiry and Analysis
Mrs. Prinzo

2 Mrs. Prinzo’s Education
I went to Catholic grammar and high school in NJ I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Montclair State University Major – biology Minor – chemistry I received a full scholarship to UMDNJ Dental School I received my Master of Arts degree in biology from William Paterson University Specialty in Biotechnology I received my teaching credentials at Caldwell College

3 Mrs. Prinzo’s – Work Experience
Hoffmann-La Roche (17 years) Basic Research – Oncology RAS oncogene project Development – Biotechnology Interferon Manufacturing – Biopharmaceuticals Pegylated Interferon Daclizumab

4 Mrs. Prinzo – Work Experience
Wyeth (Pfizer) Pharmaceuticals (2 years) Vaccines department Prevnar pneumonia vaccine for children Manufactured bacterial polysaccharides to stimulate children’s immune system

5 SIA Course Syllabus Course Description:
An interdisciplinary course designed to develop your independent and critical thinking skills while fostering your intrinsic curiosity of science You will develop skills and learn to use tools to help you achieve success in future science courses at AAHS

6 SIA Course Syllabus You will be studying the scientific method, statistics, probability, physics, chemistry, etc Emphasis will be placed on cooperative group learning and problem solving You will collect, analyze and report scientific data The final exam for this course will be a scientific research project – you will design and conduct an experiment, then analyze and present the results to an audience

7 SIA Course Syllabus Cooperative learning activities will include: Labs
Case studies Presentations Debates Projects

8 SIA Course Syllabus Items Needed:
Binder or Folder – with loose-leaf paper Notebook for taking lecture notes Chromebooks – not for note-taking! Pens/pencils/highlighters

9 SIA Course Syllabus Grading: *Tests/Quizzes - 100 point scale
*Laboratories/Web- quests – 10 point scale *Projects – 10 point scale *Class Participation – can mean the difference between an A or a B

10 Class Policies Come to class on time!!! Be in your assigned seat and prepared to work when the bell rings. Pay Attention!!! Follow directions the first time given.. Abstain from eating, drinking, chewing and grooming in the lab area of classroom!!! Respect the rights and property of others!!! Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up!!! No Cheating!!! Any interaction during a test will be assumed to be cheating. Your test will be taken away and you will be given a zero. Plagiarism is cheating too. When doing research, always reference your sources.

11 Class Procedures Every day, bring with you to class
your binder/folder with all class handouts your class notebook a pen and pencil When you arrive in class, please read the instructions on the board. Then you will know what activities are planned and what your responsibility is. Hand in all homework in class, the day it is due. Be sure your name is on it so that you receive credit. We will end each class with the “Murkiest Point”. Most days we will begin by reviewing the murkiest points from the previous class.

12 Class Procedures If you have a question during a lecture, please raise your hand. This is the polite way to ask a question. When I am presenting a lesson, please do not talk. It is extremely rude to talk when the teacher is teaching. No chromebooks are allowed to be open during the lecture part of class – take notes on paper! Cell phone policy Every day please place your phone in the appropriately numbered slot on the phone holder.

13 Class Procedures If we have a fire drill or building evacuation, stay with your class and teacher. Then I will know you are safe. If you are with a teacher or administrator, have them write you a note if you will be late for class. Then you will be excused for being late. After a lab or activity, you must clean up after yourself and your group. Points will be deducted if you leave a mess for me to clean up!!!

14 Class Procedures I will start off by treating you as young adults.
I expect that you act maturely, do your work on time, and try your best. If I see that is not happening, I will have to treat you differently. You will be doing a lot of work in cooperative groups and you must contribute to your group I will be able to determine if someone is not contributing and their grade will be lowered.

15 Class Procedures I will be presenting PowerPoint lectures for each unit and assigning activities/labs: You need to bring your notebook to class with you every day We will then go over any questions on the homework before moving on to the next topic in class. You will be performing some type of activity in your groups to reinforce your learning.

16 Things I Believe Science is the most interesting subject!
Learning can be fun! You learn better when you do something! Work hard, play hard! Fun Science

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